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قديم 15-07-2017, 06:05 AM   #1


• الانـتـسـاب » May 2017
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buneo صـاعـد

buneo غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي IDEA StatiCa.8.0.22

IDEA StatiCa.8.0.22

IDEA StatiCa 8.0.22 | 662.7 mb

Idea RS, a developer and seller design solutions for structural engineering offices, has released 8.0.22 version of StatiCa. This software enabling engineers to work faster and more accurately, construction companies to use optimal amount of material and construction authorities/checkers to evaluate requirements of the national code quickly and thoroughly.

IDEA StatiCa enables engineers to design every new construction cheaper and safer by minimizing risks of structural defects, decreasing material consumption of construction members/details by up to 30%, reducing time spent on designing of construction members/details by up to 50%, providing 100% "white box" results for engineers, general contractors, checkers and construction authorities.
IDEA StatiCa has three main parts:

- IDEA StatiCa Concrete is used by engineers dealing with members/details of concrete structures. Designing is based on internal forces model created either in IDEA StatiCa or imported from FEA programs like Midas, Axis VM, SCIA Engineer and others. More info.
- IDEA StatiCa Prestressing is used by engineers for the design of members, cross-sections, and details of prestressed concrete structures and bridges. The program is suitable for an extensive range of applications in both pre- and post-tensioned concrete market. More info.
- IDEA StatiCa Steel is used by engineers dealing with members, joints, connections, details and cross-sections of steel structures. Its functionality is organized into modules depending on the member which is to be analyzed and designed - Connection, Beam, Column, Frame etc.

IDEA Concrete
- fixed opening and closing of binary data file in RCS
- fixed crash at first launch of RCS
- fixed input of reinforcement on all edges of opening of general cross-section
- disabled recalculation of check results in reinforcement editor for tapered sections
- fFixed refresh of drawing of reinforced sections after changes
IDEA Connection
- fixed bolt hole diameter in database
- fixed drawing of beam axes
- warnings in report (buckling analysis, welds)
- fixed error in results redraw in 3D scene after change of load case
- fixed error after change of material in wizard
- added support for Advance Steel 2018 and Tekla 2017


- fixed storing data to .ideaRcs file format
- fixed calculation of limit slenderness for concrete check according to Ec
- fixed storing of default parameters of reinforcement template of beam-slab
- fixed finishing of wizard from RSTAB to IDEA Connection
IDEA Connection
- fix of buckling analysis About IDEA RS

IDEA RS develops and sells software for structural engineers/consultants, construction authorities and all others who perform/evaluate/use structural analysis and design of constructions and their members. Our development team researches, tests and applies new methods of structural analysis. Based on it, we create IDEA StatiCa products - enabling engineers to work faster and more accurately, construction companies to use optimal amount of material and construction authorities/checkers to evaluate requirements of the national code quickly and thoroughly. For us, creating top-class software is a way to contribute to making every new construction around the world safer and cheaper.

Product: IDEA StatiCa
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page :
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even / 8.x / 10
Size: 662.7 mb

Download Link Rapidgator.net


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New idea spiky Ceres 7 01-05-2008 05:06 AM

الساعة الآن 12:35 PM.