قديم 08-04-2011, 10:02 AM   #1

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noty2009 صـاعـد

noty2009 غير متواجد حالياً

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Global Agenda will have F2P Model

عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

Below is a summary of the differences between Free and Elite versions of the game:

No Level Restriction
Ability to earn all of the game’s current items without spending real money.
Access to all of the game’s current playable content, including:
Sonoran Desert Open Zone
Special Ops PvE (1- to 4-person Co-Op)
10v10 Mercenary PvP
4v4 Arena PvP
Double Agent PvPE
10-person Defense Raids (including the new Dome Defense Mission coming in version 1.4).
Agency vs Agency Gameplay (AvA)

Elite Agent - One-time purchase of $19.99 (£13.99 GBP, €15.99 EUR)

Earn End-of-Mission XP at twice the rate of a Free-to-Play user
Earn End-of-Mission Credits and Tokens at twice the rate of a Free-Play user
Earn End-of-Mission Elite Loot upon winning an instanced PvE or PvP match
Choose which PvP game types you would like to play when queuing for Mercenary PvP.
Access the Auction House
Access In-Game Mail
Less restrictive chat capabilities
No ads for in-game voice
Ability to create Agencies
Higher Login priority

Both Free-to-Play and Elite Agent players can optionally purchase Boosters within the Global Agenda webstore. For a timed period, Boosters will:

Double XP, Tokens and Credits earned in Game
Provide 2,000 tokens a day for free
Provide an extra end-of-mission Boost Loot drop

10-day, 30-day, and 90-day boosters are available. These are available today and will work no differently when the Free Agent release is launched.

و ده فيديو للعبه

انا منقلتش الخبر كله انا نقلت الخبر بتاع ان ال f2p model فى اللعبة و ده لينك الخبر
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة noty2009 ; 08-04-2011 الساعة 10:07 AM

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