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قديم 14-07-2017, 03:44 AM   #1


• الانـتـسـاب » May 2017
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• المشـــاركـات » 179
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• نقـاط التقييم » 10
buneo صـاعـد

buneo غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Roland VS Tera Piano for Concerto v3.2.0 WiN

Roland VS Tera Piano for Concerto v3.2.0 WiN

Roland VS Tera Piano for Concerto v3.2.0 WiN | 851 Mb

Tera Piano brings the unparalleled expression, depth and warmth of our world class concert piano to your creative process.

- 48khz stereo .ogg format (VBR)
- Adjustable key sensitivity
- Fine and course tuning controls, both manually or via midi control for coarse tuning
- Convolution Reverb with 8 impulse responses
- Decay and wet/dry mix controls
- Per instrument Limiter toggle
- Multiple instruments supported per plugin instance
- Multi-threaded loading and streaming.
- VST parameter automation

Emotional Journey

With Roland Cloud's revolutionary Ultra-deep sampling process, we've distilled and harnessed the warm and velvety tones of this world class piano and brought them to your workstation. Every keystroke and every note allows flawless reproduction laden with expression and bolstered by precision Engineering. Buckle up, and let your ears take you to a ballet in Moscow, a music academy in London, a conservatory in Paris or a concert hall in your studio.

Noble Pedigree

The distinctive lineage that produced Tera Piano shows a family tree with all the right relatives in all the right places. Born of a legendary and timeless Piano. Captured and painstakingly nurtured by world renowned and award winning composers. Dressed elegantly and presented in a player designed and architected by hand-picked engineers from many known and beloved platforms. Adopted by you, the creator. It's going to be a long and happy life.

Download Link Rapidgator.net


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى الردود آخر مشاركة
Roland VS FLAVR Grit for Concerto.v1.0 WiN buneo قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 15-07-2017 02:33 AM
Roland VS Tera Piano for Concerto.v3.2.0 WiN buneo قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 14-07-2017 05:15 AM
Roland VS Tera Guitar for Concerto v1.9.0 WiN buneo قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 14-07-2017 05:05 AM
Roland VS Anthology 1987 for Concerto v3.2.0 WiN buneo قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 14-07-2017 04:35 AM
Roland VS Anthology 1985 Vol 1 - 2 for Concerto v3.2.0 WiN buneo قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 14-07-2017 04:25 AM

الساعة الآن 11:31 PM.