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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

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أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 14-07-2017, 04:41 PM   #1


• الانـتـسـاب » May 2017
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 132767
• المشـــاركـات » 179
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• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » No Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
buneo صـاعـد

buneo غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي DAZ Studio Pro (Win/Mac)

DAZ Studio Pro (Win/Mac)

DAZ Studio Pro (Win/Mac)

DAZ Studio is a feature rich 3D figure customization, posing, and animation tool that enables anyone to create stunning digital illustrations and animations. DAZ Studio is the perfect tool to design unique digital art and animations using virtual people, animals, props, vehicles, accessories, environments and more.

With DAZ Studio you can...
- Create custom 3D characters and avatars
- Create graphic design elements
- Produce illustrations for books, comics, and graphic novels
- Quickly make your own editorial artwork
- Design virtual environments with animated fly-throughs

Create Professional Quality Graphics with DAZ Studio
How you get started with DAZ Studio depends on what you want to accomplish. If you are a graphic designer or a user of another 3D platform like Maya or Poser, and you need custom 3D art, then you need to explore our digital warehouse of 3D characters, accessories, and environments. DAZ Studio lets you use anything from our huge catalog to create impressive, custom digital graphics at a fraction of the cost, time and hassle. See what other professionals are doing with DAZ Studio.

What will you create with DAZ Studio?
- Writing a fantasy novel and need a hero? No Problem.
- Need to storyboard some lighting effects? No Problem.
- Need to create a flexible and complex character for an online short video? No Problem.
- Need a low cost realistic model and don't have time or budget to hire one? No Problem.
- Have something lodged in your imagination that just must come out? No Problem.

System Requirements:

What's New in DAZ Studio Pro 4.9:
� With Daz Connect, you can browse your content, install right from the cloud.
� Uninstall what you're not using, receive product updates and even purchase new items right from within Studio.
� 4.9 is more convenient and efficient with even faster, more intelligent downloads.
� Smart Content is Smarter. Making your content easier to navigate and locate.
� Your renders will look better than ever with updated versions of both NVIDIA Iray� and 3Delight render engines.

Download Link Rapidgator.net


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خطا فى SQL management studio PoolLiveTour قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة 8 03-08-2012 01:27 PM

الساعة الآن 01:57 PM.