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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

تـحـمـيـل ألـعـاب Pc Games قسم مخصص لمواضيع تحميل أحدث و أقوى و اجمل العاب الـ PC

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قديم 03-11-2009, 07:55 AM   #1

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LordVolder صـاعـد

LordVolder غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي for people who dont know about cabal!!.

hi every one,
there is 2 kind of people i want to talk to in this thread:
1-the people who didnt hear about cabal.
2-the people who know cabal but didnt hear about the global version.
first i wouldlike to tell u what is cabal?!:
its a free RPG game that has amazing graphics and u its Fancy game,and here is the story of it:
Long ago, the CABAL cleansed the land with fury and destruction. Amidst the needless devastation, seven great masters of
Force Power led the remaining survivors to rebuild.
Now, almost a thousand years later, the CABAL are puppeteering the evil again, breeding a child to be king and once again cleanse the land. It is up to you to face the invaders of Nevareth and uncover the conspiracy behind it.

Amongst the 100+ NPCs in CABAL, you'll find friends and foes, good and evil. But remain vigilant! As sides change, some allies may turn on you, while former enemies can now be trusted...
ok,now EST soft released a new version of cabal caled cabal global,ok maybe one ask what is the difference on this version from other cabal's versions?.
answer:there is 3 big difference:1-that it have been made for players that cant play other versions for cabal on thier Domain(Country),u can play it from any place in the world if u cant play other version of cabal online,and thats sound's good cuz u will find your self playing with your friends from your country toghether.
2-cuz the game guard this time is x-trap that "in my opinion"is the best game guard than the other versions.
3-cuz its the newest server in cabal so u can find almost of people near your lvl and u can be from the strongest people easly.
ok that was about the comparing of cabal global and the other versions,what about we make another comparing bettween cabal and other mmorpg's and why i think that cabal online is the best free mmorpg's but this time i will not say any thing about other RPG that u playing"if u not playing cabal" i will show u the advantage of cabal:
1-high graphics.
2-different nations"procyons & capellas" that always there is a war bettween them.
3-the cash shop here is for fun its not important like other RPG's to charge in it."WHY?".cuz all cash shop here in cabal is just for fun and stylish,not like other games that say its free and when u try it u find your self must charge in it so u can play normal.
4-the GM here is really helpful more than other games he always be with u,besides he responds u fast more than other games,besidfes he usually come to the game to see if there any one needs help or not and check if there bugs or not.
5-the fun at lvling,some other RPG's that i played were boring in lvling your self,here is the opposite u cant stop fun while playing.
6-the war system is really great in it better than others too(it didnt open in the global version yet).
7-The easy selling and buying in it.
8-the different varios characters u here have 6 differ characters.
9-the nice J-box system and the amazing gaming music besides in each map or place u enter have differ music,u dont need to play any other music or songs while u playing cabal.
10-Dungeons:here cabal made a nice place to enter solo or with your friends(PT)called dungeon there u can enjoy your self and enjoy the drops.
those 10 advantage made me leave my RPG's like"Conquer,Eudeomns,SilkRoad,9Dragons,Zero,shaya "and stay here in cabal with those nice people and friends and the nice gaming i have now.

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hi people king_helios قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 18 12-06-2010 11:06 AM
You know this People Egy_LeadeR Bellona 0 25-07-2009 08:46 AM
For people help other people<< alektra قـسـم الـبـرامـج الـمـسـاعـدة 1 10-10-2008 10:26 PM

الساعة الآن 02:39 PM.