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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 14-01-2013, 10:32 AM   #1


• الانـتـسـاب » Dec 2011
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 95998
• المشـــاركـات » 198
• الـدولـة »
• الـهـوايـة »
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » No Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 14
KingLi صـاعـد

KingLi غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Dream world online 4.600 - 135 cap - full fixed!!!

Welcome my dear players.
Today every DWO player can be happy.
Want to know why?

Here is a list why you should be happy:

135 Cap added.
Chinese skills added till lvl 130-135.
A more balanced game between Chinese and European characters.

Mastery level up bug fixed.
Chinese and European characters are able to skil their masteries till lvl 135.
Chinese Max Mastery Total: 405.
European Max Mastery Total: 270.

Party Matching:
When opening the party matching, you will see from level 1 to -1 in the window.
Just go over the -1 and change it to whatever you want, 135, 255 etc.

Glows Optimized:
Complete all 14DG weapons have a new effect.
+11 glow has been changed.
+14 glow has been added.

New Skills for Chinese INT Characters have been added.

King of Rain
King of Cold Rain
King of Freezed World
King of Lightning
King of Lightning Shower
King of Shoked World
King of Fire
King of Meteors
King of Burning World

These skills have many different effects which all of them wont affect the game.
Cold to cold.
Lightning to lightning.
Fire to fire.

Force skills have been also reworked on.
You can now stun your enemy till lvl 13 or do other debuff skills till lvl 13.

European Skills:
The complete Warrior tree have been reworked.
Bugged skills are now fixed and can be played with.

Arabian Thief Boss has been fixed, it wont despawn anymore.
*About the crashes when attacking the mobs, it generally happens if you use to fast the skills, play a bit lowcore and not hardcore, then your problem is fixed!*

Fortress Wars:
Jangan Fortress & Hotan Fortress war are only available.
Since we have currently a low population of 500-600 players,they should try to attack 1 of these Fortress wars.
Bandit Mountain stay closed till the population of the player increase.

Start Items can be sold, deleted, dropped or what ever you want.
Untrade able avatars or items are now trade able, stall able, and drop able also sell able.
Clown Dress is now back on store.
New Fellow pets have been added:
Fox Summon Scroll
Jaguar Summon Scroll
Lion Summon Scroll
You have to be lvl 125 in order to use them.

The Avatar and Coin shop have been optimized.
From Dream World Team a gift:
You can buy now for 500.000 Arena-Coins each a Dinosaur Fellow pet or a Bird Summon Scroll.

At last but not least:
Most of the Towns got christmas decoration.
Have fun with it.

What else?

Simply...Tell your friends from DREAM WORLD ONLINE, let them join the game and enjoy both of you the journey of DREAM WORLD ONLINE.

Also new dwp offers will be available on 15.1.13.



عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة KingLi ; 16-01-2013 الساعة 09:09 PM

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