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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

شـريـط الاهـداءات

مـنـاقـشـات عـامـة حـول سيلك رود أون لايـن [ خاص بمناقشات احوال اللعبة وعن كل شىء جديد يتم طرحه فى اللعبة مؤخراً ]

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 20-06-2009, 12:15 AM   #1

عضو فعال

الصورة الرمزية simpleplan

• الانـتـسـاب » Feb 2008
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 13596
• المشـــاركـات » 432
• الـدولـة » Doha
• الـهـوايـة » playing sro ;)
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » No Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
simpleplan صـاعـد

simpleplan غير متواجد حالياً

حملة لمقاضاة سيلكرود Sue Joymax

Sue Joymax for every thing
حملة لمقاضاة سيلكرود

عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

Sue JoyMax Entertainment Co. Ltd.

Silkroad Online is a MMORPG game, released and/or developed by JoyMax Co. Ltd., a company untraceable, with an unknown adress.
JoyMax Co. Ltd. released this game, Silkroad Online, which is a FREE 2 PLAY( as they name it) MMORPG, making no discriminations such as age (fact that can affect very young players by the violence of the game and also of the trivial language present all-day on the chat), nationality, skin color. However, in order to enjoy playing as long as possible (the main aim of this category of games), one has to buy PREMIUM ITEMS (as they call it) from their virtula ITEM MALL for REAL money. The problem is that a player is somehow forced to purchase such PREMIUM ITEMS in order to not suffer later in the game, as the use of these items can make one beneffit of special conditions that lead to DISCRIMINATIONS between players. Therefiore, if someone wants to play this game, he/she has to BUY (with real money) such PREMIUM ITEMS. This proves, whithout any doubt, that Silkroad Online is actually NOT a FREE game after all.
Silkroad Online is a product. Even if you decide or not to pay for Premium Items, the company that develops the game must respect the BASIC consumer rights. Which JoyMax Co. Ltd. DOESN'T.
One probelm that proves this occurs from the beginning. After you registered with JoyMax Co. Ltd., in order to be able to DOWNLOAD the FREE GAME CLIENT, one has to provide personal information for contact such as: First name, Last name, Country (which is auto-detectable by their own scripts, and which will not allow you to change it later on), Gender, Birth Date and most important the E-mail address. After all this registration process, you will NOT receive any kind of confirmation nor welcome message(s) from their servers into your e-mail address. Nobody knows (except for the company) where this information goes, how safely the information is kept or what exactly is it used for. As a matter of fact, not even when changing the PASSWORD of the account, the member will not receive any instruction or notification in his/her registered e-mail address. Everything is done on the website, which does not offer any transparency nor safety.
The way to contact JoyMax Co. Ltd. is through their FORUM and/or BUG REPORT section, both on the website. NO e-mail address for contact, NO phone number provided for support, NO physically address of the company at all.
The first way to contact them, the FORUM, does not offer anny assurance that your problem will be at least taken into consideration (or even being read), as many users are often in need to be helped or listened and this is only due to the problems that happen because of the game or inside the game. Even worse, users that complain "too much" will have their posts deleted or even their account suspended for a while (1-5 days) or for 100 years (the maximum punishment). The second way to "contact" JoyMax Co. Ltd. is their BUG REPORT section from thier website.This section can only be used (as they say) for reporting game bug's/errors or bad behaviours in the game. The bad part is that after you report something or comment on a bad behaviour, you will see a confirmation that states that your message has been sent for analysis. NO E-MAIL NOTIFICATION OR CONFIRMATION WILL BE SENT! You will have NO ideea if they read or solve the bug reported or punish the bad behaviour. In fact, users often complain that the problems they have brought into JoyMax Co. Ltd. attention are totally being IGNORED or considered NOT IMPORTANT (and you will have no ideea about anything, just suppose).
The lack of contact persists IN the game too: users know , that as for all other MMORPG games, there are Game Masters (egg.: [GM]name), which are IN the game and can provide help in real-time when it is needed, actually being part of the game, but...sadly, NOT in Silkroad Online. There are actually Game Masters, but the only thing they do is announcing from time to time stuff (egg: weekley on Tuesdays, that the servers are undergoing server inspection; daily possible scams running around in the game). No one can ACTUALLY contact a Game Master, as the game is designed NOT TO.Therefore the players have NO direct help at all and rubbish explanations from some FORUM moderators (from time to time) ARE NOT ENOUGH!
As far as we all know, especially MMORPG's players, a GM (Game Master) is designed to maintain a pleasant gaming experience by providing HELP-IN-GAME, and by solving the game problems and/or possible threats for the players, because a PROGRAMMER is actually designed to FIX the game BUG's and developing the game. Due to the lack of interest towards the consumers, more and more problems have started to appear: SCAMMERS, GOLD COMPANY SELLERS (gold is the virtual currency in Silkroad Online), PLAYERS WHO ABUSE THE SERVERS (botters, etc), PLAYERS WHO ABUSE OTHER PLAYERS (hackers). Of course, Joymax Co. Ltd. has done NOTHING to make an end for all of the above. In fact, their attitude incourages behaviours like these against LEGIT users, against their OWN Policy and Terms of Service.
The main problem of LEGIT and FAITHFULL users are the BOTTERS ! This issue brings out perfectly the ignorance of JoyMax Co. Ltd., and their disrespect towards their consumers. In the past months ACTUALLY JoyMax Co. Ltd. did NOT do ANYTHING AGAINST BOTTERS, despite the growing number of complains and, of course, of botters. Botters are players that use BOT's, a 3rd Party Program that is used by this guys in order to benefit of illegal achievement in the game (egg: gold, level-up fatser and easier while not even staying at computer, items, fame, etc.). Despite stating that they are totally against botters and bot's, JoyMax Co. Ltd. is putting up, through their passivity, with these abusers.
ACTUALLY (!) JoyMax Co. Ltd. is banning botters from time to time but ONLY AND ONLY botters who did NOT purchased Premium Items from the company. This encourages more and more high level players that abuse legit players who purchased or not Premium Items. The most DISTURBING thing is that these abusers actually CLAIM that JoyMax Co. Ltd. WILL NEVER BANN NOR SUSPEND their BOTTED accounts due to the fact that they purchased Premium Items.
Which looks really true, and JoyMax Co. Ltd. acts against its own policy, NO DOUBT!

This petition wants to bring in JoyMax's attention that legit players will no longer put up with these abuses. JoyMax Co. Ltd. has 3 months to do something (in the real way!) for its legit custumers. If our requirement will not materialise, we will sue the company. That is right, we will sue JoyMax Co. Ltd. for its lack of transparency, lack of interest and support of the abusers ( botters ).

We are sorry this is happening, but at this time, this is the only possible way to make our voices heared.

Therefore, YOU are reading this line, means you do understand what an ABBUSE is! State clearly your short message and SIGN the Petition not for a cause, not for a game, but for real people.

sorry i dont have arabic on my pc please someone explains this in arabic :D

توقيع simpleplan :

Warrior/ cleric
FF to lvl 105

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة simpleplan ; 25-06-2009 الساعة 05:03 PM

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إعلانات google


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Nice Job joymax _ JoymAx Love hish OHishamO قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 17 14-01-2010 10:22 PM
joymax ... LoL Night_Team Minerva 3 06-01-2010 08:11 PM
here is joymax amrtghabib قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 23 04-03-2009 07:38 PM

الساعة الآن 10:08 PM.

أقسام المنتدى

الـمـنـتـدى الـعـام @ مـنـاقـشـات عـامـة حـول سيلك رود أون لايـن @ قـسـم الـتـرحـيـب و الـتـعـارف @ صـور سـيـلك رود @ فـيـديـو سـيـلك رود @ أخـبـار سـيـلك رود أون لايـن @ مـنـتـدى لـعـبـة SilkroadOnline @ الـقـسـم الـتـعـلـيـمـى @ قـسـم الاسـئـلـه و الاسـتـفـسـارات حـول الـلـعـبـة @ قـسـم الـبـرامـج الـمـسـاعـدة @ الـمـنـتـدى الادارى @ قـسـم خـاص بـالـمـشـرفـيـن @ قـسـم الـشـكـاوى والاسـتـفـسـارات @ قـسـم الاقـتـراحـات @ قسم البيع والشراء (Gold) @ منتدى البيع( Gold) @ منتدى الشراء (Gold) @ مـنـتـدى الـبـرامـج والـحـمـايــة @ طريق الحرير بالسيرفر الكورى ( Korean SilkRoad ) @ قـسـم الـ AgBot @ منتدى بيع الأكونتات ( Accounts ) @ منتدى بيع اللبس والأسلحة ( Item ) @ منتدى شراء اللبس والأسلحة ( Item ) @ مـنـتـدى الـسـيـرفـرات والـجـايـلـدات الـعـربـيـة @ Flora @ Minerva @ Feronia @ Bellona @ منتدى سـيـرفـرات وجـايـلـدات [ Silkroad Online ] @ قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول البوت @ مـنـتـدى الـبـوتـات والـبـرامـج اللازمـة لـتـشـغـيـل الـلـعـبـة @ قـسـم الـ PhBot @ -== قسم ال T-BOT ==- @ Ceres @ بـعـيـدآ عـن سـيـلـك رود @ سـجـل تـطـويـرات الـمـنـتـدى @ قـسـم الـسـيـرفـرات الـخـاصـة @ القـسـم الإسـلامـى الـعـام @ قـسـم الـحـمـايـة @ آرشـيـف الـمـواضـيـع الـمـمـيـزة @ قـسـم الـ StealthLite Bot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال Agbot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال StealthLite @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال PHBOT @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال T-BOT @ قـسـم الـ SroKing Bot @ قـسـم الـبـيـع والـشـراء [ Silkroad Online ] @ Flora @ Ceres @ Bellona @ Minerva @ Feronia @ قـسـم شـهـر رمـضـان الـمـبـارك 2020 @ اخـبـار الـتـقـنـيـة و الـتـكـنـولـوجـيـا @ قســم البــرامج العامــة @ قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات الخاصه بالبرامج والحماية @ ECSRO @ ECSRO(Fembria) @ ECSRO(VIP) @ SJSRO (OLD) @ SJSRO (new) @ sunworld @ قـسـم الـ IBot @ قـسـم الـريـاضـة الـعـامـة @ Vsro @ Rusro @ قـسـم الـبـيـع والـشـراء [ Private-SRO ] @ ZSZC & Aurora @ قـسـم الـ Sbot @ قـسـم الـ Mbot @ V.I.P Zone @ دردشة الاعضاء VIP @ قسم الدعم الفنى والاقتراحات VIP @ قـسـم تـعـديـل [ PK2 Edit ] @ Mysro @ الــمكتبة القرانية @ قسم الصوتيات والمرئيات الإسلامية @ قسم المكتبة الإسلامية @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال IBOT @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال Sbot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال Mbot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال Sroking @ Elite & Eroad @ DreamWorld @ قـسـم سـيـرفـرات وجـايـلـدات [ Silkroad-R ] @ Maycena @ قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة @ قـسـم الـبـيـع والـشـراء [ Silkroad-R ] @ مـنـتـدى الـسـيـرفـرات الـخـاصـة - Private SRO @ Perfection @ Ex.Silkroad R @ SroKings @ قـسـم الـتـصـامـيـم والـجـرافـيـكـس @ Other Online Games @ قـسـم S4 League @ قسم CrossFire @ قسم Conquer Online @ قـسـم بـيـع وشـراء LOL @ تـحـمـيـل ألـعـاب Pc Games @ طلبات و استفسارات و مشاكل الالعاب @ Barons Online @ (AriesOnline (Pvp @ مشاكل & استفسارات S4 League @ مشاكل & استفسارات CrossFire @ World's Gate @ Sun-World @ قسم Aion @ قسم Continent Of The Ninth @ قسم World Of Warcraft @ PanicSro @ الـقـسـم الاخـبـارى @ قـسـم خـاص بـمـواضـيـع الاعـتـزال والاجازات @ IceSro-R @ Kings_Silkroad @ Justice Road @ ArabianRoadOnline Network @ Devias Online @ قـسـم طـلـبـات الـفـحـص @ CrossFire Fantasy Game @ قسم هاكات CrossFire @ مشاكل & استفسارات Aion @ مشاكل & استفسارات Conquer Online @ قسم الاسئله و استفسارات للعبة League Of Legends @ legenD road @ WantedSro Online @ قسم شروحات الشخصيات والبيلدات @ قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة @ Mixsro @ قـسـم الـمـسـابـقـات والألـعـاب @ قـسـم الأسـئـلـة والاسـتـفـسـارات الـمـتـعـلـقـة بـ SRO-R @ LegenD Road @ Knights War Online @ Evolution Network @ FlagSRO Network @ Perfection (PvP) Network @ قـسـم هـاكـات S4league @ منتدى المنوعات @ حــرب العصــابــات @ قــســم الادارة الــعــلــيــا @ كــأس العالــم لـلاذى @ Destructions Network @ FanTasYWorld @ مـتـجـر خـدمـات وممـيـزات الـرصـيـد الـبـنـكـي @ Smart-Sro Online @ InFusion Online @ قـسـم الأنـمـى الـعـام @ Divine Online @ قـسـم Dota @ تـقـاريـر وأخـبـار ألـعـاب الـ PC @ GameXen Network @ inferno online @ منتدى عمل السيرفرات الخاصة @ قسم الحماية والاوتوايفنت للسيرفرات الخاصه @ الأسئلة و الاستفسارات الخاصة بالـ PK2 edit @ Velestia @ Punisher Sro Online @ Atlantis Online @ ALEXNADER SRO @ Hell World Online @ ImmortalRoad @ قـسـم الـ Centerbot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال Centerbot @ Time.Sro-Online @ Revenge (PVE) Online @ مـنـتـدى Silkroad4arab || Games Online @ ركن الالعاب الاون لاين و المتصفح Online Games @ قسم دروس التصميم (مونتاج - فوتوشوب) @ قسم ادوات التصميم و ملحقاتها @ قسم المانجا @ قسم تقارير الانمي @ دورة الفوتوشوب للمبتدئين @ الشروحات العامة @ قسم طلبات التعريفات @ مـسـودة الأعـضـاء @ Creddy Online @ Alliance-sro @ Quick Road (PvP ) @ قسم الاسئله والاستفسارات لعمل الفيديو @ منتدى لعبة League Of Legends @ أخبار ومناقشات League Of Legends @ قسم بيع وشراء لعبة CrossFire @ القسم التعليمي للعبة League Of Legends @ منتدى سيرفرات [ LOL ] @ North America @ EU West @ EU Nordic & East @ صـور و فـيـديـو League Of Legends @ قسم طلبات واستفسارات البيلدات والشخصيات @ قسم تقارير المخالفات والإنذارات @ قـسـم كـشـف الـدمـج و الـتـلـغـيـم @ قسم Wolf team @ قسم Dota 2 @ قسم Dragon nest @ قسم DC Universe Online @ قسم انظمة تشغيل Windows @ Quenth Online @ Wolf team Arabic @ RealDreamSro ( PvP ) @ EmpireSRO @ Amazing Sro @ Speed-sro @ . Destructions Network @ SilkRoad E 80 China @ قـسم المــواضـيع الـشعـريه والادبـيـه @ قـسـم اخـبـار الانـمـى @ Greats-sro Online @ قـسـم الـكـومـيـكـس @ منتدى الفحص @ Srowing @ Dakupra-Online @ حرب العصابات @ قسم خاص بالاسئله والاستفسارات الخاصة بالجرافيكس @ منتدى لغات البرمجة و التطوير @ قسم شروحات لغات البرمجة و التطوير @ مناقشات لغات البرمجة و التطوير @ قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات الخاصه بلغات البرمجة @ استراحة البوتاتــ @ PantuSRO @ القسم التجارى الرسمي ( Vps Hosting , Diacated server,Silkroad edit ) @ Tyr Online @ RocSro @ Legend Of Silkroad @ Pioneer Gaming-Network @ Valentus - CAP 80 @ MirrorSro @ Eridanus Online Cap90 @ Fear-Sro @ Silkroad-Z Online PVE @ طـلبات الاعضـاء @ Massive-Network @ Kryptonite-Sro @ DeathRoad @ Mysro Servers @ Devils Team @ DooMSRO Network @ EROAD SRO @ Story-SRO @ Ventrue-Online @ Settlers-SRO @ Electus Online @ MarsRoad Online @ Arrow Online @ Selene @ Hermes @ OldSro Online (cap 80 ) @ Sunroad @ Eloys Online @ Sentiero-Road Online @ Steam-Sro @ Arcane Reborn Online @ Eryxonline @ Vengeance Online @ Mirage Online @ SyndiCateOnline @ Desert Sro @ NeSro Network @ قسـم الـ Android @ قســم تــطويـر المــواقع والمــنتديـــات @ قـسـمـ الـلـهــو الـخــفــي @ MegaWar Sro @ Mirror Sro @ AdvancedSRO @ OblivionSilkroad @ Arrivals_Sro @ Amphibius Online @ Royal online @ Forbidden-Sro @ vanish-sro @ Majesty Online @ Chaos Network @ قـسـم الـ srAssist Bot @ قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال srAssist Bot @ Damocles Sro @ Demo Sro @ KingsRoad @ Arius 9D ch & eu @ brother sro @ DreamWorld-Online @ Poseidon-Sro @ Ph-Sro @ Jupiet-Online @ Fury Sro @ JungleSro @ Xemia Games @ invctus-sro @ Revolution Gaming Network @ DemonSro @ Aeolus @ Golden Sro @ Chaos Network @ Chaos II Online @ Fallen Soul @ Xian @ Xian @ Revira online @ قسم اللياقة البدنية @ كاس العالم للاذي 2018 @ Immortal SRO @ قـسـم الاغـانـى الـعامة [English - Arabic - Videos] @ قـسـم الـرابــ (Rap) @ أرشـيـف الـمـواضـيـع الـمـمـيـزة @ Perfection SRO @ Rev-Sro @ Egypt Sro @ قـسـم خـاص بالـ Data Base @ قـسـم PUBG Mobile @ قـسـم Fortnite @ PureSRO @ Battle-Online @ قـسـم تـحـمـيـل الأفـلام الـعـربـيـة @ قـسـم الـسـيـرفـرات الـخـاصـة الـمـجـانـى @ URBANO-SRO @ Zero-Online @ Anoha 140 PVE @ Anoha 140 PVE @ Exorue 80 CH @ Pantu-SRO @ Victor SRO @ Flare Online @ Aeolian Online @ Maygen Online @ Norges Online @ Ragnis Online @ قـسـم الـ [ ST-FILTER ] @ الـقـسـم الـتـجـاري لـ ISRO [خاص فقط لبيع منتجات اللعبة الاصلية] @ Dynastic online @ مـنـتـدى الـسـيـرفـيـرات الـتـركـي والـروسـي @ قـسـم سـيـرفـرات وجـايـلـدات الـسـيـرفـر الـتـركـى [TR-SRO] @ Troy @ Smyrna @ Side @ Olympos @ Teos @ Perge @ قـسـم الـبـيـع والـشـراء الـسـيـرفـر الـتـركـي [ TR-SRO ] @ قـسـم سـيـرفـرات وجـايـلـدات الـسـيـرفـر الـروسـي [ RU-SRO ] @ قـسـم الـبـيـع والـشـراء الـسـيـرفـر الـروسـى [ RU-SRO ] @ Miele Online @ Old Silkroad - ZSZC @ Paranormal @ Aquarius Online @ T-SRO online @ Glory @ Serv Game @ Roxy Online @ Enfexia Online @ Aege Online CAP 110 @ Florian Online @ SroPace Online @ Elessea Online @ Dream World @ Asona Online @ Victus-R Online @ Rexall Online @ Pirate Online @ Xian @ ZSC ONLINE @ Asteria Online @ Dune Online @