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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة هنا يتم وضع المواضيع المخالفة والمواضيع المكررة

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 09-10-2014, 11:02 PM   #1

عضو جديد

• الانـتـسـاب » Oct 2014
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 119514
• المشـــاركـات » 3
• الـدولـة »
• الـهـوايـة »
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » No Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
GA-Mezo صـاعـد

GA-Mezo غير متواجد حالياً


âک… Server : PVP SERVER Ana UinqueS and EventS
âک… Server Cap: 110
âک… Server Degree: 11
âک… Server Mastery: EU-220/CH-330.
âک… Server Race: Europea And Ch take in event silk And Reward Good
âک… Server Files: vSRO Files.
âک… Security: vSRO Files.
âک… Server Capacity: 1000 Slots.
âک… Guild: Fix FTW Work
âک… Server Traffic Stat: Easy.
âک… Server IP limited: HAVE!
âک… IP: Loader hiden ip , site , client , type.txt , ipinput ,ping -t.
âک… Trade Job: Custom.
âک… Game System : Coins - Silk - Job/
âک… Max Stack: Coins - HP/MP- etc..
âک… Fortress: JANGAN ِAnd Hotan And Bandit
âک… Magic POP: Enableb
âک… Magic POP Rate: 35% .
âک… Stall & Consignment: Enabled.
âک… Server botting: Enabled.
âک… Intro client : Forgotten world.
âک… Jangan Teleport: the easier way to teleport from JG.
âک… Advance Elixir : [+2] B And Adv3 and adv 4
âک… Powder: Lucky magic powder higher rates.
âک… HP/MP/Grains: New Stack .
âک… NPC: New Npc getting item easier.
âک… Pets: New attack pets, New grap pets..
âک… Honor Buff: Academy ~ Donate
âک… Battle Arena Random (Flag/Score): Enabled.
âک… Battle Arena Guild (Flag/Score): Enabled.
âک… Battle Arena Job (Flag/Score): Enabled.
âک… Battle Arena Party (Flag/Score): Enabled.
âک… Capture the Flag: Enabled.
âک… Roc Entrance: Enabled. Spawn time : 6:00 GMT +0 every wednesday.
âک… Roc Zones: Enabled.
âک… Roc Mountain: Enabled.
âک… Medusa Gate : Enabled.
âک… Uniques : STR/INT
âک…Gold & Silver coins : Same as isro (Job temple uniques).
âک… Server Towns: Constantinople, Samarkand, Hotan, Donwhang, Alexandria South, Alexandria North and Jangan.and Baged
âک…How can i get arena coins â–؛
Capture the flag & battle arena are implemented with arena coins as rewards also from uniques above.
âک…How can i get Job points â–؛
You should go with a 4* trade (4* is the max level of the trade difficulty because the hp of the pets is low.Moreover,1*,2* and 3* trades give nothing) you receive 6 Jp in every trade run or a trade rob (Thief has to rob 4* trades as well) when you get to 110 you receive 10 free jp to be able to buy trade pets.
â–¬ You can wtt your items donate from any server to our server just for one week.
PM : Skype / Mohamednasser
• Regards : Devils-SRO عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة GA-Mezo ; 10-10-2014 الساعة 01:10 PM

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