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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

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قديم 24-03-2016, 04:17 PM   #1

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اصول السيو صـاعـد

اصول السيو غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015) - GOG Version Complete

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015) [All GOG Version Updates And Patches]
Day 1 Patch + 16 Free DLC's For Everyone + Patches till v1.11_2.0.0.41
The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - Official Expansion Pack

The world is in chaos. The air is thick with tension and the smoke of burnt villages. The fearsome Empire of Nilfgaard has struck again, ravaging the helpless Northern Kingdoms. The once mighty who tried to use Geralt for their own gain are now gone. In these uncertain times, no one can say what fortune holds in store, who will bring peace to the world and who will cause it only misery. But a force darker and deadlier emerges. The petty men and women commanding tin-plated armies fail to understand that their conflict is child's play compared to the Wild Hunt, the otherworldly threat which now looms. These ghastly spectral riders have for ages plagued humankind, bringing misery to the world. Yet this time the Wild Hunt seeks one person in particular: the one individual Destiny itself bestowed upon Geralt, the one soul Geralt considers kin.

- The grand finale to Geralt's story
- A standalone adventure easily accessible to new players
- Meaningful choices with consequences that change the story and the game world
- Quests and main story threads that can be resolved in any order or completed in parallel
- Unforgettable quests deeply linked with the core storyline and designed with care to draw players in
- A breathtaking cinematic introduction illustrating the game background
- Unique atmosphere, memorable characters and gritty dialogue

Open world
- A vast open world - 35 times larger than that in The Witcher 2
- Multiple ecosystems and cultures that players can move between at will
- Regions with different inspirations and deep cultural references, each with a distinct feel
- Free exploration unspoiled by loading times

Living world
- A world shaped by the player's decisions, but which, left to itself, goes on living
- A realistic day and night cycle
- A dynamic weather system
- A living economy: :The new in-game economy system varies the price of goods based on surrounding conditions or their place of origin relative to Geralt's current whereabouts in the world: the price of fish might differ depending on distance from water, and a village lying on a trade route for trappers and hunters might have many tanneries and leather workers, affecting the price of crafting components and armor.
- A unique, deep, consistent and expansive game world based on that described by Andrzej Sapkowski

- Combat complexity based on a variety of actions at the player's disposal, not on correct attack sequencing
- A Witcher Senses system bringing new tactical depth to combat
- Monsters, each with their own lore, posing unique hunting challenges and responding to changes in the environment

- A tutorial built into the game, allowing players to dive into the world of the Witcher with ease
- Involving investigations and rewarding hunts through the Witcher Senses mechanic
- A completely rewritten RPG mechanic allowing players to see the influence of statistics on gameplay
- An expanded Sign casting system: each of the 5 Signs has two different modes of use, creating even more possibilities in combat and challenging players to use magic in creative ways
- A highly-intuitive Alchemy system
- An expanded character development system
- Advanced Crafting mechanics

- Fully dynamic light and shadow effects throughout the game world, generating superior atmosphere and ambiance
- Detailed, realistic locations through a significant increase in polygon numbers
- A deep role-playing experience through visually attractive, film-like presentation.

System Requirements:
- Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
- Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 / AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
- OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
- Direct X 11
- HDD Space 40 GB

- Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
- Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
- OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
- Direct X 11
- HDD Space 40 GB

16 Free DLC's for Everyone:
1 - Termerian Armor Set
2 - Beard and Hairstyle Set
3 - Contract Missing Miners DLC
4 - Alternative Look for Yennefer
5 - Nilfgaardian Armour Set
6 - Elite Crossbow Set
7 - New Quest - Fool's Gold DLC
8 - Ballad Heroes - Neutral Gwent Card Set DLC
9 - Triss Alternative Costume
10 - New Quest - Scavenger Hunt Wolf School Gear
11 - Skellige Armor Set DLC11 Skellige Armor Set DLC
12 - New Quest - Contract Skelliges Most Wanted DLC
13 - New Quest - Where the Cat and Wolf Play
14 - Alternative Look for Ciri DLC
15 - New Finisher Animations DLC
16 - New Game + DLC

Game Installation Order:
1 - Install the main game.
2 - Install the Day 1 Patch
3 - Install patch 1.01-1.10
4 - Install 16 Free DLC's
5 - Install Heart Of Stones Expansion pack
6 - Install patch 1.10-1.11_2.0.0.41
7 - Enjoy the game

Download | Main Game:

Rapidgator - http://ouo.io/VSsadv - http://ouo.io/1aW4mv - http://ouo.io/h0DB1
Download | Day 1 Patch:

Rapidgator - http://ouo.io/rwi8g - http://ouo.io/RGL75 - http://ouo.io/JRoXv0
Download | Patch 1.01 - 1.10

Rapidgator - http://ouo.io/U64vmI - http://ouo.io/wmyXTo - http://ouo.io/mMsKt
Download | 16 Free DLC's:

Rapidgator - http://ouo.io/eMoqU6 - http://ouo.io/oTHrDx - http://ouo.io/9XwBuC
Download | The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - Official Expansion Pack - Only GOG Version:

Rapidgator - http://ouo.io/zG9WP3 - http://ouo.io/Nqx44t - http://ouo.io/KU6fQh
Download | The Witcher 3 Patch 1.10->1.11

Rapidgator - http://ouo.io/6EytjY - http://ouo.io/2iHiZW - http://ouo.io/KjGge
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition - Directors Cut (2008) - GOG Version with Extra Goodies

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (2012) - GOG Version


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