قديم 05-12-2014, 04:32 AM   #1

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cailonhoxiu9x صـاعـد

cailonhoxiu9x غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Akvis Plugins Bundle 2014 (11.2014) (MacOSX)

Akvis Plugins Bundle 2014 (11.2014) (MacOSX)

Akvis Plugins Bundle 2014 (11.2014) (Mac OSX) | 2.9 GB
AKVIS All Plugins 2014 will make you an artist, restorer, a magician and creative person. When you first turn the program AKVIS, a surprisingly simple interface box and 5-6 buttons when you hover on them exhaustively talk about their functions.
Plug-in (plug-in) - a plug-in. Ie program that is installed in another program is called, and it runs through it. AKVIS plugins are compatible with many graphic editors. All of our programs are categorized as Photoshop compatible plugins, ie They definitely work with Adobe Photoshop, as well as all the editors that support these plugins, ie with most raster graphics programs. AKVIS (standalone) - separate programs that run and operate independently. Each plug-in can run without a graphical editor, that is, as a standalone program.
Note: All AKVIS plugins are called from the menu Filters / Filter or Effects / Effects, except AKVIS Magnifier. You will find a plug-in automation tools Magnifier (File -> Automate).
AKVIS AirBrush
AKVIS ArtSuite 10.5.2480.10625
AKVIS Chameleon 8.5.1759.10876
AKVIS Charcoal
AKVIS Coloriage 9.5.1062.10406
AKVIS Decorator 3.0.550.8529
AKVIS Enhancer 14.0.2002.10160
AKVIS HDRFactory 4.0.470.10195
AKVIS LightShop 4.0.1368.9888
AKVIS Magnifier 7.1.1071.10259
AKVIS MultiBrush 8.0.1558.10665
AKVIS NatureArt 6.0.1367.10850
AKVIS Noise Buster 9.0.2761.10160
AKVIS Refocus 5.1.423.10936
AKVIS Sketch 15.0.2688.10103
AKVIS SmartMask 5.0.1711.10834
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