اتأكد من ان المدينة اللي بتنزل فيها الكراكتر مفتوحة ..
تاني حاجة اتأكد من الايتم اللي بتنزل مع الشخصية ..ممكن يكون ايتم هو سبب الكراش ..
حل اخر..
حضرتك ممكن تستخدم الكويري دى ..
دى عبارة عن بروسيدور AddNewChar مكان اللي عندك
كود PHP:
USE [SRO_VT_SHARD] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[_AddNewChar] Script Date: 26/06/2017 06:00:18 م ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
INSERT INTO _CharSkillMastery (CharID, MasteryID, Level) SELECT @NewCharID, MasteryID, 0 FROM _RefCharDefault_SkillMastery with(nolock) WHERE Race = @country or Race = 3 IF (@@error <> 0) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN -15 END INSERT INTO _CharSkill (CharID,SkillID,Enable) SELECT @NewCharID, SkillID, 1 FROM _RefCharDefault_Skill with(nolock) WHERE Race = @country or Race = 3 IF (@@error <> 0) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN -16 END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ±âآ؛» أ„ù½آ؛أ†® ³أ–¾îأپأ–±â ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO _CharQuest (CharID, QuestID, Status, AchievementCount, StartTime, EndTime, QuestData1, QuestData2) SELECT @NewCharID, ID, 1, 0, getdate(), getdate(), 0, 0 FROM _RefQuest WHERE CodeName in (SELECT CodeName FROM _RefCharDefault_Quest with(nolock) WHERE (Race = @country or Race = 3) and RequiredLevel = 1 and Service = 1) IF (@@error <> 0) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN -17 END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Static Avatar Initial Record ³أ–±â ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO _StaticAvatar(CharID) values(@NewCharID) IF (@@ERROR <> 0) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN -18 END
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trijob أƒ¤آ؟أ¶³أ–±â!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO _CharTrijob VALUES (@NewCharID, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) IF (@@ERROR <> 0) BEGIN -- أ€أژآ؛¥أ…أ¤¸® »أ½¼آ؛ ½أ‡أ†أگ! ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN -19 END
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CharListآ؟آ، ID ³أ–¾îأپأ–±â ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT _CharNameList VALUES(@CharName, @NewCharID)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ™Ozoo-Eboda™
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
اتأكد من ان المدينة اللي بتنزل فيها الكراكتر مفتوحة ..
تاني حاجة اتأكد من الايتم اللي بتنزل مع الشخصية ..ممكن يكون ايتم هو سبب الكراش ..
حل اخر..
حضرتك ممكن تستخدم الكويري دى ..
دى عبارة عن بروسيدور AddNewChar مكان اللي عندك
كود PHP:
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[_AddNewChar] Script Date: 26/06/2017 06:00:18 م ******/
INSERT INTO _CharSkillMastery (CharID, MasteryID, Level)
SELECT @NewCharID, MasteryID, 0
FROM _RefCharDefault_SkillMastery with(nolock)
WHERE Race = @country or Race = 3
IF (@@error <> 0)
INSERT INTO _CharSkill (CharID,SkillID,Enable)
SELECT @NewCharID, SkillID, 1
FROM _RefCharDefault_Skill with(nolock)
WHERE Race = @country or Race = 3
IF (@@error <> 0)
-- ±âآ؛» أ„ù½آ؛أ†® ³أ–¾îأپأ–±â
INSERT INTO _CharQuest (CharID, QuestID, Status, AchievementCount, StartTime, EndTime, QuestData1, QuestData2)
SELECT @NewCharID, ID, 1, 0, getdate(), getdate(), 0, 0
FROM _RefQuest
WHERE CodeName in (SELECT CodeName FROM _RefCharDefault_Quest with(nolock) WHERE (Race = @country or Race = 3) and RequiredLevel = 1 and Service = 1)
IF (@@error <> 0)
-- Static Avatar Initial Record ³أ–±â
INSERT INTO _StaticAvatar(CharID) values(@NewCharID)
IF (@@ERROR <> 0)
-- Trijob أƒ¤آ؟أ¶³أ–±â!!!!!
INSERT INTO _CharTrijob VALUES (@NewCharID, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
IF (@@ERROR <> 0)
-- أ€أژآ؛¥أ…أ¤¸® »أ½¼آ؛ ½أ‡أ†أگ!
-- CharListآ؟آ، ID ³أ–¾îأپأ–±â
INSERT _CharNameList VALUES(@CharName, @NewCharID)
-- Quick Slot أپ¤آ؛¸ أ€أ؛أ€أ¥آ؟ë!!!
exec _AddNewClientConfig @NewCharID -- by novice...... for saving client configurations...
و اتأكد انك ضايف الداتا الخاصه بالسيرفر مع ملفات تشغيل السيرفر ...بالتوفيق
شكرا لردك ال بينزل مع الاكونت حجات عاديه مستحيل تجيب كراش او مش تكون موجوده في السيرفر
والمدينه مفتوح انا اصلا نقلت كل الاكونتات لجنجان
والداتا انا ضيفها في ملفات السيرفر
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة tarekelpop1
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
شكرا لردك ال بينزل مع الاكونت حجات عاديه مستحيل تجيب كراش او مش تكون موجوده في السيرفر
والمدينه مفتوح انا اصلا نقلت كل الاكونتات لجنجان
والداتا انا ضيفها في ملفات السيرفر
المشكلة في البروسيدر بتاع الـ AddLogChar مش في الـ AddNewchar
أتفضل أستخدم الكويري ده و إن شاء الله تشتغل تمام
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[_AddLogChar] Script Date: 27/6/2017 10:00:10 AM ******/
ALTER procedure [dbo].[_AddLogChar]
@CharID int,
@EventID tinyint,
@Data1 int,
@Data2 int,
@strPos varchar(64),
@Desc varchar(128)
declare @len_pos int
declare @len_desc int
set @len_pos = len(@strPos)
set @len_desc = len(@Desc)
if (@len_pos > 0 and @len_desc > 0)
insert _LogEventChar values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @strPos, @Desc)
else if (@len_pos > 0 and @len_desc = 0)
insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, EventPos) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @strPos)
else if (@len_pos = 0 and @len_desc > 0)
insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, strDesc) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @Desc)
insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2)
USE [rivallog] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[_AddLogChar] Script Date: 6/27/2017 12:05:15 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
/*Online*/ IF ( @EventID = 4 OR @EventID = 6 ) BEGIN EXEC exigo..Onlineoffline @CharID, @EventID END DECLARE @ServiceLms INT=(SELECT service FROM exigo..controls WHERE eventname = 'LMS') /*LMS*/ IF ( @EventID = 20 AND @strPos LIKE '%%' AND @ServiceLms = 1 ) BEGIN DECLARE @NameLms NVARCHAR(50) = (SELECT charname16 FROM rivalshd.._char WHERE charid = @CharID)
INSERT INTO Exigo..Killed (CharName) VALUES (@NameLms) END --------UNIQ_SURVIVAL*~*--------- DECLARE @SUR int = (select latestregion from rivalshd.._Char where CharID = @CharID), @S int = (select service from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_survival_service) IF @S = 1 and @SUR = 25792 BEGIN DECLARE @KillerName VARCHAR(max), @KillerID INT, @KilledName varchar(Max), @StartPos TINYINT Select @KilledName = (select Charname16 from rivalshd.._Char where CharID = @CharID) SELECT @StartPos = (SELECT CHARINDEX('(',@desc)) + 1 SELECT @KillerName = (SELECT SUBSTRING(@Desc, @StartPos, CHARINDEX(')', @Desc, @StartPos) - @StartPos)) SELECT @KillerID = (SELECT CharID FROM rivalshd.._Char WHERE CharName16 = @KillerName) update SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Remain set Rem = (select count(*) from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered) begin DECLARE @Now DateTime = GETDATE(), @WIN_UNIQ_NAME varchar(255) = (select Charname from LEGENDKNIGHT_2015.dbo._Uniques where MonsterCodeName like 'MOB_FW_HYEONGCHEON_100') END end If @EventID = 6 and exists (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered where charid = @CharID) and @CharID not in (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_survival_niggas) begin delete from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered where charid = @CharID end If not exists (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered where charid = @CharID) and @s = 1 and Not exists (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_survival_niggas where CharID = @CharID) begin DECLARE @Zo INT = (SELECT LATESTREGION FROM rivalshd.._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID), @chariz varchar(max) = (Select charname16 from rivalshd.._Char where charid = @CharID) if @EventID='11' OR @EventID='9' AND @Zo = '25792' and @Charname not like '[BOT]' begin INSERT INTO rivalshd.dbo._Notification (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (4,@chariz,0,'LegendKnight',0) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF(@eventid in (4,6,9,10,11)) and @charid not in (select charid from rivalshd.._user where UserJID in (select jid from rivalacc..tb_user where sec_primary!=3 and sec_content!=3))
--begin update rivalshd.._Items set optlevel=10 where optlevel between 11 and 99 update rivalshd.._CharSkillMastery set level=0 where MasteryID=1339 and level>0
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plevel Rewards ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --If @eventid = 22 --begin --exec LEGENDKNIGHT_2015.LKT._PlvlRewards @charid,@eventid,@lkcharname,@data2 --end --IF (@EventID=20 AND @strPos Like '%(0x8018)%') --BEGIN --Declare @NameLms nvarchar(50) = (Select CharName16 From rivalshd.._Char Where CharID=@CharID) --Insert Into zealous..LMSkilled (KilledName) values (@NameLms) --END -- DECLARE @CharLevel3 tinyint = (SELECT CurLevel from rivalshd.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID) -- Declare @service tinyint = (Select Service From zealous..EventService Where EventName='Jop') -- IF (@EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Robber%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Trader%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Hunter%') -- begin -- IF @strPos LIKE '%(0x8018)%' AND @service =1 -- BEGIN -- --EXEC JOBBING @CharID, @CharLevel2, @Desc -- EXEC zealous..JOBS @CharID, @CharLevel3, @Desc -- end -- END --IF (@EventID=4 OR @EventID =6) --BEGIN --EXEC zealous..OnlineOffline @CharID,@EventID --END
-- #########################################
--/*ALCHEMY EVENT*/ -- declare @isrunning int -- select @isrunning = IsRunningNow FROM _EventSchedule where EventName = 'AlchemyEvent' -- if @EventID = 9 and @isrunning = 0 -- BEGIN -- update RivalSHD.._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID IN (Select ID64 FROM RivalSHD.._Items where RefItemID = 14682) -- update RivalSHD.._Chest set ItemID = 0 where ItemID IN (Select ID64 FROM RivalSHD.._Items where RefItemID = 14682) -- END
-- if @CharID in (select charid from _OnlineOffline where IsBug = 'Bug') -- begin -- update _OnlineOffline set LogPoints = LogPoints + 1, LatestLog = GETDATE() where CharID = @CharID -- if @CharID in (select charid from _OnlineOffline where LogPoints > 5) -- begin -- update _OnlineOffline set IsBug = 'Clean', LogPoints = 0, LatestLog = null where CharID = @CharID -- update _OnlineOffline set IsBug = 'OldBug' where LatestLog < GETDATE()-0.5 and IsBug = 'Bug' -- end -- end IF(@EventID = 9) BEGIN if ((select hwanlevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) <> (select LatestHwan from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)) begin set @currenthwan = (select hwanlevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) if not exists (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where CharID = @CharID and HwanLevel = @currenthwan) begin insert RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan values (@CharID, @currenthwan, GETDATE()) end if (@currenthwan in (10,12,9,27,28,31,18,35,36,32,33,34)) begin if (@currenthwan = 10) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been proclaimed the Erius Slayer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) exec RivalSHD.._SEEK_N_DESTROY_ITEM 'ITEM_QNO_DYMEREVENT8' end else if (@currenthwan = 12) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has slain Roc and shall keep Roc Ruler title until the next Roc is slain!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 9) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has won the weekly Super Sayan event and will keep the Super Sayan title for a week!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 27) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has won the Int Championships and earned the Int Champion title until the next Championship takes place.' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 28) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has won the Str Championships and earned the Str Champion title until the next Championship takes place.' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 31) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has earned the Maze Champion title after completing the Wizard Maze Hunt, congratulations!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 18) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' is one of the ExtremePvP winners and shall keep the Imperium Knight title until the next ExtremePvP!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 35) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = 'After slaying enough Underworld Spirits, ' + @Charname + ' became one of the 10 Ghost Busters, congratulations!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 36) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = 'After slaying the Lost Spirit, ' + @Charname + ' became the latest Soul Reaper, congratulations!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) END else if (@currenthwan = 32) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = 'After slaying Tiger Girl and Uruchi ' + @Charname + ' completed Unique Hunters I and earned the Novice Hunter title, congratulations!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 33) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = 'After slaying Isyutaru, Cerberus and Ivy ' + @Charname + ' completed Unique Hunters II and earned the Unique Seeker title, congratulations!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 34) begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = 'After slaying Lord Yarkan and Shaitan ' + @Charname + ' completed Unique Hunters III and earned the Unique Hunter title, congratulations!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end declare @currenthwan2 int set @currenthwan2 = (select LatestHwan from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) if (@currenthwan2 not in (10, 12, 9, 1, 2, 3, 27, 28, 31, 18, 19, 36, 35)) begin update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set LastPermanentHwan = LatestHwan where CharID = @CharID update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD..AchievedHwan where HwanLevel = 36 and achievedate < GETDATE()-0.5) and HwanLevel = 36 delete from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where HwanLevel = 36 and achievedate < GETDATE()-0.5 end end if (@currenthwan in (32,33,34)) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan set achievedate = GETDATE()+7 where CharID = CharID and HwanLevel = @currenthwan end IF ((select COUNT(CharID) from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan with (nolock) WHERE HwanLevel = 10) > 1 and @currenthwan = 10) begin delete from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan WHERE HwanLevel = 10 and CharID <> @CharID update RivalSHD.._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID <> @CharID and HwanLevel = 10 end IF ((select COUNT(CharID) from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan with (nolock) WHERE HwanLevel = 31) > 1 and @currenthwan = 31) begin delete from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan WHERE HwanLevel = 31 and CharID <> @CharID update RivalSHD.._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID <> @CharID and HwanLevel = 31 end IF (@currenthwan = 35) begin insert GhostBusterLog values (@CharID) delete from GhostBusterLog where CharID not in (Select CharID from RivalSHD.._char with (nolock) where HwanLevel = 35) if ((select COUNT(CharID) from GhostBusterLog) > 10) begin declare @cursedcharid int set @cursedcharid = (select top 1 charid from GhostBusterLog order by ID desc) update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID = @cursedcharid delete from GhostBusterLog where CharID = @cursedcharid end end update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set LatestHwan = @currenthwan where CharID = @CharID if (@currenthwan = 32) begin update RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID = (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where refitemid in (46628,46629,46630,46631,46632,46633,46634)) and CharID = @CharID end if (@currenthwan = 33) begin update RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID = (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where refitemid in (46628,46629,46630,46631,46632,46633,46634)) and CharID = @CharID end if (@currenthwan = 34) begin update RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID = (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where refitemid in (46628,46629,46630,46631,46632,46633,46634)) and CharID = @CharID end if (@currenthwan in (106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,115,116,117,118,129,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130)) begin
if (@currenthwan = 106) --MOB_CH_TIGERWOMAN begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed tiger girl and obtained the title "Tiger Girl Slayer" and earned 2 silk untill the next Tiger Girl killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 107)--MOB_EU_KERBEROS begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Cerberus and obtained the title "Cerberus Slayer" and earned 2 silk untill the next Cerberus killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 108)--MOB_AM_IVY begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Ivy and obtained the title "Ivy Slayer" and earned 4 silk untill the next Ivy killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 109)--MOB_OA_URUCHI begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Uruchi and obtained the title "Uruchi Slayer" and earned 4 silk untill the next Uruchi killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 110)--MOB_KK_ISYUTARU begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Isyutaru and obtained the title "Isyutaru Slayer" and earned 6 silk untill the next Isyutaru killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (3,'Teleport To get your title and silk',@Charname,'Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 111)--MOB_TK_BONELORD begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord Yarkan and obtained the title "Lord Yarkan Slayer" and earned 8 silk untill the next Lord Yarkan killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 112)--MOB_RM_TAHOMET begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Demon Shaitan and obtained the title "Demon Shaitan Slayer" and earned 8 silk untill the next Demon Shaitan killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 113)--COW begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Rival and obtained the title "King Of Exodus" and earned 20 silk untill the next Exodus killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 114)--MOB_RM_ROC begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Roc and obtained the title "Roc Slayer" and earned 20 silk untill the next Roc killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 115)--MOB_ARABIA_LAUNATUNE1 begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Launatune and obtained the title "Launatune Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Launatune killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 116)--MOB_ARABIA_HARRISON1 begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Harrison and obtained the title "Harrison Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Harrison killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 117)--MOB_ARABIA_VENEFICA1 begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Venefica and obtained the title "Venefica Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Venefica killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 118)--MOB_ARABIA_VENEFICA_DEMON1 begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Demon Venefica and obtained the title "Demon Venefica Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Demon Venefica killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 119)--Isis Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Isis Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Isis Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 120)--Selket Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Selket Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Selket Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 121)--Neith Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Neith Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Neith Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 122)--Anubis Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Anubis Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Anubis Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end else if (@currenthwan = 123)--Seth King Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Seth King Slayer" and earned 15 silk untill the next Seth King Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 124)--Salamander Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Salamander Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Salamander Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 125)--Sylph Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Sylph Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Sylph Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 126)--Gnome Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Gnome Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Gnome Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 127)--Undine Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Undine Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Undine Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 128)--Abyss Wizard Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Abyss Wizard Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Abyss Wizard Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 129)--Witch of the Abyss Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Witch of the Abyss Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Witch of the Abyss Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) end
else if (@currenthwan = 130)--Underworld Spirit Slayer begin set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Underworld Spirit Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Underworld Spirit Slayer killer!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,'','Exodus',0) END end END END
/*EVENTS*/ IF (@EventID = 19) and (@Data2 = 1) begin if exists (select Charname from TemporalJobEventKill with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) BEGIN set @jobtype = (select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where charid = @CharID) update TemporalJobEventKill set KillAmount = KillAmount + 1, JobType = @jobtype where CharID = @CharID if (@jobtype = 1) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventDistribution set KillsAmount = KillsAmount + 1 where EventID = (select EventID from RivalSHD.DBO.JobWarEventLog where Status in ('DailyOpen', 'WeeklyOpen')) and JobType = 'TraderKills' end if (@jobtype = 2) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventDistribution set KillsAmount = KillsAmount + 1 where EventID = (select EventID from RivalSHD.DBO.JobWarEventLog where Status in ('DailyOpen', 'WeeklyOpen')) and JobType = 'ThiefKills' end if (@jobtype = 3) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventDistribution set KillsAmount = KillsAmount + 1 where EventID = (select EventID from RivalSHD.DBO.JobWarEventLog where Status in ('DailyOpen', 'WeeklyOpen')) and JobType = 'HunterKills' end END End /*ONLINE OFFLINE*/
IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content <> 3))) BEGIN if not exists (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory where ItemID in (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where RefItemID = 35592) AND CharID = @CharID) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @Charname, ITEM_EVENT_GLOBAL_CHATTING, 0, 1 end if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@]) VALUES ( @CharID, @Charname, 'Online', GETDATE(), NULL, GETDATE() ); end else begin
IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content in (89)))) BEGIN if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@]) VALUES ( @CharID, @Charname, 'Online', GETDATE(), NULL, GETDATE() ); end end end END
/*PROTECT*/ IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content in (10,660,890)))) BEGIN if not exists (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory where ItemID in (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where RefItemID = 35592) AND CharID = @CharID) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) --exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @Charname, ITEM_EVENT_GLOBAL_CHATTING, 0, 20 end if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@]) VALUES ( @CharID, @Charname, 'Online', GETDATE(), NULL, GETDATE() ); end else begin
IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content in (66)))) BEGIN if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@]) VALUES ( @CharID, @Charname, 'Online', GETDATE(), NULL, GETDATE() ); end end
IF (@EventID = 4 OR @EventID = 6) BEGIN
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM OnlineGMTime with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'Online')) BEGIN UPDATE OnlineGMTime SET [Status] = 'Offline', [stillOnline@] = NULL WHERE CharID = @CharID END
IF (@EventID = 4) BEGIN UPDATE OnlineGMTime SET [Status] = 'Online', [Date] = GETDATE(), [stillOnline@] = GETDATE() WHERE CharID = @CharID END
END end
UPDATE OnlineGMTime SET [mOnline] = CAST((DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[Date],GETDATE()))as varchar(max)) + ' minute(s) Online', [stillOnline@] = GETDATE(), [Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())) WHERE [Status] like 'Online' end /*ONLINE OFFLINE*/ IF not exists (SELECT CharID FROM _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID) and ((select CurLevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) > 89) BEGIN set @JID21 = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID with (nolock) where JID = @JID21) INSERT INTO _OnlineOffline (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], [Minutes], [tMinutes], eSilk, mOnline, [Silk/Hour], [stillOnline@],LogPoints, RegDate, DailyGrantedSilks, AccountID) VALUES ( @CharID, (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID), 'OnHold', GETDATE(), 0,0,0, null,2, GETDATE(), 0, GETDATE(), 0, @AccountID ); END IF (@EventID = 4 OR @EventID = 6) BEGIN
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'OnHold')) BEGIN UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [Status] = 'Offline' WHERE CharID = @CharID END
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'Online')) BEGIN UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [Status] = 'Offline', [Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())), [tMinutes] = [tMinutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())), [mOnline] = NULL, [stillOnline@] = NULL, [LastOnline] = GETDATE() WHERE CharID = @CharID
if not exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) begin set @JID21 = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID) set @AccountID2 = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID21) set @jobExperience = 0 set @jobtopposition = 0 set @jobtype1 = (select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) set @joblevel = (Select Level from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) set @Latestcontributionamount = (select Contribution from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) set @latestcoinsgranted = 0 set @weeklycoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted set @weeklycontributionamount = @Latestcontributionamount set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) insert RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable (CharID, Charname, JobExperience, JobTopPosition, JobType, LatestContributionAmount, LatestCoinsGranted, WeeklyCoinsGranted, WeeklyContributionAmount, LatestRewardedDate, RemainRewardAmount, [12hStartDate], ContributionIn12h, IsPenalized, JobLevel, AccountID, IsCheater) values (@CharID, @Charname, @jobExperience, @jobtopposition, @jobtype1, @Latestcontributionamount, @latestcoinsgranted, @weeklycoinsgranted, @weeklycontributionamount, GETDATE(), @LatestContributionAmount, GETDATE(), 0, 0,@joblevel, @AccountID2, 0) end
if exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID and IsPenalized = 1) begin set @Latestcontributionamount = (Select Contribution from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) set @jobtype = (Select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID) set @jobtype1 = (Select PenalizedJobType from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID) set @Latestcontributionamount = (@Latestcontributionamount / (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype) --update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set IsPenalized = 0, RemainRewardAmount = @Latestcontributionamount + RemainRewardAmount where CharID = @CharID end
if exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID and IsPenalized <> 1) begin
set @JID21 = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID) update RivalSHD.dbo._Chest set ItemID = Null where ItemID = 0 update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where RemainRewardAmount is null or RemainRewardAmount < 0 if exists (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._Chest where UserJID = @JID21 and ItemID is Null) begin if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where IsCheater = 1 and CheaterFlagDateEnd > GETDATE())) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) update RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable set IsCheater = 0 where CharID = @CharID update RivalSHD.._Char set NickName16 = CharName16 where CharID = @CharID update RivalLOG..ThiefJobRiskStatus set [1to5minuteRobs] = 0, ClonePasswordTheftPoints = 0 where Charname = @Charname end if (@CharID not in (select CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where IsCheater = 1)) begin set @jobtopposition = 0 set @jobtype1 = (select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) set @joblevel = (Select Level from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) set @Latestcontributionamount = (select Contribution from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) set @totalcontribution = @Latestcontributionamount + (select RemainRewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID) if (@jobtype1 = 1) begin set @latestcoinsgranted = ((select CAST (@totalcontribution as float))/(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates)) set @latestcoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted - (select @latestcoinsgranted % 1) set @RemainRewardAmount = @totalcontribution - (select @latestcoinsgranted*(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates)) end if (@jobtype1 = 2) begin set @latestcoinsgranted = ((select CAST (@totalcontribution as float))/(select ThiefCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates)) set @latestcoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted - (select @latestcoinsgranted % 1) set @RemainRewardAmount = @totalcontribution - (select @latestcoinsgranted*(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates)) end if (@jobtype1 = 3) begin set @latestcoinsgranted = ((select CAST (@totalcontribution as float))/(select HunterCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates)) set @latestcoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted - (select @latestcoinsgranted % 1) set @RemainRewardAmount = @totalcontribution - (select @latestcoinsgranted*(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates)) end if (@latestcoinsgranted < 1) begin set @latestcoinsgranted = 0 set @RemainRewardAmount = (select RemainRewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID) + @Latestcontributionamount end if (@jobtype1 in (1,2,3)) begin set @AccountID2 = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID21) set @weeklycoinsgranted = (select sum(WeeklyCoinsGranted) from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where AccountID = @AccountID2) + @latestcoinsgranted set @weeklycontributionamount = (select WeeklyContributionAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID) + @Latestcontributionamount set @Coinlimit = 150 - @weeklycoinsgranted set @jobExperience = (select [Exp] from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) if (@jobtype1 = 1) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set TraderWeekly = TraderWeekly + (@latestcoinsgranted * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) where CharID = @CharID --update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID if (@charid in (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where IsCapped = 1)) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where CharID = @CharID end end if (@jobtype1 = 2) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set ThiefWeekly = ThiefWeekly + (@latestcoinsgranted * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) where CharID = @CharID -- update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID if (@charid in (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where IsCapped = 1)) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where CharID = @CharID end end if (@jobtype1 = 3) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set HunterWeekly = HunterWeekly + (@latestcoinsgranted * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) where CharID = @CharID -- update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID if (@charid in (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where IsCapped = 1)) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where CharID = @CharID end end update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set JobLevel = @joblevel, WeeklyContributionAmount = @weeklycontributionamount, LatestContributionAmount = @Latestcontributionamount, JobType = @jobtype1, RemainRewardAmount = @RemainRewardAmount, AccountID = @AccountID2 where CharID = @CharID if (@jobtype1 = 2 and @latestcoinsgranted >= 1) begin set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) insert RivalSHD..ThiefCoinLog values (@Charname, @CharID, @latestcoinsgranted, GETDATE()) end if (@jobExperience > 2147483647) begin update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set [Exp] = 2147483647 where CharID = @CharID update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set JobExperience = JobExperience + (2147483647 - @jobExperience) end if (@jobExperience < 0) begin update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set [Exp] = 2147483647 where CharID = @CharID end DECLARE @ContributionxD int = (select Contribution from rivalshd.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID) if (@Coinlimit > 0 and @latestcoinsgranted >= 1) AND (@ContributionxD >= '14318688') begin -- update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set WeeklyCoinsGranted = @weeklycoinsgranted, LatestCoinsGranted = @latestcoinsgranted, LatestRewardedDate = GETDATE(), RemainRewardAmount = @RemainRewardAmount where CharID = @CharID exec RivalSHD.DBO._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID2, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @latestcoinsgranted, 0 end if (@Coinlimit < 0 and @latestcoinsgranted <> 0) AND (@ContributionxD >= '14318688') begin set @latestcoinsgranted = 150 - (select sum(WeeklyCoinsGranted) from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where AccountID = @AccountID2) if (@latestcoinsgranted >= 1) begin update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set WeeklyCoinsGranted = 150, LatestCoinsGranted = @latestcoinsgranted, LatestRewardedDate = GETDATE(), AccountID = @AccountID2 where CharID = @CharID exec RivalSHD.DBO._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID2, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @latestcoinsgranted, 0 end end if (@Coinlimit <= 0) begin update RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable set IsCapped = 1 where AccountID = @AccountID2 end end end end end
IF (@EventID = 4) BEGIN UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [Status] = 'Online', [Date] = GETDATE(), [stillOnline@] = GETDATE() WHERE CharID = @CharID update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 0 where CharID in (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where achievedate < GETDATE() and HwanLevel in (32,33,34)) and HwanLevel in (32,33,34) update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set LatestHwan = 0 where CharID in (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where achievedate < GETDATE() and HwanLevel in (32,33,34)) and LatestHwan in (32,33,34) END END
/*REWARDS*/ if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID and JobID in (1, 2))) begin update RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob set TimeToKeep = 0 where CharID = @CharID and JobID in (1, 2) end
if (@CharID in (select Charid from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (NOLOCK) where IsJobWinner = 1)) begin set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID) set @JobDate = GETDATE() set @EventID32 = (select top 1 EventID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventLog order by EventID desc) set @RewardGiven = 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN' set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID) set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set IsJobWinner = 0 where CharID = @CharID exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, @RewardGiven, 1, 0 exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', 1, 0 update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog set LatestCoinReward = '1ArenaCoin' where Charname = @Charname end
if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (NOLOCK) where IsJobWinner = 3)) begin set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID) set @JobDate = GETDATE() set @EventID32 = (select top 1 EventID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventLog order by EventID desc) set @RewardGiven = (select top 1 Rewardcodename from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where EventType = 'DailyJobWar' order by NEWID()) set @RewardAmount = (select top 1 RewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where Rewardcodename = @RewardGiven and EventType = 'DailyJobWar') set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID) set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) set @LatestKillCount = (select LatestKillAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog where Charname = @Charname)/3 update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set IsJobWinner = 0 where CharID = @CharID if @LatestKillCount > 0 begin exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @LatestKillCount, 0 set @LatestKillCount = @LatestKillCount * 2 exec RivalACC.dbo._extraSilk2 @CharID, @LatestKillCount exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, @RewardGiven, @RewardAmount, 0 update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog set RewardGiven = @RewardGiven end end
if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (NOLOCK) where IsJobWinner = 2)) begin set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID) set @JobDate = GETDATE() set @EventID32 = (select top 1 EventID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventLog order by EventID desc) set @RewardGiven = (select top 1 Rewardcodename from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where EventType = 'WeeklyJobWar' order by NEWID()) set @RewardAmount = (select top 1 RewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where Rewardcodename = @RewardGiven and EventType = 'WeeklyJobWar' order by NEWID()) set @RewardPlus = (select top 1 OptLevel from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where Rewardcodename = @RewardGiven and EventType = 'WeeklyJobWar' order by NEWID()) set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID) set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) set @LatestKillCount = ROUND((select LatestKillAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog where Charname = @Charname)/10,0) update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set IsJobWinner = 0 where CharID = @CharID if @LatestKillCount > 0 begin exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @LatestKillCount, 0 set @LatestKillCount = @LatestKillCount * 2 set @LatestKillCount = @LatestKillCount * 2 exec RivalACC.dbo._extraSilk2 @CharID, @LatestKillCount exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, @RewardGiven, @RewardAmount, @RewardPlus update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog set RewardGiven = @RewardGiven, AmountGiven = @RewardAmount where Charname = @Charname end end
/*ONLINE OFFLINE*/ IF (@EventID = 4 OR @EventID = 6) BEGIN
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'OnHold')) BEGIN UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [Status] = 'Offline' WHERE CharID = @CharID END
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'Online')) BEGIN UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [Status] = 'Offline', [Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())), [tMinutes] = [tMinutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())), [mOnline] = NULL, [stillOnline@] = NULL WHERE CharID = @CharID
IF (@EventID = 4) BEGIN UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [Status] = 'Online', [Date] = GETDATE(), [stillOnline@] = GETDATE() WHERE CharID = @CharID if (@CharID in (select charid from TopJobbers where TopNo = 0)) begin update RivalSHD.._Char set NickName16 = CharName16 where CharID = @CharID delete from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID end if (@CharID in (select charid from TopJobbers where TopNo <> 0)) begin set @Charname = (select Charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char where CharID = @CharID) DECLARE @TopNo1 int = (select TopNo from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID), @TopNo varchar(max) = '[' + convert(varchar(max),(select TopNo from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID)) + ']' update RivalSHD.._Char set NickName16 = @TopNo + @Charname where CharID = @CharID delete from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID end update _OnlineOffline set IsBug = 'Bug', LogPoints = 1, LatestLog = GETDATE() where CharID = @CharID END END if ((select CurLevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) = 90) begin UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [mOnline] = CAST((DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[Date],GETDATE()))as varchar(max)) + ' minute(s) Online', [Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())), [tMinutes] = [tMinutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())), [stillOnline@] = GETDATE() WHERE Status = 'Online' AND CharID = @CharID
/*Silk/Hour basic calc*/ /*Calculation of the silk amount*/ DECLARE @tMinutes bigint = (SELECT [Minutes] from _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID), @Silk int, @earnedsilk int, @cursilkperhour int ; if ((select latestJobTitledate from TimedEvents) < GETDATE()) and ((SELECT DATENAME(WEEKDAY, GETDATE())) = 'Sunday') begin update TimedEvents set latestJobTitledate = GETDATE() + 5 update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = LatestHwan where HwanLevel in (1,2,3)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 order by HunterWeekly desc)) set @veremos = @Charname + ' is the top Hunter of the week and shall now keep the Grand Marshall as a title for a week!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by TraderWeekly desc)) set @veremos = @Charname + ' is the top Trader of the week and shall now keep the Dynasty Merchant as a title for a week!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 order by ThiefWeekly desc)) set @veremos = @Charname + ' is the top Thief of the week and shall now keep the Bandit King as a title for a week!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (1,@veremos,'','Exodus',0)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 1 where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 order by HunterWeekly desc) update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 2 where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by TraderWeekly desc) update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 3 where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 order by ThiefWeekly desc) update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set WeeklyContributionAmount = 0, TraderWeekly = 0, HunterWeekly = 0, ThiefWeekly = 0, WeeklyCoinsGranted = 0, RemainRewardAmount = 0, JobExperience = 0 end IF (@tMinutes >= 120) BEGIN DECLARE @totalminutes int = (Select tMinutes from _OnlineOffline where CharID = @CharID), @silklimit int = (select Limit from SilkPerHourConfig where WEEKDAYS = (select DATENAME(WEEKDAY, GETDATE()))) set @cursilkperhour = (Select DefaultSilk from SilkPerHourConfig where Weekdays = (SELECT DATENAME(WEEKDAY, GETDATE()))) SET @Silk = CAST(((SELECT [Minutes] FROM _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID) / 60) as int) set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID) set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.._AccountJID where JID = @JID) set @earnedsilk = (@Silk*@cursilkperhour) UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [Minutes] = 0 WHERE CharID = @CharID UPDATE _OnlineOffline SET [eSilk] = [eSilk] + @earnedsilk WHERE CharID = @CharID exec RivalACC.dbo._extraSilk @CharID, @earnedsilk,@JID update _OnlineOffline set DailyGrantedSilks = DailyGrantedSilks + @earnedsilk where CharID = @CharID end
if not exists (Select * from SilkperhourDailyAmounts where Day > GETDATE()) begin insert SilkperhourDailyAmounts values (0, GETDATE()+1) update _OnlineOffline set DailyGrantedSilks = 0 end if exists (Select * from SilkperhourDailyAmounts where Day < GETDATE()) begin DECLARE @silkperhourid int set @silkperhourid = (Select top 1 ID from SilkperhourDailyAmounts order by ID desc) update SilkperhourDailyAmounts set SilkAmount = SilkAmount + @Silk where ID = @silkperhourid end
/*JOB*/ if ((select latestJobTagdate from TimedEvents) < (select GETDATE())) begin update TimedEvents set latestJobTagdate = latestJobTagdate + 1 delete from TopJobbers declare @designatedCharID int = 0 while @designatedCharID <> null begin insert TopJobbers (CharID, TopNo) values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.._Char where NickName16 <> CharName16), 0) set @designatedCharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.._Char where NickName16 <> CharName16) end
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 1) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 1) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 1)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 2) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 2) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 2)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 3) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 3) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 3)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 4) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 4) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 4)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 5) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 5) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 5)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 6) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 6) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 6)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 7) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 7) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 7)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 8) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 8) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 8)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 9) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 9) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 9)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 10) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 10) insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 10)
end /*BUG PROTECT*/ if (@EventID = 11) and (@Data1 = 3) begin if ((select latestregion from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) in (25761,24993,25244,24734,23183,23180,23436,23439,24438,23929,22390,22137)) begin if not exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog where CharID = @CharID) begin insert RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog values (@CharID, GETDATE(), 0, 0) end declare @latestteleport datetime = (select LatestTeleportDate from RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog where CharID = @CharID) update RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog set AccumulatedMinuteTeleport = 0 where LatestTeleportDate < GETDATE()-0.00068 update RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog set AccumulatedMinuteTeleport = AccumulatedMinuteTeleport + 1 where CharID = @CharID and (select DATEDIFF(Second, @latestteleport, GETDATE())) < 60 if exists (select CharID from RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog where CharID = @CharID and AccumulatedMinuteTeleport > 2) begin update RivalSHD.._Char set PKPenaltyPoint = PKPenaltyPoint + 15 where CharID = @CharID end end end /*Essentilas*/ IF((@EventID NOT BETWEEN 23 AND 27) AND (@EventID NOT BETWEEN 200 AND 202) AND (@EventID NOT BETWEEN 204 AND 206) AND (@EventID != 210) AND (@EventID != 214) AND (@EventID != 244) and (@EventID != 21)) begin DECLARE @len_pos int, @len_desc int select @len_pos = len(@strPos), @len_desc = len(@Desc) if (@len_pos > 0 and @len_desc > 0) begin insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, EventPos, strDesc) values (@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @strPos, @Desc) end else if (@len_pos > 0 and @len_desc = 0) begin insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, EventPos, strDesc) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @strPos, @Desc) end else if (@len_pos = 0 and @len_desc > 0) begin insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, strDesc) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @Desc) end else begin insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ IPLog System IF @EventID = 4 /*This eventID is triggered whenever a character logs in*/ BEGIN DECLARE @Cname varchar(50) = (SELECT Charname16 from RivalSHD.dbo._Char WHERE CharID=@CharID), @IP bigint = @Data2, @ip1 int, @ip2 int, @ip3 int, @ip4 int, @LeftOver bigint, @finalip varchar(50); SET @ip1 = @IP / 16777216 /*First IP segment*/ SET @LeftOver = @IP - (@ip1 * 16777216) SET @ip2 = @LeftOver / 65536 /*Second IP segment*/ SET @LeftOver = @LeftOver - (@ip2 * 65536) SET @ip3 = @LeftOver / 256 /*Third IP segment*/ SET @ip4 = @LeftOver - (@ip3 * 256) /*Fourth IP segment*/
SET @finalip = /*Putting the segments together and reversing them*/ CONVERT(varchar, @ip4)+ '.'+CONVERT(varchar, @ip3)+ '.'+CONVERT(varchar, @ip2)+ '.'+CONVERT(varchar, @ip1)
INSERT INTO RivalLOG.dbo._IP_LOGS (CharName,IP,LogTime) values (@Cname,@finalip,GETDATE()) END /* -- AutoEquipMent if @EventID = '22' and @Data2 > @Data1 and @Data2 between '0' and '98' begin exec zealous.dbo.[_AUTO_EQUIPMENT] @Data2,@CharID end*/ --If ( @Data1=@Data2-1 AND @Data2 = @Data1+1 AND @Data2 <= 84 AND @EventID = 22 AND @Data2 > 10 ) BEGIN -- Exec rivalshd.dbo._RoyalAutoEquipment @CharID, @Data2 --end IF @EventID = '22' and @Data2 > @Data1 and @Data2 between '0' and '87' BEGIN EXEC SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo._AutoEquipt @CharID,@Data2 END /*---------- FIRST 200 Player Got lv100 IF @EventID = '22' and @Data2 = '100' BEGIN EXEC zealous.._ExodusOne @CharID,@EventID,@Data2 END*/ --- Wanted System if @EventID = '19' -- Count kills BEGIN IF (@Desc LIKE '%Trader, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Trader OR @Desc LIKE '%Hunter, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Hunter OR @Desc LIKE '%Robber, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Thief ) BEGIN
DECLARE @ReqLevel INT =0 SELECT @KilledName = REPLACE(@KilledName, LEFT(@KilledName, CHARINDEX('(', @KilledName)), '') SELECT @KilledName = REPLACE(@KilledName, RIGHT(@KilledName, CHARINDEX(')', REVERSE(@KilledName))), '') SELECT @ReqLevel = CurLevel FROM [RivalSHD].[dbo].[_Char] WHERE CharName16 = @KilledName if @ReqLevel >= 85 BEGIN Exec RivalLOG.dbo.[_Wanted] @CharID , @EventID , @Desc End END END
if @EventID = '20' -- if dies if (@EventID between 9 and 11) BEGIN IF (@Desc LIKE '%Trader, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Trader OR @Desc LIKE '%Hunter, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Hunter OR @Desc LIKE '%Robber, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Thief ) BEGIN UPDATE _RowKills SET Kills = '0' WHERE KillerID = @CharID IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob WHERE CharID = @CharID AND JobID = '33862' or CharID = @CharID and JobID between '50021' and '50024') BEGIN DELETE FROM RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob WHERE CharID = @CharID and JobID = '33862' or CharID = @CharID and JobID between '50021' and '50024' END END END DECLARE @DynIP VARCHAR(12), @CosID int, @COSlevel TINYINT, @Aha INT, @PetOption tinyint, @CharName1 Varchar(64), @CharLevel1 tinyint = (SELECT CurLevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID)
IF (@EventID = 4) BEGIN SELECT @CharName1 = CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID exec @DynIP = RivalACC.dbo.split_ip @Data2 INSERT INTO _IPLogs (CharID,Charname,IP,[Date]) VALUES (@CharID, @CharName1, @DynIP, GETDATE()) END
/*ACADEMY*/ if @EventID = '19' -- Count kills DECLARE @Kc int , @K_Name VARCHAR(512) = @Desc SELECT @K_Name = REPLACE(@K_Name, LEFT(@K_Name, CHARINDEX('(', @K_Name)), '') SELECT @K_Name = REPLACE(@K_Name, RIGHT(@K_Name, CHARINDEX(')', REVERSE(@K_Name))), '') ----- Killed CharID DECLARE @K_CharID INT =(SELECT CharID FROM [RivalSHD].[dbo].[_Char] WHERE CharName16 = @K_Name) ------ -- Check if he kills the char more than 3 times DECLARE @PKill int = (select COUNT(*) from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID and KilledID = @K_CharID), @MaxK int = (select COUNT(Kills) from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID and Kills = '1') if @EventID = '19' BEGIN INSERT INTO RivalLOG..Chetito (KillerID , KilledID , Kills) VALUES (@CharID , @K_CharID,'1') END -- ######################################### /*Hounr By Kills*/ -- ######################################### set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) Declare @Kills int Set @CharID = (Select CharID From RivalSHD.._Char Where CharID=@CharID) Set @Kills = (select COUNT(Kills) from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID) Set @KillerID = (select KillerID from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID) if (@Kills < 29) begin print '' end -- No level for under 29 kills IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 31 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level =8 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 8 Because Row Kills Is [31] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End -- level 8 for kills ebtween 30 and 44 IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 41 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 9 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 9 Because Row Kills Is [41] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 51 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level =10 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 10 Because Row Kills Is [51] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 101 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 11 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 11 Because Row Kills Is [101] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 151 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 12 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 12 Because Row Kills Is [151] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 212 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 13 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 13 Because Row Kills Is [212] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 321 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 14 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 14 Because Row Kills Is [321] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 401 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 15 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 15 Because Row Kills Is [401] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 501 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 16 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 16 Because Row Kills Is [501] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 601 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 17 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 17 Because Row Kills Is [601] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 701 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 18 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 18 Because Row Kills Is [701] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 801 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 19 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 19 Because Row Kills Is [801] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 851 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 20 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 20 Because Row Kills Is [851] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 901 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 21 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 21 Because Row Kills Is [901] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1001 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 22 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 22 Because Row Kills Is [1001] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1101 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 23 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 23 Because Row Kills Is [1101] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1201 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 24 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 24 Because Row Kills Is [1201] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1301 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 25 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 25 Because Row Kills Is [1301] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1401 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 26 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 26 Because Row Kills Is [1401] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1501 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 27 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 27 Because Row Kills Is [1501] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1601 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 28 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 28 Because Row Kills Is [1601] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1701 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 29 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 29 Because Row Kills Is [1701] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1801 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 30 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 30 Because Row Kills Is [1801] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1901 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 31 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 31 Because Row Kills Is [1901] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2001 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 32 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 32 Because Row Kills Is [2001] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2101 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 33 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 33 Because Row Kills Is [2101] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2201 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 34 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 34 Because Row Kills Is [2201] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2301 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 35 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 35 Because Row Kills Is [2301] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2401 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 36 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 36 Because Row Kills Is [2401] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2501 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 37 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 37 Because Row Kills Is [2501] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2601 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 38 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 38 Because Row Kills Is [2601] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2701 ) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 39 where CharID = @CharID set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 39 Because Row Kills Is [2701] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
if (@Kills >2850) begin Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 40 where CharID = @CharID -- Currently the highest level set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 40 Highest Level Because Row Kills Is [2850] on Jobbing!' INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (6,@veremos,0,'Exodus',0) End
--Hnonr BufF
if @EventID = '19' -- Count kills DECLARE @maxkills int, @onekills int
set @onekills = (select COUNT(*) FROM RivalLOG.dbo.JobRank WHERE KillerID = @CharID AND KilledID = @CharID) set @maxkills = (select COUNT(*) FROM RivalLOG.dbo.JobRank WHERE KillerID = @CharID) DECLARE @Kc1 int, @K_Name1 VARCHAR(512) = @Desc SELECT @K_Name1 = REPLACE(@K_Name1, LEFT(@K_Name1, CHARINDEX('(', @K_Name1)), '') SELECT @K_Name1 = REPLACE(@K_Name1, RIGHT(@K_Name1, CHARINDEX(')', REVERSE(@K_Name1))), '') ----- Killed CharID DECLARE @K_CharID1 INT =(SELECT CharID FROM [RivalSHD].[dbo].[_Char] WHERE CharName16 = @K_Name1) ------ -- Check if he kills the char more than 3 times DECLARE @PKill1 int = (select COUNT(*) from RivalLOG..JobRank where KillerID = @CharID and KilledID = @K_CharID1) DECLARE @MaxK1 int = (select COUNT(Kills) from RivalLOG..JobRank where KillerID = @CharID and Kills = '1') if @EventID = '19' BEGIN INSERT INTO RivalLOG..JobRank (KillerID , KilledID , Kills) VALUES (@CharID , @K_CharID1,'1')
If (@onekills <= 1) if (@maxkills <= 2850) BEGIN update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set KillCount=KillCount+1 where CharID=@CharID --Insert char kills DECLARE @Rank TINYINT, @Ranking INT SET @Ranking = 1 IF @Ranking <= 5 BEGIN SET @Rank = 1 END ELSE IF @Ranking <= 15 BEGIN SET @Rank = 2 END ELSE IF @Ranking <= 30 BEGIN SET @Rank = 3 END ELSE BEGIN SET @Rank = 4 END declare @CampID INT set @CampID = (select campid from RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCampMember where CharID=@CharID) declare @id int set @id=(Select id from RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCamp where ID=@campid) begin EXEC RivalSHD.DBO._TRAINING_CAMP_CREATE @CharID END update RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCampMember set HonorPoint=HonorPoint+1 where CharID=@CharID update RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCamp set EvaluationPoint=EvaluationPoint+1 where ID=@id update RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCamp set GraduateCount=GraduateCount+1 where ID=@id begin insert into RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCampHonorRank (Ranking, CampID, Rank) Values (@RANKING, @CampID, @Rank) eND END END -- ######################################### -- WANTED NEW -- DECLARE @CharLevel2 tinyint = (SELECT CurLevel from rivalshd.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID) --IF (@EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Robber%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Trader%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Hunter%') -- begin -- EXEC JOBBING @CharID, @CharLevel2, @Desc -- end -- ######################################### --JOB COINS -- Trade Gold Coins + Anti Cheat if @EventID = '6' and exists (Select * from rivalshd.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID AND Contribution >= '14318688' ) begin Exec [dbo].[_JobCoins] @charid , @eventid end -- Contri Save if (@EventID= '4') begin Exec [_Contribt] @charid end -- ######################################## -- --Declares first, DECLARE @Masterame0 varchar(50) = (select CharID from rivalshd.dbo._Char where CharID in (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._GuildMember where GuildID in (select GuildID from rivalshd.dbo._SiegeFortress) and MemberClass = '0' and Permission = '-1' and SiegeAuthority = '1')), @checkit int = (select JobID from rivalshd.dbo._TimedJob where JobID = '70004' and CharID not in (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._GuildMember where GuildID in (select GuildID from rivalshd.dbo._SiegeFortress) and MemberClass = '0' and Permission = '-1' and SiegeAuthority = '1')), @checkithwan int = (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._Char where HwanLevel = '113' and CharID not in (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._GuildMember where GuildID in (select GuildID from rivalshd.dbo._SiegeFortress) and MemberClass = '0' and Permission = '-1' and SiegeAuthority = '1')) if (@EventID=11) OR (@EventID=9) begin exec SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo._SpecialGReward @Masterame0,@checkit,@checkithwan end
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة tarekelpop1
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
ده ال Addlogchar ال عندي
كود PHP:
USE [rivallog]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[_AddLogChar] Script Date: 6/27/2017 12:05:15 PM ******/
IF ( @EventID = 4
OR @EventID = 6 )
EXEC exigo..Onlineoffline
DECLARE @ServiceLms INT=(SELECT service
FROM exigo..controls
WHERE eventname = 'LMS')
IF ( @EventID = 20
AND @strPos LIKE '%%'
AND @ServiceLms = 1 )
DECLARE @NameLms NVARCHAR(50) = (SELECT charname16
FROM rivalshd.._char
WHERE charid = @CharID)
INSERT INTO Exigo..Killed
VALUES (@NameLms)
@SUR int = (select latestregion from rivalshd.._Char where CharID = @CharID),
@S int = (select service from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_survival_service)
IF @S = 1 and @SUR = 25792
@KillerName VARCHAR(max),
@KillerID INT,
@KilledName varchar(Max),
Select @KilledName = (select Charname16 from rivalshd.._Char where CharID = @CharID)
SELECT @StartPos = (SELECT CHARINDEX('(',@desc)) + 1
SELECT @KillerName = (SELECT SUBSTRING(@Desc, @StartPos, CHARINDEX(')', @Desc, @StartPos) - @StartPos))
SELECT @KillerID = (SELECT CharID FROM rivalshd.._Char WHERE CharName16 = @KillerName)
update SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Remain set Rem = (select count(*) from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered)
@Now DateTime = GETDATE(),
@WIN_UNIQ_NAME varchar(255) = (select Charname from LEGENDKNIGHT_2015.dbo._Uniques where MonsterCodeName like 'MOB_FW_HYEONGCHEON_100')
If @EventID = 6 and exists (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered where charid = @CharID) and @CharID not in (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_survival_niggas)
delete from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered where charid = @CharID
If not exists (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_Survival_Registered where charid = @CharID) and @s = 1 and Not exists (select charid from SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo.UNIQ_survival_niggas where CharID = @CharID)
@Zo INT = (SELECT LATESTREGION FROM rivalshd.._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID),
@chariz varchar(max) = (Select charname16 from rivalshd.._Char where charid = @CharID)
if @EventID='11' OR @EventID='9' AND @Zo = '25792' and @Charname not like '[BOT]'
INSERT INTO rivalshd.dbo._Notification (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES (4,@chariz,0,'LegendKnight',0)
IF(@eventid in (4,6,9,10,11)) and @charid not in (select charid from rivalshd.._user where UserJID in (select jid from rivalacc..tb_user where sec_primary!=3 and sec_content!=3))
update rivalshd.._Items set optlevel=10 where optlevel between 11 and 99
update rivalshd.._CharSkillMastery set level=0 where MasteryID=1339 and level>0
-- Plevel Rewards
--If @eventid = 22
--exec LEGENDKNIGHT_2015.LKT._PlvlRewards @charid,@eventid,@lkcharname,@data2
--IF (@EventID=20 AND @strPos Like '%(0x8018)%')
--Declare @NameLms nvarchar(50) = (Select CharName16 From rivalshd.._Char Where CharID=@CharID)
--Insert Into zealous..LMSkilled (KilledName) values (@NameLms)
-- DECLARE @CharLevel3 tinyint = (SELECT CurLevel from rivalshd.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID)
-- Declare @service tinyint = (Select Service From zealous..EventService Where EventName='Jop')
-- IF (@EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Robber%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Trader%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Hunter%')
-- begin
-- IF @strPos LIKE '%(0x8018)%' AND @service =1
-- --EXEC JOBBING @CharID, @CharLevel2, @Desc
-- EXEC zealous..JOBS @CharID, @CharLevel3, @Desc
-- end
-- END
--IF (@EventID=4 OR @EventID =6)
--EXEC zealous..OnlineOffline @CharID,@EventID
-- #########################################
-- declare @isrunning int
-- select @isrunning = IsRunningNow FROM _EventSchedule where EventName = 'AlchemyEvent'
-- if @EventID = 9 and @isrunning = 0
-- update RivalSHD.._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID IN (Select ID64 FROM RivalSHD.._Items where RefItemID = 14682)
-- update RivalSHD.._Chest set ItemID = 0 where ItemID IN (Select ID64 FROM RivalSHD.._Items where RefItemID = 14682)
-- END
-- if @CharID in (select charid from _OnlineOffline where IsBug = 'Bug')
-- begin
-- update _OnlineOffline set LogPoints = LogPoints + 1, LatestLog = GETDATE() where CharID = @CharID
-- if @CharID in (select charid from _OnlineOffline where LogPoints > 5)
-- begin
-- update _OnlineOffline set IsBug = 'Clean', LogPoints = 0, LatestLog = null where CharID = @CharID
-- update _OnlineOffline set IsBug = 'OldBug' where LatestLog < GETDATE()-0.5 and IsBug = 'Bug'
-- end
-- end
IF(@EventID = 9)
if ((select hwanlevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) <> (select LatestHwan from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID))
set @currenthwan = (select hwanlevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
if not exists (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where CharID = @CharID and HwanLevel = @currenthwan)
insert RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan values (@CharID, @currenthwan, GETDATE())
if (@currenthwan in (10,12,9,27,28,31,18,35,36,32,33,34))
if (@currenthwan = 10)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been proclaimed the Erius Slayer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 12)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has slain Roc and shall keep Roc Ruler title until the next Roc is slain!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 9)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has won the weekly Super Sayan event and will keep the Super Sayan title for a week!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 27)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has won the Int Championships and earned the Int Champion title until the next Championship takes place.'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 28)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has won the Str Championships and earned the Str Champion title until the next Championship takes place.'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 31)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has earned the Maze Champion title after completing the Wizard Maze Hunt, congratulations!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 18)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' is one of the ExtremePvP winners and shall keep the Imperium Knight title until the next ExtremePvP!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 35)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = 'After slaying enough Underworld Spirits, ' + @Charname + ' became one of the 10 Ghost Busters, congratulations!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 36)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = 'After slaying the Lost Spirit, ' + @Charname + ' became the latest Soul Reaper, congratulations!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 32)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = 'After slaying Tiger Girl and Uruchi ' + @Charname + ' completed Unique Hunters I and earned the Novice Hunter title, congratulations!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 33)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = 'After slaying Isyutaru, Cerberus and Ivy ' + @Charname + ' completed Unique Hunters II and earned the Unique Seeker title, congratulations!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 34)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = 'After slaying Lord Yarkan and Shaitan ' + @Charname + ' completed Unique Hunters III and earned the Unique Hunter title, congratulations!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
declare @currenthwan2 int
set @currenthwan2 = (select LatestHwan from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
if (@currenthwan2 not in (10, 12, 9, 1, 2, 3, 27, 28, 31, 18, 19, 36, 35))
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set LastPermanentHwan = LatestHwan where CharID = @CharID
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD..AchievedHwan where HwanLevel = 36 and achievedate < GETDATE()-0.5) and HwanLevel = 36
delete from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where HwanLevel = 36 and achievedate < GETDATE()-0.5
if (@currenthwan in (32,33,34))
update RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan set achievedate = GETDATE()+7 where CharID = CharID and HwanLevel = @currenthwan
IF ((select COUNT(CharID) from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan with (nolock) WHERE HwanLevel = 10) > 1 and @currenthwan = 10)
delete from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan WHERE HwanLevel = 10 and CharID <> @CharID
update RivalSHD.._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID <> @CharID and HwanLevel = 10
IF ((select COUNT(CharID) from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan with (nolock) WHERE HwanLevel = 31) > 1 and @currenthwan = 31)
delete from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan WHERE HwanLevel = 31 and CharID <> @CharID
update RivalSHD.._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID <> @CharID and HwanLevel = 31
IF (@currenthwan = 35)
insert GhostBusterLog values (@CharID)
delete from GhostBusterLog where CharID not in (Select CharID from RivalSHD.._char with (nolock) where HwanLevel = 35)
if ((select COUNT(CharID) from GhostBusterLog) > 10)
declare @cursedcharid int
set @cursedcharid = (select top 1 charid from GhostBusterLog order by ID desc)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = LastPermanentHwan where CharID = @cursedcharid
delete from GhostBusterLog where CharID = @cursedcharid
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set LatestHwan = @currenthwan where CharID = @CharID
if (@currenthwan = 32)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID = (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where refitemid in (46628,46629,46630,46631,46632,46633,46634)) and CharID = @CharID
if (@currenthwan = 33)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID = (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where refitemid in (46628,46629,46630,46631,46632,46633,46634)) and CharID = @CharID
if (@currenthwan = 34)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory set ItemID = 0 where ItemID = (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where refitemid in (46628,46629,46630,46631,46632,46633,46634)) and CharID = @CharID
if (@currenthwan in (106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,115,116,117,118,129,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130))
if (@currenthwan = 106) --MOB_CH_TIGERWOMAN
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed tiger girl and obtained the title "Tiger Girl Slayer" and earned 2 silk untill the next Tiger Girl killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 107)--MOB_EU_KERBEROS
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Cerberus and obtained the title "Cerberus Slayer" and earned 2 silk untill the next Cerberus killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 108)--MOB_AM_IVY
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Ivy and obtained the title "Ivy Slayer" and earned 4 silk untill the next Ivy killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 109)--MOB_OA_URUCHI
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Uruchi and obtained the title "Uruchi Slayer" and earned 4 silk untill the next Uruchi killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 110)--MOB_KK_ISYUTARU
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Isyutaru and obtained the title "Isyutaru Slayer" and earned 6 silk untill the next Isyutaru killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
(3,'Teleport To get your title and silk',@Charname,'Exodus',0)
else if (@currenthwan = 111)--MOB_TK_BONELORD
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord Yarkan and obtained the title "Lord Yarkan Slayer" and earned 8 silk untill the next Lord Yarkan killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 112)--MOB_RM_TAHOMET
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Demon Shaitan and obtained the title "Demon Shaitan Slayer" and earned 8 silk untill the next Demon Shaitan killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 113)--COW
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Rival and obtained the title "King Of Exodus" and earned 20 silk untill the next Exodus killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 114)--MOB_RM_ROC
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Roc and obtained the title "Roc Slayer" and earned 20 silk untill the next Roc killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 115)--MOB_ARABIA_LAUNATUNE1
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Launatune and obtained the title "Launatune Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Launatune killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 116)--MOB_ARABIA_HARRISON1
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Harrison and obtained the title "Harrison Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Harrison killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 117)--MOB_ARABIA_VENEFICA1
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Venefica and obtained the title "Venefica Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Venefica killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 118)--MOB_ARABIA_VENEFICA_DEMON1
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Demon Venefica and obtained the title "Demon Venefica Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Demon Venefica killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 119)--Isis Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Isis Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Isis Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 120)--Selket Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Selket Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Selket Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 121)--Neith Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Neith Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Neith Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 122)--Anubis Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Anubis Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Anubis Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 123)--Seth King Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Seth King Slayer" and earned 15 silk untill the next Seth King Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 124)--Salamander Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Salamander Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Salamander Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 125)--Sylph Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Sylph Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Sylph Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 126)--Gnome Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Gnome Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Gnome Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 127)--Undine Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Undine Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Undine Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 128)--Abyss Wizard Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Abyss Wizard Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Abyss Wizard Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 129)--Witch of the Abyss Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Witch of the Abyss Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Witch of the Abyss Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
else if (@currenthwan = 130)--Underworld Spirit Slayer
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has killed Lord and obtained the title "Underworld Spirit Slayer" and earned 10 silk untill the next Underworld Spirit Slayer killer!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID = 19) and (@Data2 = 1)
if exists (select Charname from TemporalJobEventKill with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @jobtype = (select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where charid = @CharID)
update TemporalJobEventKill set KillAmount = KillAmount + 1, JobType = @jobtype where CharID = @CharID
if (@jobtype = 1)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventDistribution
set KillsAmount = KillsAmount + 1
where EventID = (select EventID from RivalSHD.DBO.JobWarEventLog where Status in ('DailyOpen', 'WeeklyOpen'))
and JobType = 'TraderKills'
if (@jobtype = 2)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventDistribution
set KillsAmount = KillsAmount + 1
where EventID = (select EventID from RivalSHD.DBO.JobWarEventLog where Status in ('DailyOpen', 'WeeklyOpen'))
and JobType = 'ThiefKills'
if (@jobtype = 3)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventDistribution
set KillsAmount = KillsAmount + 1
where EventID = (select EventID from RivalSHD.DBO.JobWarEventLog where Status in ('DailyOpen', 'WeeklyOpen'))
and JobType = 'HunterKills'
IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content <> 3)))
if not exists (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory where ItemID in (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where RefItemID = 35592) AND CharID = @CharID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@])
IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content in (89))))
if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@])
IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content in (10,660,890))))
if not exists (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._Inventory where ItemID in (select id64 from RivalSHD.dbo._items where RefItemID = 35592) AND CharID = @CharID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@])
IF (@CharID IN (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where UserJID in (select JID from RivalACC.dbo.TB_User with (nolock) where sec_content in (66))))
if not exists (select CharID from OnlineGMTime where CharID = @CharID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
INSERT INTO OnlineGMTime (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], mOnline, [stillOnline@])
IF (@EventID = 4 OR @EventID = 6)
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM OnlineGMTime with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'Online'))
[Status] = 'Offline',
[stillOnline@] = NULL
WHERE CharID = @CharID
IF (@EventID = 4)
[Status] = 'Online',
[Date] = GETDATE(),
[stillOnline@] = GETDATE()
WHERE CharID = @CharID
[mOnline] = CAST((DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[Date],GETDATE()))as varchar(max)) + ' minute(s) Online',
[stillOnline@] = GETDATE(),
[Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE()))
WHERE [Status] like 'Online'
IF not exists (SELECT CharID FROM _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID) and ((select CurLevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) > 89)
set @JID21 = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID with (nolock) where JID = @JID21)
INSERT INTO _OnlineOffline (CharID, Charname, [Status], [Date], [Minutes], [tMinutes], eSilk, mOnline, [Silk/Hour], [stillOnline@],LogPoints, RegDate, DailyGrantedSilks, AccountID)
(SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID),
GETDATE(), 0, GETDATE(), 0, @AccountID
IF (@EventID = 4 OR @EventID = 6)
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'OnHold'))
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
SET [Status] = 'Offline'
WHERE CharID = @CharID
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'Online'))
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
[Status] = 'Offline',
[Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())),
[tMinutes] = [tMinutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())),
[mOnline] = NULL,
[stillOnline@] = NULL,
[LastOnline] = GETDATE()
WHERE CharID = @CharID
if not exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
set @JID21 = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
set @AccountID2 = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID21)
set @jobExperience = 0
set @jobtopposition = 0
set @jobtype1 = (select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
set @joblevel = (Select Level from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
set @Latestcontributionamount = (select Contribution from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
set @latestcoinsgranted = 0
set @weeklycoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted
set @weeklycontributionamount = @Latestcontributionamount
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
insert RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable (CharID, Charname, JobExperience, JobTopPosition, JobType, LatestContributionAmount, LatestCoinsGranted, WeeklyCoinsGranted, WeeklyContributionAmount, LatestRewardedDate, RemainRewardAmount, [12hStartDate], ContributionIn12h, IsPenalized, JobLevel, AccountID, IsCheater)
values (@CharID, @Charname, @jobExperience, @jobtopposition, @jobtype1, @Latestcontributionamount, @latestcoinsgranted, @weeklycoinsgranted, @weeklycontributionamount, GETDATE(), @LatestContributionAmount, GETDATE(), 0, 0,@joblevel, @AccountID2, 0)
if exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID and IsPenalized = 1)
set @Latestcontributionamount = (Select Contribution from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
set @jobtype = (Select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID)
set @jobtype1 = (Select PenalizedJobType from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID)
set @Latestcontributionamount = (@Latestcontributionamount / (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype)
--update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set IsPenalized = 0, RemainRewardAmount = @Latestcontributionamount + RemainRewardAmount where CharID = @CharID
if exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID and IsPenalized <> 1)
set @JID21 = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Chest set ItemID = Null where ItemID = 0
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where RemainRewardAmount is null or RemainRewardAmount < 0
if exists (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._Chest where UserJID = @JID21 and ItemID is Null)
if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where IsCheater = 1 and CheaterFlagDateEnd > GETDATE()))
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
update RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable set IsCheater = 0 where CharID = @CharID
update RivalSHD.._Char set NickName16 = CharName16 where CharID = @CharID
update RivalLOG..ThiefJobRiskStatus set [1to5minuteRobs] = 0, ClonePasswordTheftPoints = 0 where Charname = @Charname
if (@CharID not in (select CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where IsCheater = 1))
set @jobtopposition = 0
set @jobtype1 = (select JobType from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
set @joblevel = (Select Level from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
set @Latestcontributionamount = (select Contribution from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
set @totalcontribution = @Latestcontributionamount + (select RemainRewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID)
if (@jobtype1 = 1)
set @latestcoinsgranted = ((select CAST (@totalcontribution as float))/(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates))
set @latestcoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted - (select @latestcoinsgranted % 1)
set @RemainRewardAmount = @totalcontribution - (select @latestcoinsgranted*(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates))
if (@jobtype1 = 2)
set @latestcoinsgranted = ((select CAST (@totalcontribution as float))/(select ThiefCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates))
set @latestcoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted - (select @latestcoinsgranted % 1)
set @RemainRewardAmount = @totalcontribution - (select @latestcoinsgranted*(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates))
if (@jobtype1 = 3)
set @latestcoinsgranted = ((select CAST (@totalcontribution as float))/(select HunterCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates))
set @latestcoinsgranted = @latestcoinsgranted - (select @latestcoinsgranted % 1)
set @RemainRewardAmount = @totalcontribution - (select @latestcoinsgranted*(select TraderCoinRate from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRates))
if (@latestcoinsgranted < 1)
set @latestcoinsgranted = 0
set @RemainRewardAmount = (select RemainRewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID) + @Latestcontributionamount
if (@jobtype1 in (1,2,3))
set @AccountID2 = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID21)
set @weeklycoinsgranted = (select sum(WeeklyCoinsGranted) from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where AccountID = @AccountID2) + @latestcoinsgranted
set @weeklycontributionamount = (select WeeklyContributionAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where CharID = @CharID) + @Latestcontributionamount
set @Coinlimit = 150 - @weeklycoinsgranted
set @jobExperience = (select [Exp] from RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
if (@jobtype1 = 1)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set TraderWeekly = TraderWeekly + (@latestcoinsgranted * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) where CharID = @CharID
--update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID
if (@charid in (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where IsCapped = 1))
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where CharID = @CharID
if (@jobtype1 = 2)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set ThiefWeekly = ThiefWeekly + (@latestcoinsgranted * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) where CharID = @CharID
-- update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID
if (@charid in (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where IsCapped = 1))
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where CharID = @CharID
if (@jobtype1 = 3)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set HunterWeekly = HunterWeekly + (@latestcoinsgranted * (select ContributionPerCoin from RivalSHD..NewRates where JobType = @jobtype1)) where CharID = @CharID
-- update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID
if (@charid in (select charid from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where IsCapped = 1))
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set RemainRewardAmount = 0 where CharID = @CharID
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set JobLevel = @joblevel, WeeklyContributionAmount = @weeklycontributionamount, LatestContributionAmount = @Latestcontributionamount, JobType = @jobtype1, RemainRewardAmount = @RemainRewardAmount, AccountID = @AccountID2 where CharID = @CharID
if (@jobtype1 = 2 and @latestcoinsgranted >= 1)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
insert RivalSHD..ThiefCoinLog values (@Charname, @CharID, @latestcoinsgranted, GETDATE())
if (@jobExperience > 2147483647)
update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set [Exp] = 2147483647 where CharID = @CharID
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set JobExperience = JobExperience + (2147483647 - @jobExperience)
if (@jobExperience < 0)
update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set [Exp] = 2147483647 where CharID = @CharID
@ContributionxD int = (select Contribution from rivalshd.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID)
if (@Coinlimit > 0 and @latestcoinsgranted >= 1) AND (@ContributionxD >= '14318688')
-- update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Contribution = 0 where CharID = @CharID
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set WeeklyCoinsGranted = @weeklycoinsgranted, LatestCoinsGranted = @latestcoinsgranted, LatestRewardedDate = GETDATE(), RemainRewardAmount = @RemainRewardAmount where CharID = @CharID
exec RivalSHD.DBO._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID2, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @latestcoinsgranted, 0
if (@Coinlimit < 0 and @latestcoinsgranted <> 0) AND (@ContributionxD >= '14318688')
set @latestcoinsgranted = 150 - (select sum(WeeklyCoinsGranted) from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where AccountID = @AccountID2)
if (@latestcoinsgranted >= 1)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set WeeklyCoinsGranted = 150, LatestCoinsGranted = @latestcoinsgranted, LatestRewardedDate = GETDATE(), AccountID = @AccountID2 where CharID = @CharID
exec RivalSHD.DBO._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID2, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @latestcoinsgranted, 0
if (@Coinlimit <= 0)
update RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable set IsCapped = 1 where AccountID = @AccountID2
IF (@EventID = 4)
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
[Status] = 'Online',
[Date] = GETDATE(),
[stillOnline@] = GETDATE()
WHERE CharID = @CharID
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 0 where CharID in (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where achievedate < GETDATE() and HwanLevel in (32,33,34)) and HwanLevel in (32,33,34)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set LatestHwan = 0 where CharID in (Select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.AchievedHwan where achievedate < GETDATE() and HwanLevel in (32,33,34)) and LatestHwan in (32,33,34)
if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID and JobID in (1, 2)))
update RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob set TimeToKeep = 0 where CharID = @CharID and JobID in (1, 2)
if (@CharID in (select Charid from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (NOLOCK) where IsJobWinner = 1))
set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
set @JobDate = GETDATE()
set @EventID32 = (select top 1 EventID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventLog order by EventID desc)
set @RewardGiven = 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN'
set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set IsJobWinner = 0 where CharID = @CharID
exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, @RewardGiven, 1, 0
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog set LatestCoinReward = '1ArenaCoin' where Charname = @Charname
if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (NOLOCK) where IsJobWinner = 3))
set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
set @JobDate = GETDATE()
set @EventID32 = (select top 1 EventID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventLog order by EventID desc)
set @RewardGiven = (select top 1 Rewardcodename from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where EventType = 'DailyJobWar' order by NEWID())
set @RewardAmount = (select top 1 RewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where Rewardcodename = @RewardGiven and EventType = 'DailyJobWar')
set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
set @LatestKillCount = (select LatestKillAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog where Charname = @Charname)/3
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set IsJobWinner = 0 where CharID = @CharID
if @LatestKillCount > 0
exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @LatestKillCount, 0
set @LatestKillCount = @LatestKillCount * 2
exec RivalACC.dbo._extraSilk2 @CharID, @LatestKillCount
exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, @RewardGiven, @RewardAmount, 0
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog set RewardGiven = @RewardGiven
if (@CharID in (select CharID from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (NOLOCK) where IsJobWinner = 2))
set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
set @JobDate = GETDATE()
set @EventID32 = (select top 1 EventID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarEventLog order by EventID desc)
set @RewardGiven = (select top 1 Rewardcodename from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where EventType = 'WeeklyJobWar' order by NEWID())
set @RewardAmount = (select top 1 RewardAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where Rewardcodename = @RewardGiven and EventType = 'WeeklyJobWar' order by NEWID())
set @RewardPlus = (select top 1 OptLevel from RivalSHD.dbo.EventRewardList where Rewardcodename = @RewardGiven and EventType = 'WeeklyJobWar' order by NEWID())
set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.dbo._AccountJID where JID = @JID)
set @Charname = (SELECT CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID)
set @LatestKillCount = ROUND((select LatestKillAmount from RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog where Charname = @Charname)/10,0)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set IsJobWinner = 0 where CharID = @CharID
if @LatestKillCount > 0
exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, 'ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN', @LatestKillCount, 0
set @LatestKillCount = @LatestKillCount * 2
set @LatestKillCount = @LatestKillCount * 2
exec RivalACC.dbo._extraSilk2 @CharID, @LatestKillCount
exec RivalSHD.dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN_CHEST @AccountID, @RewardGiven, @RewardAmount, @RewardPlus
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobWarParticipantLog set RewardGiven = @RewardGiven, AmountGiven = @RewardAmount where Charname = @Charname
IF (@EventID = 4 OR @EventID = 6)
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'OnHold'))
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
SET [Status] = 'Offline'
WHERE CharID = @CharID
IF (@EventID = 6 AND ((SELECT [Status] FROM _OnlineOffline with (nolock) WHERE CharID = @CharID) like 'Online'))
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
[Status] = 'Offline',
[Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())),
[tMinutes] = [tMinutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())),
[mOnline] = NULL,
[stillOnline@] = NULL
WHERE CharID = @CharID
IF (@EventID = 4)
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
[Status] = 'Online',
[Date] = GETDATE(),
[stillOnline@] = GETDATE()
WHERE CharID = @CharID
if (@CharID in (select charid from TopJobbers where TopNo = 0))
update RivalSHD.._Char set NickName16 = CharName16 where CharID = @CharID
delete from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID
if (@CharID in (select charid from TopJobbers where TopNo <> 0))
set @Charname = (select Charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char where CharID = @CharID)
@TopNo1 int = (select TopNo from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID),
@TopNo varchar(max) = '[' + convert(varchar(max),(select TopNo from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID)) + ']'
update RivalSHD.._Char set NickName16 = @TopNo + @Charname where CharID = @CharID
delete from TopJobbers where CharID = @CharID
update _OnlineOffline set IsBug = 'Bug', LogPoints = 1, LatestLog = GETDATE() where CharID = @CharID
if ((select CurLevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) = 90)
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
[mOnline] = CAST((DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[Date],GETDATE()))as varchar(max)) + ' minute(s) Online',
[Minutes] = [Minutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())),
[tMinutes] = [tMinutes] + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,[stillOnline@],GETDATE())),
[stillOnline@] = GETDATE()
WHERE Status = 'Online' AND CharID = @CharID
/*Silk/Hour basic calc*/
/*Calculation of the silk amount*/
@tMinutes bigint = (SELECT [Minutes] from _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID), @Silk int,
@earnedsilk int,
@cursilkperhour int ;
if ((select latestJobTitledate from TimedEvents) < GETDATE()) and ((SELECT DATENAME(WEEKDAY, GETDATE())) = 'Sunday')
update TimedEvents set latestJobTitledate = GETDATE() + 5
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = LatestHwan where HwanLevel in (1,2,3)
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 order by HunterWeekly desc))
set @veremos = @Charname + ' is the top Hunter of the week and shall now keep the Grand Marshall as a title for a week!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by TraderWeekly desc))
set @veremos = @Charname + ' is the top Trader of the week and shall now keep the Dynasty Merchant as a title for a week!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 order by ThiefWeekly desc))
set @veremos = @Charname + ' is the top Thief of the week and shall now keep the Bandit King as a title for a week!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 1 where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 order by HunterWeekly desc)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 2 where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by TraderWeekly desc)
update RivalSHD.dbo._Char set HwanLevel = 3 where CharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 order by ThiefWeekly desc)
update RivalSHD.dbo.JobRegisterTable set WeeklyContributionAmount = 0, TraderWeekly = 0, HunterWeekly = 0, ThiefWeekly = 0, WeeklyCoinsGranted = 0, RemainRewardAmount = 0, JobExperience = 0
IF (@tMinutes >= 120)
@totalminutes int = (Select tMinutes from _OnlineOffline where CharID = @CharID),
@silklimit int = (select Limit from SilkPerHourConfig where WEEKDAYS = (select DATENAME(WEEKDAY, GETDATE())))
set @cursilkperhour = (Select DefaultSilk from SilkPerHourConfig where Weekdays = (SELECT DATENAME(WEEKDAY, GETDATE())))
SET @Silk = CAST(((SELECT [Minutes] FROM _OnlineOffline WHERE CharID = @CharID) / 60) as int)
set @JID = (select UserJID from RivalSHD.dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
set @AccountID = (select AccountID from RivalSHD.._AccountJID where JID = @JID)
set @earnedsilk = (@Silk*@cursilkperhour)
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
SET [Minutes] = 0
WHERE CharID = @CharID
UPDATE _OnlineOffline
SET [eSilk] = [eSilk] + @earnedsilk
WHERE CharID = @CharID
exec RivalACC.dbo._extraSilk @CharID, @earnedsilk,@JID
update _OnlineOffline set DailyGrantedSilks = DailyGrantedSilks + @earnedsilk where CharID = @CharID
if not exists (Select * from SilkperhourDailyAmounts where Day > GETDATE())
insert SilkperhourDailyAmounts values (0, GETDATE()+1)
update _OnlineOffline set DailyGrantedSilks = 0
if exists (Select * from SilkperhourDailyAmounts where Day < GETDATE())
@silkperhourid int
set @silkperhourid = (Select top 1 ID from SilkperhourDailyAmounts order by ID desc)
update SilkperhourDailyAmounts set SilkAmount = SilkAmount + @Silk where ID = @silkperhourid
if ((select latestJobTagdate from TimedEvents) < (select GETDATE()))
update TimedEvents set latestJobTagdate = latestJobTagdate + 1
delete from TopJobbers
declare @designatedCharID int = 0
while @designatedCharID <> null
insert TopJobbers (CharID, TopNo) values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.._Char where NickName16 <> CharName16), 0)
set @designatedCharID = (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD.._Char where NickName16 <> CharName16)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 1)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 1)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 1)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 2)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 2)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 2)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 3)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 3)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 3)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 4)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 4)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 4)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 5)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 5)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 5)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 6)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 6)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 6)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 7)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 7)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 7)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 8)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 8)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 8)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 9)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 9)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 9)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 10)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 2 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 10)
insert TopJobbers values ((select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 3 and CharID not in (select top 1 CharID from RivalSHD..JobRegisterTable where JobType = 1 order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc) order by WeeklyContributionAmount desc), 10)
if (@EventID = 11) and (@Data1 = 3)
if ((select latestregion from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID) in (25761,24993,25244,24734,23183,23180,23436,23439,24438,23929,22390,22137))
if not exists (Select CharID from RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog where CharID = @CharID)
insert RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog values (@CharID, GETDATE(), 0, 0)
declare @latestteleport datetime = (select LatestTeleportDate from RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog where CharID = @CharID)
update RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog set AccumulatedMinuteTeleport = 0 where LatestTeleportDate < GETDATE()-0.00068
update RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog set AccumulatedMinuteTeleport = AccumulatedMinuteTeleport + 1 where CharID = @CharID and (select DATEDIFF(Second, @latestteleport, GETDATE())) < 60
if exists (select CharID from RivalSHD..JobTeleportPenaltyLog where CharID = @CharID and AccumulatedMinuteTeleport > 2)
update RivalSHD.._Char set PKPenaltyPoint = PKPenaltyPoint + 15 where CharID = @CharID
(@EventID NOT BETWEEN 200 AND 202) AND
(@EventID NOT BETWEEN 204 AND 206) AND
(@EventID != 210) AND (@EventID != 214) AND (@EventID != 244) and (@EventID != 21))
@len_pos int,
@len_desc int
select @len_pos = len(@strPos),
@len_desc = len(@Desc)
if (@len_pos > 0 and @len_desc > 0)
insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, EventPos, strDesc) values (@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @strPos, @Desc)
else if (@len_pos > 0 and @len_desc = 0)
insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, EventPos, strDesc) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @strPos, @Desc)
else if (@len_pos = 0 and @len_desc > 0)
insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2, strDesc) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2, @Desc)
insert _LogEventChar (CharID, EventTime, EventID, Data1, Data2) values(@CharID, GetDate(), @EventID, @Data1, @Data2)
------------------------ IPLog System
IF @EventID = 4 /*This eventID is triggered whenever a character logs in*/
@Cname varchar(50) = (SELECT Charname16 from RivalSHD.dbo._Char WHERE CharID=@CharID),
@IP bigint = @Data2,
@ip1 int,
@ip2 int,
@ip3 int,
@ip4 int,
@LeftOver bigint,
@finalip varchar(50);
SET @ip1 = @IP / 16777216 /*First IP segment*/
SET @LeftOver = @IP - (@ip1 * 16777216)
SET @ip2 = @LeftOver / 65536 /*Second IP segment*/
SET @LeftOver = @LeftOver - (@ip2 * 65536)
SET @ip3 = @LeftOver / 256 /*Third IP segment*/
SET @ip4 = @LeftOver - (@ip3 * 256) /*Fourth IP segment*/
SET @finalip = /*Putting the segments together and reversing them*/
CONVERT(varchar, @ip4)+
'.'+CONVERT(varchar, @ip3)+
'.'+CONVERT(varchar, @ip2)+
'.'+CONVERT(varchar, @ip1)
INSERT INTO RivalLOG.dbo._IP_LOGS (CharName,IP,LogTime) values (@Cname,@finalip,GETDATE())
/* -- AutoEquipMent
if @EventID = '22' and @Data2 > @Data1 and @Data2 between '0' and '98'
exec zealous.dbo.[_AUTO_EQUIPMENT] @Data2,@CharID
--If ( @Data1=@Data2-1 AND @Data2 = @Data1+1 AND @Data2 <= 84 AND @EventID = 22 AND @Data2 > 10 ) BEGIN
-- Exec rivalshd.dbo._RoyalAutoEquipment @CharID, @Data2
IF @EventID = '22' and @Data2 > @Data1 and @Data2 between '0' and '87'
EXEC SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo._AutoEquipt @CharID,@Data2
/*---------- FIRST 200 Player Got lv100
IF @EventID = '22' and @Data2 = '100'
EXEC zealous.._ExodusOne @CharID,@EventID,@Data2
--- Wanted System
if @EventID = '19' -- Count kills
IF (@Desc LIKE '%Trader, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Trader
OR @Desc LIKE '%Hunter, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Hunter
OR @Desc LIKE '%Robber, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Thief
DECLARE @ReqLevel INT =0
SELECT @KilledName = REPLACE(@KilledName, LEFT(@KilledName, CHARINDEX('(', @KilledName)), '')
SELECT @KilledName = REPLACE(@KilledName, RIGHT(@KilledName, CHARINDEX(')', REVERSE(@KilledName))), '')
SELECT @ReqLevel = CurLevel FROM [RivalSHD].[dbo].[_Char] WHERE CharName16 = @KilledName
if @ReqLevel >= 85
Exec RivalLOG.dbo.[_Wanted] @CharID , @EventID , @Desc
if @EventID = '20' -- if dies
if (@EventID between 9 and 11)
IF (@Desc LIKE '%Trader, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Trader
OR @Desc LIKE '%Hunter, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Hunter
OR @Desc LIKE '%Robber, Neutral, no freebattle team%' -- Thief
UPDATE _RowKills SET Kills = '0' WHERE KillerID = @CharID
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob WHERE CharID = @CharID AND JobID = '33862' or CharID = @CharID and JobID between '50021' and '50024')
DELETE FROM RivalSHD.dbo._TimedJob WHERE CharID = @CharID and JobID = '33862' or CharID = @CharID and JobID between '50021' and '50024'
@CosID int,
@Aha INT,
@PetOption tinyint,
@CharName1 Varchar(64),
@CharLevel1 tinyint = (SELECT CurLevel from RivalSHD.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID)
IF (@EventID = 4)
SELECT @CharName1 = CharName16 FROM RivalSHD.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID
exec @DynIP = RivalACC.dbo.split_ip @Data2
INSERT INTO _IPLogs (CharID,Charname,IP,[Date]) VALUES (@CharID, @CharName1, @DynIP, GETDATE())
IF (@EventID = 6)
if @EventID = '19' -- Count kills
@Kc int ,
@K_Name VARCHAR(512) = @Desc
SELECT @K_Name = REPLACE(@K_Name, LEFT(@K_Name, CHARINDEX('(', @K_Name)), '')
SELECT @K_Name = REPLACE(@K_Name, RIGHT(@K_Name, CHARINDEX(')', REVERSE(@K_Name))), '')
----- Killed CharID
DECLARE @K_CharID INT =(SELECT CharID FROM [RivalSHD].[dbo].[_Char] WHERE CharName16 = @K_Name)
-- Check if he kills the char more than 3 times
@PKill int = (select COUNT(*) from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID and KilledID = @K_CharID),
@MaxK int = (select COUNT(Kills) from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID and Kills = '1')
if @EventID = '19'
INSERT INTO RivalLOG..Chetito (KillerID , KilledID , Kills) VALUES (@CharID , @K_CharID,'1')
-- #########################################
/*Hounr By Kills*/
-- #########################################
set @Charname = (select charname16 from RivalSHD.._Char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID)
Declare @Kills int
Set @CharID = (Select CharID From RivalSHD.._Char Where CharID=@CharID)
Set @Kills = (select COUNT(Kills) from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID)
Set @KillerID = (select KillerID from RivalLOG..Chetito where KillerID = @CharID)
if (@Kills < 29)
print ''
-- No level for under 29 kills
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 31 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level =8 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 8 Because Row Kills Is [31] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
-- level 8 for kills ebtween 30 and 44
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 41 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 9 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 9 Because Row Kills Is [41] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 51 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level =10 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 10 Because Row Kills Is [51] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 101 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 11 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 11 Because Row Kills Is [101] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 151 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 12 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 12 Because Row Kills Is [151] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 212 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 13 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 13 Because Row Kills Is [212] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 321 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 14 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 14 Because Row Kills Is [321] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 401 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 15 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 15 Because Row Kills Is [401] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 501 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 16 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 16 Because Row Kills Is [501] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 601 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 17 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 17 Because Row Kills Is [601] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 701 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 18 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 18 Because Row Kills Is [701] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 801 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 19 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 19 Because Row Kills Is [801] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 851 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 20 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 20 Because Row Kills Is [851] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 901 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 21 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 21 Because Row Kills Is [901] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1001 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 22 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 22 Because Row Kills Is [1001] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1101 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 23 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 23 Because Row Kills Is [1101] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1201 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 24 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 24 Because Row Kills Is [1201] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1301 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 25 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 25 Because Row Kills Is [1301] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1401 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 26 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 26 Because Row Kills Is [1401] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1501 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 27 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 27 Because Row Kills Is [1501] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1601 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 28 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 28 Because Row Kills Is [1601] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1701 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 29 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 29 Because Row Kills Is [1701] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1801 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 30 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 30 Because Row Kills Is [1801] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 1901 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 31 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 31 Because Row Kills Is [1901] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2001 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 32 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 32 Because Row Kills Is [2001] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2101 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 33 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 33 Because Row Kills Is [2101] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2201 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 34 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 34 Because Row Kills Is [2201] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2301 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 35 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 35 Because Row Kills Is [2301] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2401 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 36 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 36 Because Row Kills Is [2401] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2501 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 37 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 37 Because Row Kills Is [2501] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2601 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 38 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 38 Because Row Kills Is [2601] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
IF (@EventID=19) and (@Kills = 2701 )
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 39 where CharID = @CharID
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 39 Because Row Kills Is [2701] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
if (@Kills >2850)
Update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set Level = 40 where CharID = @CharID -- Currently the highest level
set @veremos = @Charname + ' has been reached Level 40 Highest Level Because Row Kills Is [2850] on Jobbing!'
INSERT INTO RivalSHD.._SQLBotConfig (Type,Content,Target,Executor,Notified) VALUES
--Hnonr BufF
if @EventID = '19' -- Count kills
@maxkills int,
@onekills int
set @onekills = (select COUNT(*) FROM RivalLOG.dbo.JobRank WHERE KillerID = @CharID AND KilledID = @CharID)
set @maxkills = (select COUNT(*) FROM RivalLOG.dbo.JobRank WHERE KillerID = @CharID)
@Kc1 int,
@K_Name1 VARCHAR(512) = @Desc
SELECT @K_Name1 = REPLACE(@K_Name1, LEFT(@K_Name1, CHARINDEX('(', @K_Name1)), '')
SELECT @K_Name1 = REPLACE(@K_Name1, RIGHT(@K_Name1, CHARINDEX(')', REVERSE(@K_Name1))), '')
----- Killed CharID
DECLARE @K_CharID1 INT =(SELECT CharID FROM [RivalSHD].[dbo].[_Char] WHERE CharName16 = @K_Name1)
-- Check if he kills the char more than 3 times
DECLARE @PKill1 int = (select COUNT(*) from RivalLOG..JobRank where KillerID = @CharID and KilledID = @K_CharID1)
DECLARE @MaxK1 int = (select COUNT(Kills) from RivalLOG..JobRank where KillerID = @CharID and Kills = '1')
if @EventID = '19'
INSERT INTO RivalLOG..JobRank (KillerID , KilledID , Kills) VALUES (@CharID , @K_CharID1,'1')
If (@onekills <= 1)
if (@maxkills <= 2850)
update RivalSHD.dbo._CharTrijob set KillCount=KillCount+1 where CharID=@CharID
--Insert char kills
@Ranking INT
SET @Ranking = 1
IF @Ranking <= 5
SET @Rank = 1
ELSE IF @Ranking <= 15
SET @Rank = 2
ELSE IF @Ranking <= 30
SET @Rank = 3
SET @Rank = 4
declare @CampID INT
set @CampID = (select campid from RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCampMember where CharID=@CharID)
declare @id int
set @id=(Select id from RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCamp where ID=@campid)
update RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCampMember set HonorPoint=HonorPoint+1 where CharID=@CharID
update RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCamp set EvaluationPoint=EvaluationPoint+1 where ID=@id
update RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCamp set GraduateCount=GraduateCount+1 where ID=@id
insert into RivalSHD.dbo._TrainingCampHonorRank (Ranking, CampID, Rank) Values (@RANKING, @CampID, @Rank)
-- #########################################
-- DECLARE @CharLevel2 tinyint = (SELECT CurLevel from rivalshd.dbo._Char WHERE CharID = @CharID)
--IF (@EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Robber%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Trader%' OR @EventID = 19 AND @Desc like '%My: Hunter%')
-- begin
-- EXEC JOBBING @CharID, @CharLevel2, @Desc
-- end
-- #########################################
-- Trade Gold Coins + Anti Cheat
if @EventID = '6' and exists (Select * from rivalshd.dbo._CharTrijob where CharID = @CharID AND Contribution >= '14318688' )
begin Exec [dbo].[_JobCoins] @charid , @eventid
-- Contri Save
if (@EventID= '4') begin Exec [_Contribt] @charid end
-- ########################################
--Declares first,
@Masterame0 varchar(50) = (select CharID from rivalshd.dbo._Char where CharID in (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._GuildMember where GuildID in (select GuildID from rivalshd.dbo._SiegeFortress) and MemberClass = '0' and Permission = '-1' and SiegeAuthority = '1')),
@checkit int = (select JobID from rivalshd.dbo._TimedJob where JobID = '70004' and CharID not in (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._GuildMember where GuildID in (select GuildID from rivalshd.dbo._SiegeFortress) and MemberClass = '0' and Permission = '-1' and SiegeAuthority = '1')),
@checkithwan int = (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._Char where HwanLevel = '113' and CharID not in (select Charid from rivalshd.dbo._GuildMember where GuildID in (select GuildID from rivalshd.dbo._SiegeFortress) and MemberClass = '0' and Permission = '-1' and SiegeAuthority = '1'))
if (@EventID=11)
OR (@EventID=9)
exec SRO_VT_ERIUS.dbo._SpecialGReward @Masterame0,@checkit,@checkithwan
انت معدل فيه حاجة أو ضايف في حاجة ؟ ولاهو زي ماهو كده ؟!
لو هو زي ماهو اعمل الكويري اللي انا كاتبهولك
ولو معدل فيه حاجة
ضيف اللي انا عاملهولك و تحتيه الروسيدرات اللي انت عاملها
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة MORJANA
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
انت معدل فيه حاجة أو ضايف في حاجة ؟ ولاهو زي ماهو كده ؟!
لو هو زي ماهو اعمل الكويري اللي انا كاتبهولك
ولو معدل فيه حاجة
ضيف اللي انا عاملهولك و تحتيه الروسيدرات اللي انت عاملها
شكرا لهتمامك لا انا مش معدل فيه هوا كده وانا فعلا جربت الكيوري بتاعتك ومكتبليش كدا في الشرد بس بردو كراش اول ما بدوس استارت
انا المشكله ديه كانت عندى والاستاذ ozoo حل لى المشكله ديه هيا كانت انى واخد داتا غير الكلينت وكانت شغاله مع ال server files بس مكنتش شغاله على ال client فغيرت ال data لل data بتاعت الكلنت فظهرت مشكله تانيه انى لازم احمل ال server files بتاعت اللعبه, فانت اتكد انك معاك ال data و ال client وال server files جيبهم من موضوع واحد.
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة maro20009
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
انا المشكله ديه كانت عندى والاستاذ ozoo حل لى المشكله ديه هيا كانت انى واخد داتا غير الكلينت وكانت شغاله مع ال server files بس مكنتش شغاله على ال client فغيرت ال data لل data بتاعت الكلنت فظهرت مشكله تانيه انى لازم احمل ال server files بتاعت اللعبه, فانت اتكد انك معاك ال data و ال client وال server files جيبهم من موضوع واحد.