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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة هنا يتم وضع المواضيع المخالفة والمواضيع المكررة

أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 10-06-2010, 09:32 AM   #23

عضو جديد

• الانـتـسـاب » Mar 2008
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 18002
• المشـــاركـات » 40
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• نقـاط التقييم » 10
matrixzz صـاعـد

matrixzz غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي i wish u can read it silly boy

WOW !! I didn't think u can write in english.. but u write in english like kids in school , XD. shame on u.
A lot of mistakes in vocabulary and in the building of sentences ,, np .. cuz it's not our subject here .. but all i wanna u to know i didn't scamme u or scamme any player in the game.
And if u have any proof , plz show it to all members and players here.. but i'm sure u don't have anything.
U have nothing on me .. and u have shut the **** up and don't talk again in this subject.
U can't make players trust who u wanna make them to trust , all know who can they trust.
Respect is a word u don't have in ur life, i wish u can learn it. but i think i tried with u with all possible ways but there's no hope.
I'm prepared against any way u can play with hack tools with me, that's why it's silly to be afraid of u.
Don't play ur games any more with me and stop saying blabla
Try to be a man who do like he says and show me any single screen shot of me.
Don't miss with me again or get in war unless u were prepared before .. u get it ??
i'll end my humble words with a catch-word i can never forget: it's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.

Have a nice day


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Take Care [CROSS[z]Fire] Scammer ! Kids قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 17 20-12-2010 01:23 PM
SaToTa Scammer He is Scammer My Ferind Gory AL0N3CowBoy قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 10 11-09-2010 04:17 AM
Come all TH Fire~Fox scammer II__oOYOo_II قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 32 14-06-2010 01:59 AM

الساعة الآن 05:42 AM.