قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة [ قسم خاص لأسئلة واستفسارات عمل السيرفرات الخاصة ] [ يرجى الالتزام بقوانين قسم الأسئلة والاستفسارات ] |
13-03-2016, 05:34 PM
• الانـتـسـاب » Feb 2016
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 129168
• المشـــاركـات » 301
• الـدولـة » Adventure Online
• الـهـوايـة » Adventure Online
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » Private Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
طلب في vsro multi tool
دلواقتي في اسكرولة انا عاوز اول ميضربها يكتبله في الشات تحت Succsecfly مثلا او اي حاجة انا اخترها
انا دلواقتي اسكرولة Reset skills اول ميضربها و الاسكلات ترجع يكتبله تحت في الشات private يكتبله رسالة
زي كدة موضوع mastery skills لو حد جبلي الكويري ده هفرح اووي والله :] علشان محتاجه اووي
ديه مثلا اهم 3 كويرهات اسكرولات عاوز احطلهم السيستم ده اعمل ايه
ديه في addtimedjob
كود PHP:
if(@JobID= '*****')
declare @TotalSP int
declare @TotalSPMastery int
SELECT @TotalSP = SUM(_RefSkill.ReqLearn_SP) FROM _RefSkill, _CharSkill WHERE _RefSkill.ID=_CharSkill.SkillID AND _CharSkill.CharID=@CharID AND _RefSkill.ReqCommon_MasteryLevel1 <= '130'
SELECT @TotalSPMastery = SUM(_RefLevel.Exp_M) FROM _CharSkillMastery, _RefLevel WHERE _RefLevel.Lvl=_CharSkillMastery.Level AND _CharSkillMastery.CharID=@CharID AND _CharSkillMastery.Level <= '130'
UPDATE _Char SET RemainSkillPoint=RemainSkillPoint+@TotalSP+@TotalSPMastery+200000 WHERE CharID=@CharID
DELETE _CharSkill FROM _RefSkill, _CharSkill WHERE _RefSkill.ID=_CharSkill.SkillID AND _CharSkill.CharID=@CharID AND _RefSkill.ReqCommon_MasteryLevel1 <= '130' AND _RefSkill.ID NOT IN (1,70,40,2,8421,9354,9355,11162,9944,8419,8420,11526,10625)
UPDATE _CharSkillMastery SET Level='0' WHERE CharID=@CharID AND Level <= '110'
timed job
كود PHP:
if(@JobID = '*****')
declare @Strength int
declare @Intellect int
declare @MaxLevel int
declare @RemainStatPoint int
select @MaxLevel = MaxLevel from _Char where CharID = @CharID
set @RemainStatPoint = (@MaxLevel*3)-3
set @MaxLevel = @MaxLevel+19
UPDATE _Char SET Strength=@MaxLevel, Intellect=@MaxLevel, RemainStatPoint=@RemainStatPoint WHERE CharID=@CharID
كود PHP:
IF (@Operation = 41) -- If item used!
IF (@ItemRefID = *****) -- RefObjCommon ID
Declare @InvID INT = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0)
Declare @RefItemID INT = (Select RefItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Where ID64 = @InvID)
IF @RefItemID in (24414,24972,24974,24976,24978,24406,24408,24410,24412) -- IF found your Devil is Male
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24413',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24414 --@Devil B Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24971',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24972 --@Devil A Red Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24973',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24974 --@Devil A Yellow Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24975',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24976 --@Devil A Blue Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24977',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24978 --@Devil S Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24405',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24406 --@Devil A Red Mall
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24407',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24408 --@Devil A Yellow Mall
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24409',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24410 --@Devil A Blue Mall
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24411',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24412 --@Devil S Mall
ELSE IF @RefItemID in (24413,24971,24973,24975,24977,24405,24407,24409,24411) -- IF found your Devil is Female
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24414',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24413 --@Devil B Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24972',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24971 --@Devil A Red Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24974',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24973 --@Devil A Yellow Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24976',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24975 --@Devil A Blue Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24978',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24977 --@Devil S Event
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24406',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24405 --@Devil A Red Mall
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24408',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24407 --@Devil A Yellow Mall
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24410',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24409 --@Devil A Blue Mall
Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID='24412',CreaterName='iLegend' Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = '13' and ItemID > 0) and RefItemID = 24411 --@Devil S Mall
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Mohamed ElKersh ; 13-03-2016 الساعة 05:49 PM
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Program : Vsro Multi Tool
Dev. iLegend |
قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة |
45 |
24-10-2024 02:57 PM |
مشكله Vsro Multi Tool
MiShWo |
قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة |
2 |
25-03-2020 01:52 AM |
Vsro multi tool
BeboSilkroad |
قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة |
2 |
26-07-2017 01:34 PM |
vsro multi tool
loaymoataz123 |
قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة |
5 |
14-04-2017 09:22 PM |
سؤال عن vsro multi tool
Mohamed ElKersh |
قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة |
4 |
13-03-2016 06:54 PM |
الساعة الآن 06:30 PM.