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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 25-11-2009, 04:04 AM   #1


• الانـتـسـاب » Nov 2009
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YourKiIIer صـاعـد

YourKiIIer غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Shaded Union

so as what we sayy "many" egy and arabs follow fw and like to join to shaded union check out what keely saying about u noobs!

[03:57:01] (Global)FearIess__XL: yes shaded union ftw hehehe shaded guild master hate muslim and egypt and all egy join there hehe
[03:57:03] (Global)Khaled_KSA: We know that your a'ss cut into four pieces ...
[03:57:32] (Global)ElectroChain: lol true and funny, they keep saying shits about muslim and they join their union and help em
[03:57:47] (Global)ElectroChain: really brainless kiddos, and greetz GM Tarky <3
[03:58:39] (Global)FearIess__XL: Shaded guild master said all muslim and arab should be nuked and they join there and say ftw heheh

nice union u got "eGy_WARRIORS-CrusedSoul"

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EGY_WARRIORS LEFT shaded Union mazagangy Feronia 11 07-01-2010 05:43 PM
New Guild Frinds4_Ever Union Fuzyy master Union 0_HoSSaM_0 bode_bode1987 قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 21 20-06-2009 10:53 PM

الساعة الآن 03:23 AM.