حفظ بياناتي ؟







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ibrahim_END 07/1212024

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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة هنا يتم وضع المواضيع المخالفة والمواضيع المكررة

أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 14-11-2011, 06:23 PM   #1

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wind111 صـاعـد

wind111 غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي قلـة إدب وأنسان مش محترم وده مش جديد عليه بالدليل ...

أهلاً بيكم ,,

أنا مش عايز يرد عليها ويهاجمنى من غير دليل ..

الشخص ده أنسان زبالة وحوارته تشهد عليه

منها لما خد الفورترس حظ مؤخراً شتم الناس كلها فى رسالة الفورترس

وكمان من فترة لما كان مزنوق فى جيلدات تيجى معاه خد جيلد finalstand وده جيلد يما شتمته وياما شتمت مصر

وكمان الجيلد بتاعته مليانة سكامر سكمو على ناس غلبانة زى jupa abo3dnan Alex_1
وما خفى كان أعظم

الجديد بقا النهاردة فى البى فى بى بنلعب عادى أم شتم واحد فلسطينى وعارفين قاله ايه ؟

بصوا على الصورة

عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

بيشتم واحد فلسطينى وبيقة أسرائيل ftW
وكمان جت على الجرح
سبحان الله أنسان مريض
وبيثبت كل يون عن التانى أن من أسوأ الشخصيات فى اللعبة

وكمان بوشين عمره ما شتم من الاكونت الرئيسى بتاعوا أو عمل بيه سكام (

وشغال بأكونتاتة التانية وكلنا عارفينها ..

وعنكم حاجة تانى تدل على انه انسان واطى ومبيفهمش حاجة فى الفير بلاى

[20:33:48] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): they dont attack heart
[20:33:52] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): no 1 atacking heart

[20:34:01] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): wait i log my spy
[20:34:03] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): and finish heart
[20:34:05] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack vatan
[20:34:19] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack VATAN guild

وأخيراً شوية ضحك عليه بالشات كله من اللينويون بتاعه

ينويون كلها اتراك سكامرز واسرئيليون

[19:58:58] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): guys again
[1903] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): dont attack east tower
[1907] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we attack it last 30mins
[1923] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): k
[20:01:54] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): sry dc(worry)
[20:02:02] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): guys
[20:02:04] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): they bann legends
[20:02:04] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): hh
[20:02:11] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): yes
[20:02:16] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): just go around
[20:02:25] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): and pvp
[20:02:29] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we attack fw last 30mins
[20:03:16] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): lol
[20:03:22] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): legends and alti not uni ?
[20:03:27] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): they banned them
[20:03:29] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): to attack towers
[20:05:39] (Union)moShari: -GeForce): ressss
[20:07:12] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): i kill guard tower
[20:07:31] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): dont stay at gates
[20:07:36] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): when they open get in
[20:07:46] (Union)_deadmaster: -Independence): legends tek m1 lan
[20:08:56] (Union)CrazyShadoW: -Universe):
[20:09:00] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): just go for fun
[20:09:02] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): down fw
[20:09:04] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we take it again
[20:09:47] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): easty?
[20:09:52] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): ye
[20:09:53] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): go east
[20:10:02] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): let awe take 1 fw xD
[20:10:12] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): guys dont attack heart
[20:10:15] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): xD
[20:10:15] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): only awesomness attack
[20:11:07] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): good
[2027] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): awesomness
[2028] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): only attack heart
[2036] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): union members kill LGD
[2038] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): and altin
[20:16:11] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): awe attack heart only
[20:17:37] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): XD
[20:17:43] (Union)BaByHosLosT_: -GeForce): jeje
[20:17:45] (Union)BaByHosLosT_: -GeForce): :)
[20:17:45] (Union)LifeKisS: -GreaTTurkS): :D
[20:17:46] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): Easy :P
[20:17:53] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): :D
[20:17:53] (Union)DANDUKA: -Independence): omggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
[20:17:55] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): they didnt attack yet
[20:18:00] (Union)DANDUKA: -Independence): rg have hota ownerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr D
[20:18:14] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): :D
[20:18:21] (Union)DANDUKA: -Independence): Gzzzzzzzzzzz nelsonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :
[20:18:24] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): creater
[20:18:28] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): not nelson
[20:18:29] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): Creater
[20:18:31] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): not nelson
[20:18:33] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): ^^
[20:18:34] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): xD
[20:18:34] (Union)__DaLToN: -Independence): king sergio:D
[20:18:39] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): ya
[20:18:40] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): :D
[20:18:49] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): noob serio xD
[20:18:50] (Union)XploD_MickY: -GeForce): open gate I
[20:18:52] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): sergio*
[20:18:55] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): lolololol
[20:18:57] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): open gates
[20:18:59] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): lets rape them out
[20:19:08] (Union)Brain_Wizzz: -GreaTTurkS): open gate
[20:19:29] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): anders
[20:19:30] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): open gates
[20:19:32] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): yes
[20:19:38] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): middle door
[20:19:43] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): come all middle door
[20:19:44] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): go out
[20:19:50] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): all union go outside
[20:20:10] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): let me know where they come
[20:20:13] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): middle door open
[20:20:37] (Union)Brain_Wizzz: -GreaTTurkS): open gate
[20:21:21] (Union)ReaIGirL: -Awesomeness): iam here now
[20:21:22] (Union)ReaIGirL: -Awesomeness): lets go
[20:21:28] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): dont attack them
[20:21:28] (Union)ReaIGirL: -Awesomeness): gz awesomeness
[20:21:33] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): let them hold the fw again
[20:21:33] (Union)_AIexon_: -Awesomeness): hey ho lets goooo
[20:21:43] (Union)DANDUKA: -Independence): Gratzz nelson D:
[20:21:54] (Union)DANDUKA: -Independence): make ks indep :D
[20:21:55] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): press u and check who's the gm here
[20:22:06] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): xD

[20:22:23] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): let them down the fw
[20:22:27] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): so we have time
[20:22:32] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all go out fw
[20:22:59] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): again
[20:23:01] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): dont attack them
[20:23:25] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): emrah
[20:23:28] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): dont attack altin or legend
[20:23:31] (Union)0Y0: -Universe): PT 9554
[20:23:35] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all guild dont attack
[20:23:39] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): so what
[20:23:42] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): ahmed
[20:23:43] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): let them got it
[20:23:44] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): ?
[20:23:46] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): yea
[20:23:49] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): yeah
[20:23:52] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): first lets see if we can defend
[20:23:53] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we will get it nxt and defend
[20:24:01] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): or they will stop at one tower
[20:24:18] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): just leave them
[20:24:20] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we need that time
[20:24:34] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we will go again
[20:24:36] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): i will log other char
[20:24:36] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): hereeeeee
[20:24:38] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): for attack gates
[20:24:40] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): gate
[20:24:41] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): dont attack VATAN
[20:24:41] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): <-----
[20:24:43] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): sergio latin trsnalte
[20:24:45] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): wendigo here
[20:24:56] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): come all
[20:25:00] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): no ataquen
[20:25:00] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): open door
[20:25:05] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): dejenlos
[20:25:07] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): pasar
[20:25:11] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): claro
[20:25:16] (Union)XploD_Vzla: -GeForce): open door herre
[20:25:17] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): nesesitamos tiempo para la otra
[20:25:17] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): k
[20:25:30] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all stop
[20:25:32] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack them
[20:26:01] (Union)XploD_MickY: -GeForce): ok
[20:26:26] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): DONT ATTAKC VATNA
[20:26:31] (Union)ReaIGirL: -Awesomeness): anders pm me
[20:27:30] (Union)KhaosKing: -Independence): lan dalmayn
[20:27:35] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): stop killing ppl
[20:27:37] (Union)KhaosKing: -Independence): su command
[20:27:38] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): kimseye dalmay1n
[20:27:38] (Union)KhaosKing: -Independence): (angry)
[20:27:38] (Union)KhaosKing: -Independence): amq
[20:27:40] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): anlam1yonuzmu ?
[20:27:44] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): dont attavk VATAN
[20:28:33] (Union)KhaosKing: -Independence): princeus
[20:28:34] (Union)KhaosKing: -Independence): u idiot ?
[20:28:36] (Union)KhaosKing: -Independence): dont atack amq (angry)
[20:28:58] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): NOOBS STOP ATACKING PPL
[20:28:59] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): FCK
[20:29:00] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): LET THEM
[20:29:01] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): who online joker boy
[20:29:05] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): i cant go fcking tower
[20:29:14] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): fcking shit stop guys
[20:29:20] (Union)3n3Sss: -GreaTTurkS): ibrahim dont atack
[20:29:22] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): DONT KILL ANYONE
[20:29:28] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): translate with turk
[20:29:39] (Union)prodector123: -Independence): kmseyi ldrmeyin
[20:29:43] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): BEYLER K0MSEYE DALMAYIN
[20:29:47] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): BIRAKIN KALEY0 D^RSNLER
[20:29:59] (Union)3n3Sss: -GreaTTurkS): dalmay1n
[20:30:01] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): now
[20:30:04] (Union)3n3Sss: -GreaTTurkS): ibrahim dalma amk kaleyi sal1oz
[20:30:06] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we will take fw and defence
[20:30:15] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all understand me?
[20:30:20] (Union)_PeRKa_07: -GreaTTurkS): ye:P
[20:30:28] (Union)Alemao_Mao: -Universe): ok
[20:30:31] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): good
[20:30:34] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all get ready
[20:32:27] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): ok guys
[20:32:33] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): sry but listen
[20:32:36] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we wait more 20mins
[20:32:37] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): s
[20:32:40] (Union)XploD_MickY: -GeForce): res
[20:32:41] (Union)XploD_MickY: -GeForce): logos
[20:32:47] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all players
[20:32:51] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): wait out FW when loose
[20:32:51] (Union)_PeRKa_07: -GreaTTurkS): last 20min
[20:32:54] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no enter FW for 20min
[20:32:58] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): 20min later we enter
[20:33:08] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): translate latin
[20:33:09] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): and turk
[20:33:12] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): and english i got it
[20:33:14] (Union)_PeRKa_07: -GreaTTurkS): done
[20:33:18] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): all focus
[20:33:18] (Union)_PeRKa_07: -GreaTTurkS): SON 20dk ALCAZ
[20:33:19] (Union)BaByHosLosT_: -GeForce): k
[20:33:19] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): fortress
[20:33:21] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): YEA
[20:33:23] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): hahahah
[20:33:25] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): we wait out gate 20min
[20:33:28] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): dont enter fw when looose
[20:33:40] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): im inmortal!!!
[20:33:46] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): lol
[20:33:48] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): they dont attack heart
[20:33:52] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): no 1 atacking heart
[20:33:59] (Union)_PeRKa_07: -GreaTTurkS): 20dk bekleyip yle gircekmi_iz
[20:34:00] (Union)_PeRKa_07: -GreaTTurkS): :D
[20:34:01] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): wait i log my spy
[20:34:03] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): and finish heart
[20:34:05] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack vatan
[20:34:19] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack VATAN guild
[20:34:28] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all go out FW
[20:34:33] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): wait out
[20:35:39] (Union)SPLIGTH: -Universe): all regroup..
[20:35:56] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): stay out fw
[20:36:07] (Union)MisS_Mayra: -GeForce): where FW
[20:36:16] (Union)MisS_Mayra: -GeForce): Emperi where FW?
[20:36:18] (Union)0Y0: -Universe): pt 9554
[20:36:21] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): tower will down on 5-10mins
[20:36:23] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): wait
[20:36:25] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): TOLD YOU
[20:36:26] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): heart*
[20:36:33] (Union)Creater: -Awesomeness): all towers down
[20:36:38] (Union)0Y0: -Universe): union np:P
[20:37:04] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): fck babylsohot
[20:37:06] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): wt.f you make?
[20:37:11] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): i say no attack vatan members
[20:37:14] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): i cant go fcking heart
[20:37:18] (Union)G_Shock: -GreaTTurkS): union ress
[20:37:33] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): i hate this fcking shit stupids
[20:37:34] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): who the fck is atacking ?
[20:37:54] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): trsnalte sergio
[20:37:57] (Union)XploD_MickY: -GeForce): my guild now are in gate
[20:37:59] (Union)0Y0: -Universe): yabny
[20:38:00] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack ALTIN UNION
[20:38:03] (Union)0Y0: -Universe): dool wa2fin
[20:38:04] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): ALL MEMBERS GO OUT
[20:38:06] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): NOOOOOO ATKKKKK VATAN MEMBERS
[20:38:09] (Union)0Y0: -Universe): they dont attack heart
[20:38:10] (Union)BaByHosLosT_: -GeForce): fck no pvp
[20:38:10] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): dejen de atacar
[20:38:12] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): animales
[20:38:12] (Union)BaByHosLosT_: -GeForce): get out!
[20:38:51] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): all awe
[20:38:52] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): dc
[20:38:52] (Union)Fortress: -Awesomeness): xD
[20:39:01] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): good
[20:39:03] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): here all dc
[20:39:05] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): i can go heart
[20:39:13] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): go go
[20:39:14] (Union)MisS_Mayra: -GeForce): pt plis
[20:39:15] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): here dc too
[20:39:19] (Union)ReaIGirL: -Awesomeness): letys go
[20:39:21] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): our members
[20:39:31] (Union)0Y0: -Universe): 9554
[20:39:51] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): im almost at heart
[20:41:11] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all
[20:41:14] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack char name
[20:41:18] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): Danquers
[20:41:19] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no attack
[20:41:21] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): its my char
[20:41:23] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): dont atack
[20:41:27] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): Danqereus
[20:41:41] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): anders
[20:41:44] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): no repair heart
[20:42:29] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): all union leave heart
[20:42:30] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): go out
[20:43:08] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): dont atack
[20:43:11] (Union)_Caudion_: -Independence): Danqereus
[20:43:32] (Union)Paradise: -GreaTTurkS): nuri
[20:43:33] (Union)xNuk3RGirlx: -Awesomeness): CATA kill Danqereus
[20:43:39] (Union)EmpirE_Faith: -Independence): Leave heart
[20:43:39] (Union)Paradise: -GreaTTurkS): trke syLe
[20:43:48] (Union)Paradise: -GreaTTurkS): inqilzce biLmeyenLer war
[20:43:54] (Union)Paradise: -GreaTTurkS): admlar kesio
[20:44:29] (Union)ReaIGirL..

زى منتوا شايفين خى ديه شخصية وحاد معاه واحده من الجيلدات الكبيرة فى السرفر

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة wind111 ; 14-11-2011 الساعة 06:42 PM

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عاوز راجل محترم كده ييجى يضيفلى ADV A&B&C&D&E اللى فى المنتدى , عشان حاولت ومعرفتش s Animus Sro قسم الاسئلة و الاستفسارات لعمل السيرفرات الخاصة 5 08-01-2013 06:48 PM
scammer جديد بتاريخ 25/8/2010 اسمه FaNTaSTi بالدليل BLack_ban قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 9 27-07-2010 02:36 AM

الساعة الآن 11:14 PM.