1* Open Server.cfg 2* you will find on it Exp ratio + More 3* edit your Rates but take care x=1000 4* Open SrPatch 1.0.6 5* Choose SR_GameServer 6* Press on Patch Selected 7* Press on " Fix Rates 8* Press on Browse for Sr_GameServer
2- Agent Server no x trap Not Work
كود PHP:
1* open SrPatch 1.0.6 2* Choose Agent Server 3* Press on Patch Selected 4* Write your IP 5* Press on Agent Server
3- Close or Open Places
كود PHP:
1* SRO_VT_SHARD 2* Tables 3* dbo.refRegionBindAssocServer 4* Right Click 5* Edit All Rows 6* to open Place put 1 to Close it Put 0 ** Meaning of All Shortcuts ** CHINA = Jangan TQ = Qin-Shi Tomb (Jangan Cave) West_China = Downhang Oasis_Kingdom = Hotan Thief Village = Thief town Roc = Roc Mountain Eu = Constantinople Am = Asia Minor (Captain Ivy) Ca = Central Asia (Samarkand) SD = DESERT OF ALEX KingsValley = ALEX DOWN Pharaoh= HOLY TEMPLE DELTA = ALEXANDRIA TOWN TEMPLE = JOB CAVE ALEXANDRIA FORT_JA_AREA = Jangan FW FORT_DW_AREA = Donwhang FW FORT_HT_AREA = Hotan FW FORT_CT_AREA = Constantiple FW FORT_SK_AREA = Samarkand FW FORT_BJ_AREA = Bandit FW FORT_HM_AREA = - FORT_ER_AREA = - ARENA_OCCUPY = - ARENA_FLAG = Arena Flag ARENA_SCORE = Arena Score SIEGE_DUNGEON = Capture the Flag ARENA_GNGWC = Arena GNGWC GOD_TOGUI = Forgotten World GOD_WRECK_IN = Forgotten World GOD_FLAME = Forgotten World GOD_WRECK_OUT = Forgotten World EVENT_GHOST = Forgotten World JUPITER = Jupiter Temple 120 mob PRISON = Prison GM_EVENT = GM Map
4- Make Edit to All Not 200
كود PHP:
1* Tools 2* Options 3* SQL Server Object Explorer 4* Make "Value For Edit Rows " = 0
5- You Need Open GM from any Where
كود PHP:
1* download this 2* Replace it with your Old Gataway
1* There are wrong on DBCONNECT *** in down you will Find Official Format
9- Billing Server is Dead
كود PHP:
1* There are wrong on DBCONNECT *** in down you will Find Official Format
10- Files Disappeared when Open it
كود PHP:
1* Right Click on "MyComputer 2* Click on Properties 3* Click on Advanced System Setting 4* Use "Setting " On First Rectangle "Performance 5* Click on Date Execution prevention 6* Make add to Following Files 7* Global Manager , Machine Manager , download server, gataway Server , Farm Manager , Sr_ShardManager , Sr_GameServer and smc_independent
11- How you can open your game
كود PHP:
1* after open it from smc_independent 2* open or Download EdxLoadder 3* Add your Client 4* Press "Lunch 5* Press OK 6* Press on redirect Login IP 7* Press on Redirect World IP 8* But your IP next to " Redirect Login IP + Redirect World IP 2nd Rectangle 9* Edit 3rd Rectangle on 1st make it 15579 on 2nd make it 15880 Like This
12- DB Connection Failed
1* DB Connect Must be That
كود PHP:
<% Dim DBConnA, strConnectA Set DBConnA = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConnectA = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=WEKA-PC\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=SRO_VT_ACCOUNT;user ID=sa;password=AnaWekaHelper;" DBConnA.Open strConnectA