notify successfully server task registered 2014-10-01 02:41:29 481
notify request server certification 2014-10-01 02:41:29 482
notify Add ServerNotify : (704) - FarmManager 2014-10-01 02:41:29 519
notify successfully server certificated 2014-10-01 02:41:29 523
fatal server cord established : 1 ( 2014-10-01 02:41:29 528
notify Connected to FarmManager [#704] 2014-10-01 02:41:29 529
notify InitializeDB is Successful 2014-10-01 02:41:29 630
fatal server cord established : 2 ( 2014-10-01 02:41:29 974
notify Connected to AgentServer [#707] 2014-10-01 02:41:29 977
fatal server cord established : 3 ( 2014-10-01 02:41:30 247
notify Connected to ShardManager [#705] 2014-10-01 02:41:30 249
fatal Initialize Build Mercenary Failed!! RefObjCodeName[COS_GUILD_EU_SOLDIER7_105] 2014-10-01 02:41:44 115
fatal !!! there is no record in this[TAB_REFRANKING_TRADERACTIVITY] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 337
fatal !!! there is no record in this[TAB_REFRANKING_TRADERCONTRIBUTION] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 337
fatal !!! there is no record in this[TAB_REFRANKING_ROBBERACTIVITY] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 338
fatal !!! there is no record in this[TAB_REFRANKING_ROBBERCONTRIBUTION] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 338
fatal !!! there is no record in this[TAB_REFRANKING_HUNTERACTIVITY] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 339
fatal !!! there is no record in this[TAB_REFRANKING_HUNTERCONTRIBUTION] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 339
fatal !!! there is no record in this[_RefRentItem] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 350
fatal !!! there is no record in this[_RefEventReward] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 395
fatal !!! there is no record in this[_RefEventRewardItems] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 395
fatal !!! there is no record in this[_RefUIString_Mt] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 396
fatal !!! there is no record in this[_RefTriggerVariable] table !!! 2014-10-01 02:41:44 396
notify LoadReferenceData is Successful 2014-10-01 02:41:44 666
notify SetupInstanceDataAccess is Successful 2014-10-01 02:41:45 045
warnning Individual Exp Gain Ratio: 35000 2014-10-01 02:41:45 067
warnning Party Exp Gain Ratio: 35000 2014-10-01 02:41:45 067
warnning Item Drop Ratio: 5000 2014-10-01 02:41:45 068
warnning Gold Drop Amount Factor: 15000 2014-10-01 02:41:45 068
fatal There is no WINTER_EVENT_2009 info !!! is it ok? 2014-10-01 02:41:45 069
fatal At initialize Server, Loading Siege data :: CurrentTax = 0 2014-10-01 02:41:45 241
fatal At initialize Server, Loading Siege data :: CurrentTax = 2 2014-10-01 02:41:45 244
fatal At initialize Server, Loading Siege data :: CurrentTax = 0 2014-10-01 02:41:45 247
fatal At initialize Server, Loading Siege data :: CurrentTax = 0 2014-10-01 02:41:45 250
notify Siege Fortress Manager is successfully initialized 2014-10-01 02:41:45 298
notify GameWorld Instance Manager initialized 2014-10-01 02:41:45 321
notify Loading GameWorld WorldSet[1] Regions!! 2014-10-01 02:41:46 508
notify load real region : 10% 2014-10-01 02:42:01 296
notify successfully log saved : D:\NEW SERVER\Server\Server Files\Blitzkrieq_Bin_Data\ReportLog_[SR_GameServer][2014-10-01 02-42-16].txt 2014-10-01 02:42:16 192
notify load real region : 20% 2014-10-01 02:42:20 178
notify load real region : 30% 2014-10-01 02:42:31 164
notify load real region : 40% 2014-10-01 02:42:40 704
notify load real region : 50% 2014-10-01 02:43:02 571
notify load real region : 60% 2014-10-01 02:43:27 179
fatal REGIONMGR failed to load 27091(x:211, z:105) region 2014-10-01 02:43:38 002
fatal Create Game World Map Failed!!! GAMEWORLDID[1] 2014-10-01 02:43:38 003
fatal Failed to initialize Map 2014-10-01 02:43:38 004
fatal Failed To Load Initial Resource 2014-10-01 02:43:38 004
fatal Failed To Init Local Data 2014-10-01 02:43:38 016
fatal SR_GameServer is initialized successfully 2014-10-01 02:43:38 018