حفظ بياناتي ؟







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ibrahim_END 07/1212024

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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة [ قسم متخصص فى شروحات و البرامج في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة ] [ يرجى عدم وضع الأسئلة والاستفسارات في هذا القسم ]

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 24-09-2017, 01:09 AM   #1

عضو فعال

الصورة الرمزية HB#

• الانـتـسـاب » Jul 2017
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 133179
• المشـــاركـات » 472
• الـدولـة » Daquhlia - Mansoura
• الـهـوايـة »
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » Private Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
HB# صـاعـد

HB# غير متواجد حالياً

إرسال رسالة عبر Yahoo إلى HB#

(1) Release Unique Reward System

على ما اظن انا شفت السيستم هنا قبل كده بس بيدي سيلك بس فا حبيت اطور الموضوع شويه

السيستم ضامن ال vsro multi tools وممكن تشتغل من غيروا بردو بس لو اشتغلت من غيروا مش هيقدر يكلم ال يموت اليونيك يقولوا اي حاجه ولا يقول برايفت ولا نوتيك ولا جلوبال

السيستم بيعمل ايه؟ السيستم يا عمي بيدي item reward , silk reward , hwan reward , gold reward لليموت اليونيك ال حضرتك تحددوا وكمان بيكلموا يقولوا كلام حضرتك بتحددوا بردو و نوتيك وجلوبال بكلام انت بتحددوا بردو ودا بي ال vsro multi tools طبعا!!

ملحوظه : لازم تشتغل بي srZor_GameSever او Evangelion_GameServer ويكونوا بيسجلوا ال unique kills في ال table بتاعهم في ال SRO_VT_ACCOUNT ... وانا استخدمتهم عشان بيسجلوا اليونيكات ال بيموتها ال normal players بس ومبجيبوش مشاكل وانا مشتغلت بي log ال vsro multi tool عشان حاجتين .. اولا الحابب يشتغل من غيروا .. ثانيا log ال vsro multi tools بتاع اليونيكات اوقات بيجيب null في ال charname بتاع اليونيك فا ممكن يعمل مشاكل

نخش في الخلاصه اولا هتعمل ال table :


/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[_UQRewardConfig]    Script Date: 9/23/2017 11:50:24 PM ******/



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[_UQRewardConfig](
	[UniqueCodeName] [varchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[ItemCodeName] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[ItemCount] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[ItemOptLevel] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[silk_own] [int] NOT NULL,
	[silk_gift] [int] NOT NULL,
	[silk_point] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Gold] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Private Chat] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Private Chat2] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Global Chat] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Global Chat2] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Notice Chat] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Notice Chat2] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Item2CodeName] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Item2Count] [int] NULL,
	[Item2OptLevel] [int] NULL,
	[Item3CodeName] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Item3Count] [int] NULL,
	[Item3OptLevel] [int] NULL,
	[HwanLevel] [int] NOT NULL


ثانيا هتعمل ال trigger دي لو انت شغال بي srZor_GameServer :


/****** Object:  Trigger [dbo].[UniqueRewardSystem]    Script Date: 9/23/2017 11:26:25 PM ******/


-- =============================================
-- Don't copy it for yourself
-- =============================================

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[UniqueRewardSystem] 
ON  [dbo].[srZor_uniques]
after  insert  
/********************************* System Start ********************************/
----------- # Main Declares
declare @MobName varchar(max)
declare @CharName varchar(max)
declare @tableMobName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem1CodeName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem1Count int
declare @tableItem1OptLevel int
declare @tableItem2CodeName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem2Count int
declare @tableItem2OptLevel int
declare @tableItem3CodeName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem3Count int
declare @tableItem3OptLevel int
declare @table_silk_own int
declare @table_silk_gift int
declare @table_silk_point int
declare @table_gold_amount int
declare @table_unique_message varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_message2 varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_global varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_global2 varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_notice varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_notice2 varchar(max)
declare @table_hwan_level int
declare @CharID int
declare @CharJID int
declare @CharSilkCheck int
select @MobName = MobName,@CharName = CharName from srZor_uniques
----------- # Declares END
----------- # Sets Begin
Set @TableMobName = (select TOP 1 UniqueCodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @MobName)
Set @tableItem1CodeName = (select TOP 1 ItemCodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem1Count = (select TOP 1 ItemCount from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem1OptLevel = (select TOP 1 ItemOptLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)

Set @tableItem2CodeName = (select TOP 1 Item2CodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem2Count = (select TOP 1 Item2Count from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem2OptLevel = (select TOP 1 Item2OptLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)

Set @tableItem3CodeName = (select TOP 1 Item3CodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem3Count = (select TOP 1 Item3Count from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem3OptLevel = (select TOP 1 Item3OptLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)

Set @table_silk_own = (select TOP 1 silk_own from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_silk_gift = (select TOP 1 silk_gift from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_silk_point = (select TOP 1 silk_point from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_gold_amount = (select TOP 1 Gold from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_message = (select TOP 1 [Private Chat] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_message2 = (select TOP 1 [Private Chat2] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_global = (select TOP 1 [Global Chat] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_global2 = (select TOP 1 [Global Chat2] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_notice = (select TOP 1 [Notice Chat] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_notice2 = (select TOP 1 [Notice Chat2] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_hwan_level = (Select TOP 1 HwanLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @CharID = (Select TOP 1 CharID from [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._Char where CharName16 = @CharName)
Set @CharJID = (Select TOP 1 UserJID from [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
Set @CharSilkCheck = (select count(JID) from SK_Silk where JID = @CharJID)
----------- # Sets END
-- IF Condition
IF (@MobName = @tableMobName)
IF @CharSilkCheck != '0'
UPDATE SK_Silk set silk_own = silk_own + @table_silk_own , silk_gift = silk_gift + @table_silk_gift , silk_point = silk_point + @table_silk_point where JID = @CharJID
IF @CharSilkCheck = '0'
INSERT INTO SK_Silk (JID,silk_own,silk_gift,silk_point) values (@CharJID,'0','0','0')
UPDATE SK_Silk set silk_own = silk_own + @table_silk_own , silk_gift = silk_gift + @table_silk_gift , silk_point = silk_point + @table_silk_point where JID = @CharJID
exec [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @CharName,@tableItem1CodeName,@tableItem1Count,@tableItem1OptLevel
exec [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @CharName,@tableItem2CodeName,@tableItem2Count,@tableItem2OptLevel
exec [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @CharName,@tableItem3CodeName,@tableItem3Count,@tableItem3OptLevel
UPDATE [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._Char set RemainGold = RemainGold + @table_gold_amount
IF @table_hwan_level != '-100'
UPDATE [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._Char set HwanLevel = @table_hwan_level
IF @table_unique_message is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Message,Date) Values (1,'Private',@CharName,@table_unique_message,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_message2 is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Message,Date) Values (1,'Private',@CharName,@table_unique_message2,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_global is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Message,Date) Values (1,'Global','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_global,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_global2 is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Date) Values (1,'Global','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_global2,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_notice is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Message,Date) Values (1,'Notice','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_notice,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_notice is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Date) Values (1,'Notice','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_notice2,Getdate())
دا بقا لو انت شغال بي Evangelion_GameServer :


/****** Object:  Trigger [dbo].[UniqueRewardSystem]    Script Date: 9/23/2017 11:26:25 PM ******/


-- =============================================
-- Don't copy it for yourself
-- =============================================

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[UniqueRewardSystem] 
ON  [dbo].[Evangelion_uniques]
after  insert  
/********************************* System Start ********************************/
----------- # Main Declares
declare @MobName varchar(max)
declare @CharName varchar(max)
declare @tableMobName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem1CodeName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem1Count int
declare @tableItem1OptLevel int
declare @tableItem2CodeName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem2Count int
declare @tableItem2OptLevel int
declare @tableItem3CodeName varchar(max)
declare @tableItem3Count int
declare @tableItem3OptLevel int
declare @table_silk_own int
declare @table_silk_gift int
declare @table_silk_point int
declare @table_gold_amount int
declare @table_unique_message varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_message2 varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_global varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_global2 varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_notice varchar(max)
declare @table_unique_notice2 varchar(max)
declare @table_hwan_level int
declare @CharID int
declare @CharJID int
declare @CharSilkCheck int
select @MobName = MobName,@CharName = CharName from Evangelion_uniques
----------- # Declares END
----------- # Sets Begin
Set @TableMobName = (select TOP 1 UniqueCodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @MobName)
Set @tableItem1CodeName = (select TOP 1 ItemCodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem1Count = (select TOP 1 ItemCount from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem1OptLevel = (select TOP 1 ItemOptLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)

Set @tableItem2CodeName = (select TOP 1 Item2CodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem2Count = (select TOP 1 Item2Count from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem2OptLevel = (select TOP 1 Item2OptLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)

Set @tableItem3CodeName = (select TOP 1 Item3CodeName from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem3Count = (select TOP 1 Item3Count from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @tableItem3OptLevel = (select TOP 1 Item3OptLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)

Set @table_silk_own = (select TOP 1 silk_own from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_silk_gift = (select TOP 1 silk_gift from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_silk_point = (select TOP 1 silk_point from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_gold_amount = (select TOP 1 Gold from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_message = (select TOP 1 [Private Chat] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_message2 = (select TOP 1 [Private Chat2] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_global = (select TOP 1 [Global Chat] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_global2 = (select TOP 1 [Global Chat2] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_notice = (select TOP 1 [Notice Chat] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_unique_notice2 = (select TOP 1 [Notice Chat2] from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @table_hwan_level = (Select TOP 1 HwanLevel from _UQRewardConfig where UniqueCodeName = @tableMobName)
Set @CharID = (Select TOP 1 CharID from [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._Char where CharName16 = @CharName)
Set @CharJID = (Select TOP 1 UserJID from [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._User where CharID = @CharID)
Set @CharSilkCheck = (select count(JID) from SK_Silk where JID = @CharJID)
----------- # Sets END
-- IF Condition
IF (@MobName = @tableMobName)
IF @CharSilkCheck != '0'
UPDATE SK_Silk set silk_own = silk_own + @table_silk_own , silk_gift = silk_gift + @table_silk_gift , silk_point = silk_point + @table_silk_point where JID = @CharJID
IF @CharSilkCheck = '0'
INSERT INTO SK_Silk (JID,silk_own,silk_gift,silk_point) values (@CharJID,'0','0','0')
UPDATE SK_Silk set silk_own = silk_own + @table_silk_own , silk_gift = silk_gift + @table_silk_gift , silk_point = silk_point + @table_silk_point where JID = @CharJID
exec [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @CharName,@tableItem1CodeName,@tableItem1Count,@tableItem1OptLevel
exec [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @CharName,@tableItem2CodeName,@tableItem2Count,@tableItem2OptLevel
exec [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @CharName,@tableItem3CodeName,@tableItem3Count,@tableItem3OptLevel
UPDATE [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._Char set RemainGold = RemainGold + @table_gold_amount
IF @table_hwan_level != '-100'
UPDATE [SRO_VT_SHARD].dbo._Char set HwanLevel = @table_hwan_level
IF @table_unique_message is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Message,Date) Values (1,'Private',@CharName,@table_unique_message,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_message2 is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Message,Date) Values (1,'Private',@CharName,@table_unique_message2,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_global is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Message,Date) Values (1,'Global','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_global,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_global2 is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Date) Values (1,'Global','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_global2,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_notice is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Message,Date) Values (1,'Notice','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_notice,Getdate())
IF @table_unique_notice is not NULL
Insert Into [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[iLegend_Tool] (Service,Type,Target,Date) Values (1,'Notice','['+@CharName + '] '+@table_unique_notice2,Getdate())
ودي كويري عشان تضيف اليونيك وشارح فيها كل حاجه بس ترجمها بس :


declare @UniqueCodeName varchar(max)
declare @ItemCodeName varchar(max)
declare @ItemCount int
declare @ItemOptLevel int
declare @silk_own int
declare @silk_gift int
declare @silk_point int
declare @gold_amount int
declare @Item2CodeName varchar(max)
declare @Item2Count int
declare @Item2OptLevel int
declare @Item3CodeName varchar(max)
declare @Item3Count int
declare @Item3OptLevel int
declare @PrivateChat1 varchar(max)
declare @PrivateChat2 varchar(max)
declare @GlobalChat1 varchar(max)
declare @GlobalChat2 varchar(max)
declare @NoticeChat1 varchar(max)
declare @NoticeChat2 varchar(max)
declare @HwanLevel int

--- I added 3 items in reward because some people wanna give a lot of rewards .. IDK why -.- i think 2 are enough -.-

Set @UniqueCodeName = 'UniqueCodeHere'   --- Unique Code (for example : MOB_CH_TIGERWOMAN)

Set @ItemCodeName = 'ItemCodeHere'  --- Item 1 Reward (for example : ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN)
--- if you don't want him to take item 1 reward set @ItemCodeName , @ItemCount , @ItemOptLevel null like this 'NULL'

Set @ItemCount = 'ItemCountHere' --- The amount of the item 1 reward
---(for example he will take 50 arena coin so ItemCount = '50') , equipment make set it '1'

Set @ItemOptLevel = 'ItemOptLevelHere' --- The plus of the item 1
---(for example : +8 so you will set it 8 like this @ItemOptLevel = '8'

Set @silk_own = 'silk_own_here' --- the amount of silk own which will be given to him in the reward
--- For example ( wtf it doesn't need an example -_- ) if you don't want to give him silk_own set it 0

Set @silk_gift = 'silk_gift_here' --- the amount of silk gift which will be given to him in the reward
--- For example ( wtf it doesn't need an example -_- ) if you don't want to give him silk_gift set it 0

Set @silk_point = 'silk_point_here' --- the amount of silk point which will be given to him in the reward
--- For example ( wtf it doesn't need an example -_- ) if you don't want to give him silk_point set it 0

Set @gold_amount = 'gold_amount_here' --- the amount of gold which which will be given to him in the reward
--- For example ( wtf it doesn't need an example -_- ) if you don't want to give him gold set it 0

Set @Item2CodeName = 'Item2CodeHere'  --- Item 2 Reward (for example : ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN)
--- if you don't want him to take item 2 reward set @Item2CodeName , @Item2Count , @Item2OptLevel null like this 'NULL'

Set @Item2Count = 'Item2CountHere' --- The amount of the item 2 reward
---(for example he will take 50 arena coin so ItemCount = '50') , equipment make set it '1'

Set @Item2OptLevel = 'Item2OptLevelHere' --- The plus of the item 2
---(for example : +8 so you will set it 8 like this @ItemOptLevel = '8'

Set @Item3CodeName = 'Item3CodeHere'  --- Item 3 Reward (for example : ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN)
--- if you don't want him to take item 3 reward set @Item3CodeName , @Item3Count , @Item3OptLevel null like this 'NULL'

Set @Item3Count = 'Item3CountHere' --- The amount of the item 3 reward
---(for example he will take 50 arena coin so ItemCount = '50') , equipment make set it '1'

Set @Item3OptLevel = 'Item3OptLevelHere' --- The plus of the item 3
---(for example : +8 so you will set it 8 like this @ItemOptLevel = '8'

Set @PrivateChat1 = 'PrivateChat1Here' --- The private chat 1 which will the bot will tell him about after killing the unique
---(for example : Congratulations fighter, you have killed a special unique.)
--- If you don't want him to PM him with private chat 1 then set it null like this 'NULL'

Set @PrivateChat2 = 'PrivateChat2Here' --- The private chat 2 which will the bot will tell him about after killing the unique
---(PrivateChat1 example + PrivateChat2 example : You received a reward, please teleport somewhere. )
--- If you don't want him to PM him with private chat 2 then set it null like this 'NULL'

Set @GlobalChat1 = 'GlobalChat1Here' --- The global chat 1 which will the bot will tell him about after killing the unique
---(for example : Congratulations fighter, you have killed a special unique.)
--- If you don't want him to PM him with private chat 1 then set it null like this 'NULL'

Set @GlobalChat2 = 'GlobalChat2Here' --- The global chat 2 which will the bot will tell him about after killing the unique
---(PrivateChat1 example + PrivateChat2 example : You received a reward, please teleport somewhere. )
--- If you don't want him to PM him with private chat 2 then set it null like this 'NULL'

Set @NoticeChat1 = 'NoticeChat1Here' --- The notice chat 1 which will the bot will tell all the server about after killing the unique
---(for example : Congratulations fighter, you have killed a special unique.)
--- If you don't want him to PM him with private chat 1 then set it null like this 'NULL'

Set @NoticeChat2 = 'NoticeChat2Here' --- The global chat 2 which will the bot will tell all the server about after killing the unique
---(PrivateChat1 example + PrivateChat2 example : You received a reward, please teleport somewhere. )
--- If you don't want him to PM him with private chat 2 then set it null like this 'NULL'

Set @HwanLevel = 'HwanLevelHere' --- The Hwan Level which he will take after killing the unique
--- For example : Hwan number 5 then set it 5 -.-
--- Important : If you don't want him to take HwanLevel set it -100 like this : Set @HwanLevel = '-100'

---Don't touch anything below this , just do the shit above this
INSERT INTO _UQRewardConfig (UniqueCodeName,ItemCodeName,ItemCount,ItemOptLevel,silk_own,silk_gift,silk_point,Gold,Item2CodeName,Item2Count,Item2OptLevel,Item3CodeName,Item3Count,Item3OptLevel,[Private Chat],[Private Chat2],[Global Chat],[Global Chat2],[Notice Chat],[Notice Chat2],HwanLevel) values
ملحوظات : -رغم اني قايلها في الكويري بس هاكد .. لو مش عاوزوا ياخد hwan هتعمل ال hwan ال في الكويري -100

-متمسحش اي علامه تنصيص من الكويري ال بتضيف (علامه التنصيص دي ' ' )

-بالنسبه للجلوبال او النوتيك : هوا بيقول اسم الكاراكتر وبعدين النوتيك او الجلوبال بالكلام الحضرتك محددوا .. لو مش محدد مش هيقول حاجه ودا مش للبرايفت طبعا لانوا بيكلم الشخصيه نفسها

واليونيكات ال انت عاملها reward هتلاقيها في table في داتابيز الاكونت بتاعتك بي اسم UQRewardConfig_ عشان لو حابب تشيل ال reward من يونيك

ودا مثال للشكل ال هيبقا بيه فيه ال table :

كود PHP:
MOB_SD_SETH    ITEM_ETC_ARENA_COIN    50    0    100    0    0    5000    Congratulations for killing Seth.    You have received a big reward!    well done.    NULL    has killed SethCongratulations!    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    -100 

شويه صور كده من السيستم :

Log :
تم اضافه ال global chat وال notice chat وال gold reward وصور من السيستم .. بالتوفيق

توقيع HB# :
Unknown language

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة HB# ; 22-02-2018 الساعة 03:22 AM السبب: ِAdding more features..

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى الردود آخر مشاركة
طلب Release Unique Reward System MR.KaBO قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة 1 29-05-2020 06:09 PM
[Release] Max-Sro l D11 l Pve l New System 100% Free2Play l Unique System Mazika Yasser قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة 21 06-03-2019 12:48 AM
[Unique Reward System [VSRO MULTI TOOL HB# قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة 3 22-03-2018 03:25 PM
Release : New Automatic Unique Kills Reward Dev. iLegend قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة 25 19-03-2015 07:07 PM

الساعة الآن 02:03 AM.