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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة هنا يتم وضع المواضيع المخالفة والمواضيع المكررة

أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 17-04-2008, 01:46 PM   #1

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lionardo صـاعـد

lionardo غير متواجد حالياً

جوي ماكس بستاعد الحرامية على سرقة الإيميلات (بالعربي)

JOYMAX have a LOT OF Security BUGS
all of us are playing silkroad online game , and enjoying with it, specially me liked this game very much, but after a long time i found my self forget the answer of the my secret question or one of the failers want to steel my login information , suddenly i found the game is fulling of the bugs that help him to steel the login information and destroy my account and from this BUGS:

1- the password that you typed in password text box is not crypted , that if you make a copy and paste to the stars that showed in password text box into a text file , u will found it your password, with this the hackers didn't need to keystroke programs to steel your login information , because it's become a copy and paste process , and with this the antivirus programs can't catch it because it's looking for keystroke programs not copy and paste programs.

2- and if it happen and the login information has stolen you can change your password with the secret question , but if u forget your secret answer or u can't type it correctly you can't change the secret question and it's answer or your login information that's mean you are in the hell , although all of companies that you can make an accounts with them (freely or with money) you can change your secret question and it's answer at any time .

3- JOYMAX has made beautfull security system called e-mail verification system that increase the security on your account and your secret question , but if it happen and and this e-mail is steeled or u forget it's login information or found any errors in sending the verification code to this e-mail ,that's mean u lost your JOYMAX account , and the e-mail verification system is a tool that make the robbers can destroy all you build in your account in front of your eye and you can't do anything , although all of companies that use this system in the security or alternative e-mail u can change this e-mail at anytime and all of your account information too.

4- all of us haired about the bugs that inside the game like the exchange hack and stall hack , etc . and it happen with me when i was making a exchange with a player and surprise when i found him sending to me my login information - how could it be - , i became a crazy trying to change my login information before this madman destroying what i built.

5- if you send any of this bugs to the bug report you will found any reaction.

and more and more ......

i'm afraid now to make a exchange with any player or inter any stall or open my account to didn't find all of my build is destroyed and all i have purchased are stolen in front of your eye.

so i'm asking everybody to publish this message tell go to JOYMAX and can't disregard it like disregarding the GOLD BOT , and found the answer in colser time

sorry for bad english

توقيع lionardo :

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة lionardo ; 18-04-2008 الساعة 02:39 PM

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إحذروا من هذه الإيميلات ( المزيفة ) °•.♥ H3ll King ♥.•° قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 25 20-08-2011 07:28 AM
دعوة لكل شخص هنا اسمى الحرامية بالدليل Venice قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 13 15-02-2011 07:49 AM
آلة لمسك الحرامية (إختراع أمريكي) erodamania Minerva 20 17-01-2010 09:43 PM
ملخص لكل الإيميلات التي تقرأها هالأيام ويدل على عصر الهبل الي عايشينه MeZo.Sadly بـعـيـدآ عـن سـيـلـك رود 20 22-09-2009 08:39 AM
كم عداد المصريين الحرامية في silkroad felfel قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 51 13-11-2008 03:28 AM

الساعة الآن 11:07 PM.