السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتة
كل ماجي اشغل السيرفر بيجيلي المشكلة دي
cannot occupy db session : select * from SK_SilkChange_BY_Web
cannot occupy db session : select * from SK_SilkChange_BY_Web
cannot occupy db session : select * from SK_SilkChange_BY_Web
cannot occupy db session : update _Shard set nStatus = 0, nCurrentUserRatio = 0 where nID = 64
cannot occupy db session : update _Shard set nStatus = 0, nCurrentUserRatio = 0 where nID = 64
بص انا هديك كورى واحد لل shard + account
بس قبل ما تستخدمهم اعمل باك اب للداتا عشان انا مش متاكد اوى
كود PHP:
USE [SRO_VT_SHARD] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[_DeleteCharPermanently_NoTX] Script Date: 02/14/2012 12:54:27 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[_DeleteCharPermanently_NoTX] @UserJID INT , @CharID INT AS ------------------------------------ -- Inventory¶û ±×¾E?? °???°? A?´? ¾?A??Uµé ³¯·?¹?¸®A?... ------------------------------------ -------------- ?ê ¼?E¯ ¾?A??U?I?? AI´U »è?¦ ---------------- declare @result int declare @Slot tinyint declare @RefItemID int
declare pc_inv_cursor cursor fast_forward for select inv.slot from _Inventory as inv join _Items as it on inv.ItemID = it.ID64 where (inv.CharID = @CharID and inv.Slot >= 13 and inv.ItemID > 0) and -- A????¢ ?¦?UCI°? ¾?A??U A?´A ¼?¼? AI?¥??¸® ¾E?? µé¾îA?A¸¸ç (it.Data <> 0) and -- ¼?E¯¼?¸¦ °???°? A?´A (exists (select top 1 ID from _RefObjCommon where ID = it.RefItemID and TypeID1 = 3 and TypeID2 = 2)) -- ?ê¼?E¯ ¾?A??Uµé ?£¾??à~
open pc_inv_cursor fetch next from pc_inv_cursor into @slot while @@fetch_status = 0 begin exec @result = _STRG_DEL_ITEM_NoTX 1, @CharID, @Slot if (@result < 0) begin close pc_inv_cursor deallocate pc_inv_cursor return @result end
fetch next from pc_inv_cursor into @Slot end
close pc_inv_cursor deallocate pc_inv_cursor ------------------- ³²A? ¾?A??Uµé ¸ù?¢ »è?¦ ------------------- -- ¾?A??UA? CI³?¶?µµ A?´U¸é... if (exists (select top 1 itemID from _Inventory where CharID = @CharID AND ItemID <> 0)) begin update _ItemPool Set InUse = 0 from _ItemPool as pool join _Inventory as inv on pool.ItemID = Inv.ItemID where Inv.CharID = @CharID and Inv.ItemID <> 0 end ----------- ¾?A??Uµé ³¯·EA¸´I ???¾AûA¸·ç AI?¥??¸® »è?¦ ------------ delete from _Inventory where CharID = @CharID if (@@error <> 0) begin return -10001 end
------------------- ³²A? ¾?¹U?¸ AI?¥??¸® ¾?A??Uµé ¸ù?¢ »è?¦ ------------------- -- ¾?A??UA? CI³?¶?µµ A?´U¸é... if (exists (select top 1 itemID from _InventoryForAvatar where CharID = @CharID AND ItemID <> 0)) begin update _ItemPool Set InUse = 0 from _ItemPool as pool join _InventoryForAvatar as InvAva on pool.ItemID = InvAva.ItemID where InvAva.CharID = @CharID and InvAva.ItemID <> 0 end ----------- ¾?A??Uµé ³¯·EA¸´I ???¾AûA¸·ç ¾?¹U?¸ AI?¥??¸® »è?¦ ------------ delete from _InventoryForAvatar where CharID = @CharID if (@@error <> 0) begin return -10008 end
------------------------------------ -- COS »è?¦ ------------------------------------ /* declare @engaged_cos int set @engaged_cos = 0 select @engaged_cos = EngagedCOS from _char with (nolock) where CharID = @CharID
--@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -- APPLY_MENTOR_SYSTEM (??AIE£) --@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ DECLARE @CampID INT SET @CampID = 0 SELECT @CampID = CampID FROM _TrainingCampMember WHERE CharID = @CharID IF (@CampID IS NOT NULL AND @CampID <> 0) BEGIN DECLARE @Ret_DelCampMember INT EXEC @Ret_DelCampMember = _TRAINING_CAMP_DELMEMBER @CampID, @CharID, 0 IF (@Ret_DelCampMember < 0) RETURN -10007 END
-- A?A¸¸é ????¹?¸®A?~ ¹¹. DELETE FROM _TrainingCampSubMentorHonorPoint WHERE CharID = @CharID
-- °?Cè?? ¹?C? ·¹??µ?µµ~~ ¤»¤» DELETE FROM _TrainingCampBuffStatus WHERE CampID = @CampID
-- ?¬¶?A?¾??®?ë ?ü½½·O ?¤?¸ A?A? ?×A??? ³¯¸®±â!!! exec _RemoveClientConfig @CharID -- by novice...... for saving client configurations... return @GuildID
كود PHP:
USE [SRO_VT_ACCOUNT] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[_ManageShardCharName] Script Date: 02/14/2012 12:56:27 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[_ManageShardCharName] @job tinyint, @UserJID int, @ShardID smallint, @CharName varchar(64), @OldName varchar(64) as -- add new char name if (@job = 0) begin if (not exists(select * from SR_ShardCharNames where UserJID = @UserJID and ShardID = @ShardID and CharName = @CharName)) begin insert SR_ShardCharNames values(@UserJID, @ShardID, @CharName) end end -- remove char name else if (@job = 1) begin delete SR_ShardCharNames where UserJID = @UserJID and ShardID = @ShardID and CharName = @CharName -- delete SR_CharAppoint where UserJID = @UserJID and ShardID = @ShardID and CharID = @CharName end -- rename previous one else if (@job = 2) begin update SR_ShardCharNames set CharName = @CharName where UserJID = @UserJID and ShardID = @ShardID and CharName = @OldName -- update SR_CharAppoint set CharID = @CharName where UserJID = @UserJID and ShardID = @ShardID and CharID = @OldName end
ان شاء الله هزبطولك مشاكل الداتا
بس اعمل باك اب قبل استخدمهم لعدم حصول اخطاء