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قديم 21-09-2013, 07:16 PM   #1

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(14) Adobe Photoshop CC 14.1 Final Multilanguage-ChingLiu

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Adobe Photoshop CC 14.1 Final Multilanguage-ChingLiu

Adobe Photoshop CC 14.1 Final Multilanguage-ChingLiu
P2P group ChingLiu has released a new update for Adobe Photoshop CC, update 14.1.Please read nfo carefully to make it work.Adobe Photoshop is one of the best bitmap editing programs available on the market. In its latest version the Photoshop CC it comes as part of Creative Cloud, whilst the previous version Photoshop CS6 was available in Creative Suite.Adobe Photoshop software redefines digital imaging with powerful new photography tools and breakthrough capabilities for complex image selections, realistic painting, and intelligent retouching. Enjoy cross-platform 64-bit support and a wide range of workflow enhancements


New Features :

Generate image assets from layers:
You can generate JPEG, PNG, or GIF image assets from the contents of a layer or layer group in a PSD file. Assets are automatically generated when you append a supported image format extension to a layer name or a layer group name. Optionally, you can also specify quality and size parameters for the generated image assets. Generating image assets from a PSD file is particularly useful for multidevice web design.
Camera shake reduction improvements
- User interface enhancements for productivity gains
- Option to disable artifact suppression
- HiDPI preview support for retina display
- Improved performance on large screens
Other enhancements:
- Increased stability while saving files to network locations
- Photoshop-Behance integration is now available for several languages.
- Native read-only PSDX file format support
- New controls to modify the range and fuzziness for Shadows, Highlights, and Midtones
- Improved performance and stability while using content-aware features
- Increased limit for number of measurements: 700 to 10,000
- Improved anchor point selection: Clicking a selected anchor point now selects that anchor point and deselects other anchor points
- 32-bit support for 24 filters.
- Crash prevention through improved GPU detection and disabling
- New option to select All Layers/Active Layers for Path and Direct Selection tools
- Isolation mode changes:
*Custom keyboard shortcut support for entering/exiting the Isolation mode
*Option to enter the Isolation mode by double-clicking is now unavailable in the Active Layers mode
*Instead of turning filtering off, exiting the Isolation mode now resets the Layer Filter to default values
- New option in the Properties panel flyout menu to control the display of the panel during shape layer creation
- Path point selection is now no longer retained while switching between layers

Install instruction:
كود بلغة HTML:
** If you have registered Adobe Photoshop CC you should install again.
*** Reported that new update will change your workspace, you can save your
workspace settings to another place in order to copy it back.
1. Close your internet connection IMPORTANT
2. Install application from "Adobe CC" folder by double clicking on
the "Set-up.exe" (With admin rights on your system.)
* CHECK "Install pictures" folder.
3. Choose TRY install. (If it shows your Adobe account, click on
"not my account" option.) Select "Sign in Later"
4. Select your language. (You can not change it after installation)
5. Open the application as trial and select "Continue trial" and close.
(IMPORTANT : If you miss this step you may not have 3D option, don't
worry if it says 00 expired, just close it.)
6. a. Install "Set-up.exe" in folder "Update to 14.1"
b. Install other updates in folder "Updates - Other"
* CHECK "Update pictures" folder.
** You may need to restart your system before update operation.
7. Run "Adobe.CC.Anticloud.exe" (CHECK Patch.Steps.jpg in crack folder)
8. Use your firewall to stop internet connection of the application.
Don't update it. Some security software may warn you about patch VR
it is clean. Tested.
Thanks to Team VR.

Size: 1.6 GB


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