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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 23-07-2008, 03:08 PM   #1


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DiaBlo صـاعـد

DiaBlo غير متواجد حالياً

قصيدتي اللي حتتنشر في كتاب احسن 200 قصيده شعر في امريكا ^^

انهارده الصبح فتحت الايميل بتاعي لقيت موقع كنت مشترك فيه بقصيدتي shadows of confusion يبقولولي انت فزت معانا بأن قصيدتك حتتنشر مع 200 قصيده تانيه في كتاب شعر ^^ انا فرحان اوي و ادي القصيده للي عايز يقراها ^^

Shadows Of Confusion

sometimes she love you
she lost in you
she will die for you

some times she say

who said i love you ?!
who said i care about you ?!
i don't care about you !!!!!

this words made me fall
in the shadows of confusion
my heart hide behind the
while he is bleeding a tears from blood
from her words ..........

she might playing a kids game
and don't love me
or play with my feelings toward her
but why !!!!!!!
what i have done to her for all that

is that the cost of my love to her ?
is that the cost of my love to her ?

but why she do that with me ?
i asked myself this question more than 10000 time
i woken now ... to find myself
in the shadows of confusion

i was ready to give her my name
my heart ...... my life

she might be confused from me
or she think that i am playing with her a game
but why she think with that way ???
she must follow her heart to know that i love her
or not ................ her heart will guide her

her heart will say to her that i cant sleep
before kissing her picture ........
her heart will say to her that i cant live
without her ......

i finished all my relationships with another girls
only for her ...........
some girls cried a tears from blood
and said to me please don't go
some girls was going to die from sadness

is that the cost of my love to you ?
please answer me .........
is that the cost ?
tell me ... tell me
you love me or not ??

جميع الحقوق محفوظه لكاتبها اللي هو انا ^^ و ممنوع النقل

رد مع اقتباس
إعلانات google


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كتاب (( صحيح الامام مسلم )) ثالث أصح كتاب على وجة الارض موفق للمطبوع °•.♥ AhmeD ♥.•° قسم المكتبة الإسلامية 11 12-01-2015 09:53 AM

الساعة الآن 09:06 PM.