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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

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أدوات الموضوع التقييم: تقييم الموضوع: 1 تصويتات, المعدل 5.00. انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 26-11-2015, 11:41 AM   #1

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elnems_love صـاعـد

elnems_love غير متواجد حالياً

(18) Reland Online | 100 Cap | PVE {CH|EU} | Balanced & Longterm | Upgrade System| Join Us


We are republishing the game after we fixed all problems and bugs and everything, try it before you judge us,We have added a lot of features that you will see for the first time on a server. Reland Online is truly a Play to Win server. We are offering a stable server, with the dedicated server paid upfront for the next half a year, a stable and nice gameplay, our server is based on Upgrade Weapon System, Lottery, Jobbing, Uniques, Guild Wars, Fortress War and CTF. We have balanced the races for a fair game-play for everyone.

Welcome to Reland Online, imagine our features.

Server opened on Friday 26.11.2015 at 5:00 PM GMT +2!.

General Information
[TABLE]Website عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
Register عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
Download Links Has Been Added . عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
Facebook عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ][/TABLE]

Server Information
[TABLE]Information Amount
Cap 100
Degree 10
Races Chinese / Europe
Towns Jangan/Donwhang/Hotan
Mastery level Europeans: 200 / Chinese : 300
Exp & SP Rate 20x
Exp Party & SP Rate 35x
Drop items Rate 7x
Drop Gold Rate 5x
Auto equipment of items From D1 to D9 SOS Full Blue 61% stats, +3
Upgrade Weapon System Explained below
Lottery System Explained below
Coin system Explained below
Seal of X items: Explained below
Guild wars The winner in FTW Jangan will face the winner of Hotan fortress, the winner will get a rarely coin for all guild members automatically, and it won't be tradable.
Alchemy rates MaxPlus is 12 and 16 With Elixir Adv+4
MaxStack 1000 – 5000
Trade Rate 70x
Uniques spawn Increased for all normal uniques
New Special road is added for traders trades are available only in Jangan, Donwhang and Hotan.
Botting is allowed Yes
Protection DDoS Protection
Admins Experienced and professional staff members[/TABLE]

Alchemy Rate

+1 90%
+2 70%
+3 60%
+4 40%
+5 30%
+6 15%
+7 10%
+8 5%
+9 3%
+10 2%
+11 1%
+12 1%[/TABLE][/SPOILER]

Uniques Map


Simple Item changes
Our equippable item changes are pretty simple to understand. The damage, reinforce and other components which determine the damage of an individual item have to be re-checked and adjusted in order to fit our balance and our idea
of fairness. We have actually checked each one of those damn 400 3rd gear items in order to improve the gameplay as much as possible.
There are some more minor item changes which can be seen in this list:
Resurrection scrolls: Enabled
Donators would have been too overpowered during jobbing
Vigor grains: nerfed to 15% and added to shops
Monster spawn: ratio has been increased to 2x.
Weapon glow: colours are configured like the real old 100cap.
CoinSystem: not only based on Contribution
Item Selling Gold Rate 30%
60 Seconds CoolDown for Reverses
Stone Rate :awesome stone drop rate On Tomb Cave
Damage scrolls :decreased from 20%->10% (stack with dmg increase buffs)
Was a bit too strong before
Nobody likes bot wars
GBOT :GoldBotting is allowed, however ItemSellRate is lowered and GoldDropRate is also lowered
Advanced Elixirs is Allowed
Purification pills: mbot exploit fixed
CTF every 2 hours
Globals: Added level restriction and increased price
Global spamming sucks
Elixir Rate :cool elixir drop rate in JobCave
Roc instance available 2 times/week
Uniques:Special items dropable from uniques. ( Reverse , Immortals , Globals, Avatar's)
Simply annoying and useless
Advanced elixirs: Enabled
limiting the max plus a bit
Astrals: Enabled

Server Features

[SPOILER] Union & Guild Set limit

[SPOILER]Guild limit decreased to 26 players only
Union limit decreased to 4 guilds per union only


Daily Reward system & Silk Per Hour

[SPOILER] Automatic 2 Silk/H
This will force you to get online everyday, Everyday you log in you will receive a gift after every day the gift will be better.
if you don't log in one day you will lose the gift increasing, and you will have to start from the beginning .


Wanted System

[SPOILER]The jobber with most kills will become 'Wanted' and get hero buffs, The starts you will get are % physical and magical damage, % Parry and
Attack rate and % lucky increase.
There are 5 kind of buffs:
10 Kills in row = 1%
20 Kills in row = 2%
30 Kills in row = 3%
40 Kills in row = 4%
50 Kills in row = 5%
Also you will get str & int based on the hero mode level.. When you kill this person you will get this buff. Every kill you will get Gold. also you will receive Arena Coins every 3 kills, Fully protected with Anti-Cheat and Anti-Ban in-case of corruption.
warning :-
You wont get any kills count from the same person more than 3 times.
You can only earn points by killing players at
Donwhang Cave (job cave)
You have to kill players lvl 100 in order to get points
If you die while jobbing your hero mode skill will be taken away from you.

Auto Equip

[SPOILER]We all know levelling is the most boring part in Silkroad.
Rival wants players to reach the cap in a fair amount of time and enjoy the endgame to it's fullest.
That's why we enabled Auto Equip. You will get SOS FB +3 stats 61% items from D1-D9 to reach endgame in a decent amount of time.


New Glows


Facebook system :

[SPOILER]You can like players and dislike others, also you can make comments too ; when you send a message to a player with "like" you will give him a LIKE, the same to dislike, the comment is the same way; you can send a player a normal message it will be considered a comment to us, the best one who get likes and comments will be a supporter considered to his country and the job that players chosed him to be in, and the most disliked player will be blocked..


Upgrade Weapon System:

[SPOILER]can you belive that Our server have all specifications it's time now to found all what you dream in one server until not be boring server we start by
sample idea about upgrade system :
when you have sos or moon +9 you have decision to change it to upper degree like the weapon form this give the more free to enjoy by game advantages.


Event Lottery System :

[SPOILER]to keep game more competitors between players we add for yours rewards in lottery help you to play that system have 10 kinds of lottery scroll ,8 kinds from monsters and 2 from uniques mobs of course Every lottery level different about other one .
The level of unique, mobs lottery ,every unique which had killed will drop a lottery from it but the best advantage that the unique lottery can got a best items MALE like as ( Avatars . special Itemmall . etc ) ,but monsters lottery it's advantage give you some help like as sometimes ( Gold , silk , Scroll's, etc)
The 8 Type Of Event Lottery From Monster Names :

[-]Event Lottery Lv1(Blue)
[-]Event Lottery Lv2(Violet)
[-]Event Lottery Lv3(Rose)
[-]Event Lottery Lv4(Golden)
[-]Event Lottery Lv5(Pumpkin)
[-]Event Lottery Lv6(Black)
[-]Event Lottery Lv7(Darken)
[-]Event Lottery Lv8(Crystal)
The 2 Type Of Event Lottery From Uniques Names :

[-]Event Lottery Lv9(Unique 1)
[-]Event Lottery Lv10(Unique 2)

Job coin system :

[SPOILER]we know that build a strong character is a boring thing and almost of open servers with this system had a some fails so we make a advantage in our server it will responsible about just 1 coin from Job named by (Cold Coin) until you can build your charcter with full equip set that you like it ,so we allowed all items by cheap prices
Trader Gain 4 Coin From 5* Goods
Hunter Gain 2 Coin From 5* Goods
Thief Gain 3 Coin From 5* Goods

Gold Coin's

5* Star = 500 Million

Get 2x Double Your Money .

Title System

[SPOILER]When you kill a unique you will get its title auto, when you kill another unique you will get its title instead of your current title, but when the unique is killed by another player, you be back for the previous title until its killed too and so on.[/SPOILER]

Job Cave

[SPOILER]The Donwhang Cave has been changed into a Job Cave, it will drop sos items and elixirs And Lottery Event's.


Custom items

[SPOILER]Rival introduces New 6 SoX items!
The Type Of Sos Item's:
The Type Of Som Item's
The Type Of Sun Item's
we edited the items to make the dmg fair :
sos = normal item
som = normal item +2.5
sun = normal item + 3.5


Special trade route added

[SPOILER]The main objective is to allow the triangular jobbing to be more centralized,
due to the fact that traders will take these in order to gain more 'Trade Experience' and Contribution,
which is used to gain coins in return. By using this
method of centralization, thieves will need to search
less for trades and hunters will have fun by killing real players
instead of some easy NPCs which are usually simply ignored.


Guild War system

[SPOILER]We think Guild Wars have died in Silkroad, especially in Private Servers. We want to bring it back to life using our new, special system, the winner in FTW hotan will be vs the winner of FTW jangan, the winner in Guild War will get an untradeable rare coin for each member in the guild.[/SPOILER]

Jangan Cave Tomb has been customized

[SPOILER]Modified to drop sos items and stones with a low rate of elixirs drops.
Jangan Cave Tomb Mobs Modified
B1 Mobs > level 90
B2 Mobs > level 94
B3 Mobs > level 97
B4 Mobs > level 98/99


New Job Suits

[SPOILER]we added new job suits for Chinese and Europes :
Chinese job suits are added with blues and skills
Europe job suits are added with blues only


New Avatars


New Silk Scrolls

[SPOILER]With this scroll you can exchange your silk, you can user this scroll to exchange your silk with something more useful to you, also to prevent scamming.


Remove Item & Reset Item:

[SPOILER]Remove Items :

Reset Items:

We also added new systems to give you the full fun :

New Events

JobEvent :
All thieves will be vs traders and hunters, when you kill a player you will get a silk point in item mall F10, after the maximum kills 20 for all players the event will be stopped and you wont get any-more silk points, the reward for each kill is 2 silk for thief , 1 silk for traders and hunters

PvpEvent :
All players will attack each other , when you kill a player you will get a 1 kill score, after the maximum kills 100 for all players the event will be stopped and you wont get any-more score when you kill again, the reward is will be 100 Gold Coin

JobWar - Weekly :
All thieves will be vs traders and hunters, when you kill a player you will get a silk point in item mall F10, after the maximum kills 100 for all players the event will be stopped and you wont get any-more silk points, the reward for each kill is 2 silk for thief , 1 silk for traders and hunters

PvpWar - Weekly :
All players will attack each other , when you kill a player you will get a 1 kill score, after the maximum kills 100 for all players the event will be stopped and you wont get any-more score when you kill again, the reward is will be 70 gold coin & 30 silk

GM killer Event :
A GM will appear in somewhere and you will have to go to kill him, when someone kill him he will get a 50 silk prize

Our tryings to balance the chinese with europe

we balanced the both races as much as we can, and here are our tryings :
New skills added to chinese

we add a skill of 10% phy dmg and 10% mag dmg to each build
we are adding more features to balance them well



In order to have a fair game-play we are enforcing the following rules:
The following list is read as: Reason - Ban-duration/Punishment
Contribution Cheating -1st time warning, 2nd time 3 days - 3rd times 7 days - 4th Permanent
Cheating in CTF (farming on your own chars) - 1~4 weeks
Scamming with screen-shot - Permanent
Writing other languages than English in Globals - 1 hour
(Note: Guild Recruitment in other languages allowed, however global must contain [MEMBER SEARCH])
Disrespecting GMs: - 1 Day ~ 3 Days ~ Permanent | Depends on the GM

رد مع اقتباس
إعلانات google


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Reland Online | 100 Cap | PVE {CH|EU} | Balanced & Longterm | Upgrade System| Join Us elnems_love قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 26-11-2015 12:15 PM

الساعة الآن 07:51 PM.