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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة هنا يتم وضع المواضيع المخالفة والمواضيع المكررة

مشاهدة نتائج الإستطلاع: يستحق التثبيت
يثبت 4 50.00%
لا يثبت 4 50.00%
المصوتون: 8. هذا الإستطلاع مغلق

أدوات الموضوع التقييم: تقييم الموضوع: 1 تصويتات, المعدل 5.00. انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 24-09-2010, 09:42 PM   #1

عضو مميز

الصورة الرمزية Miss0T0

• الانـتـسـاب » Jul 2010
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 71683
• المشـــاركـات » 668
• الـدولـة »
• الـهـوايـة »
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر »
• الـجـنـس »
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
Miss0T0 صـاعـد

Miss0T0 غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي (¯`·.(¯`·. .·`¯).·`¯)الاسئلة الشائعة zszc (¯`·.(¯`·. .·`¯).·`¯) متجدده باستمرار

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Frequently Asked Questions


Just kidding, read my instructions and the important points here. Dont forget that the Team has not any power over the registration, if its not opened DO NOT make a Thread

Many people are to lazy to Search for their Answer on the Forum, so they have to make a new thread with a subject that already was Discussed many times before.

In this this Thread you will see the most Frequently Asked Questions from ZsZc Forums regarding Fire and Water Servers.


Q: Why don't we have Stall/Stall Network in Servers? When you will add them?

A: We don't have Stall/Stall Network in the Servers due to the Dupe (Duplicate) Bug which allows you to clone items. The Stall/Stall Network will be added when they will be fixed, nobody knows how to fix them in the moment.


Q: When will the Registration Open?

A: The GMs don't have power over the Registration. That means you have to wait. (It is against the Rules to ask about Reg/PW Change)


Q: When will the Password Change Open?

A: The GMs don't have power over the Pasword Change. That means you have to wait. (It is against the Rules to ask about Reg/PW Change)


Q: GM why did you ban me? I did nothing wrong, please unbann be

A: You got ban for a reason, the GMs will not unbann you. Live with it or Leave.(It is against the Rules to ask about your banned character)


Q: GM i got Scammed by ExPlayer. Can you ban him and give me my gold back?

A: It is your own fault that you got Scammed, GMs are not responsable, they will ban the scammer but only if you Report him with ScreenShots/Video in the Report Section. Next time be more carefully.


Q: GM my account got Hacked. Can you please give me my account back?

A: It is your own fault that you got Hacked, GMs are not responsable so they won't help you. Next time be more carefully


Q: I lost my Password, but i have the ID and e-Mail, can you give me my Password?

A: If you lost your Password, GMs can't help you in this case. Next time write your Password on a Paper so you won't forget it.


Q: My game crashes without any warning. Please GM, can you fix this?

A: It is not a game error, it's strictly from your PC or from your Internet Connection.


Q: GM will you add new Statuses like Bleed or Division to Bicheon Skills?

A: We can't add the new Statuses because the Client we are curently using is too old.


Q: I have a problem with the Resolution. Can you add new Resolutions?

A: It's impossible to add new Resolutions. Use the 1152x864 Resolution and press ALT+ENTER to play in Windows mode.


Q: Will you add Europeans in ZsZc??

A: No, Europeans won't be added because they need a new Client which is not available


Q: Why don't you add Fortress Wars and Flag Event?

A: We won't add Fortress Wars and Flag Event because our Client is too old.


Q: I bought a Premium but i don't get double exp rates. Is this a bug?

A: It is not a bug, the Premium gives you 100% more exp, that means +1x exp rates, so your total exp rates with Premium will be 31x (30+1=31)



I will update this Post with new Questions and Answers (Questions asked by you and Answers given by GMs)
If a Mod/Super Mod/Admin considers this Thread usefull, i suggest to put this Thread into a place where every new User can read it.
Maybe this thread will prevent some people from posting Threads with already discussed subjects.

With Love and Hate,


الترجمه تمة في معامل Survivor
1-ليه مفيش ستول او نت ورك فى السيرفر
ج-عشان dup bug وده اللى هوا بيخلينا ننسخ ال الايتم(هوا بيقول كده عشان معهومش فلوس يعملوا الحكاية دى)


2-امتى التسجيل حيفتح
ج- معندهم القدرة انهم يفتحوه فى اى وقت
و بكده لازم تستنى ... وتبقى خالفى القوانين لو سئلت امتى حيفتح


3- امتى تغيير الباسور يفتح
معندهم القدرة انهم يفتحوه فى اى وقت
و بكده لازم تستنى ... وتبقى خالفى القوانين لو سئلت امتى حيفتح

4-ليه ال جى ام عملى بلوك

- ال جى ام مش حيديك بلوك من غير سبب
لازم تراج قوانين اللعبة

و حاطتلك مثل هو live with it or leave it
يعنى عيش فيها او غادره

5-الناس اللى بتتسرق بتقول لل جى ام اللاعب الفلانى سرقن ىممكن تديلوا بان :S

-دى خطءك الشخصى انك اتسرقت
ال جى مش حيعبرك

الا لو عملت فى ريبورت بصور و فيديو


6-جم الاكونت بتاعى اتقلب ^^

-دى غلطتك انك اتقلبت
ال جى مش حيستجيب ليك
خليك حريص المرة الجاية


7- انا الباسورد بتاعى ضاع او نسيتوا
انا معايا ال id w el email ممكن تساعدنى؟

- ال جى ام مش حيستجيب ليك او مش حيقدر يساعدك
المرة الجية تبقى تكتبها فى ورقة و مش حتنساها :)


8-بيجيلى كراش مرة واحدة من غير ولا تحذير ولا اى زفت ^^
- دا بسبب الجهاز بتاعك او النت بتاعك

9-الجى ام ممكن يضيفى الBleed و ال division فى السكيلزدى[ حاجات خاصة بالبليد
- الجى ام ميقدرش يضيف الحاجات دى
لانوا فقير و بيستخدم كلينت قديم ^^


10-عندى مشكلة فى احداثيات الشاشة
مستحيل ال جى ام يضيف احاثيات تانية
خيها 1152ء864 و دس الت+ انتى و العب فى الون مود


11-امتى الليجيند الاوروبى حينزل
-اليجيند مش حينل عشان محتاج كلينت جديد و هو مش متاح حالياً

12-ليه مفيش فورترس وار و ايفينت الفلاج

-مش حينفع يتحطوا عشان الكلين الى بيستخدموه قديم

13-انا اشتريت بريميوم بس مش باخد اكسبرينس مضاعف.. هل دى بج؟
-لا دى مش بج
البريميوم بتديك 1x exp extra
دا يعنى بتديك على اساس الاكسبرنس 1x

يعنى مجموع الاكسبرنس بتاعك حيبقى



علشن محدش يتخم من حد وي يعمل عليه اسكام دولGam Master


All GMs have access to deliver SUN Weapons, Dresses and Hats only for orders!

[GM] QinErShi
[GM] GoneFishin
[GM] Xia
[GM] Legacy
[GM] Divine

Orders GM:

[GM] PGTycoon
[GM] GoneFishin

Turkish Delivery man (he only delivers SUN weapons, Dresses and Hats to orders made by Turkish players)

[GM] Ph34rm3

This order is random and holds no hierarchy.
Names show gold in game, regular chat of GMs is also in pink.

[GM] Yekta has been fired
We know people are spreading rumors that he supposedly was handing out items, nothing of this is true. Take this information as you wish but do not start trouble about it.

The teleport prices to fortress areas are 10m, the teleport price to roc summit is 50m.

We added teleport level restricts to avoid low lv townspammer in high lv towns.
The teleport from Jangan to Donwhang needs minimum lv 15, from Donwhang to Hotan needs minimum lv 35, Hotan to Samarkand needs minimum lv 85.
Roc summit area needs minimum lv 90.


- Elixir Weapon *** 2.5m to 4m
- Elixir Protector *** 1m to 2m
- Elixir Shield *** 700k to 1m
- Elixir Accesory *** 800k to 1.5m

Weapons SOS

Note: this is starting from lvl 42 to 101.

Lvl42 SOS: 20 to 30m
Lvl52 SOS: 30 to 60m
Lvl64 SOS: 100 to 150m
Lvl76 SOS: 200 to 350m
Lvl90 SOS: 600m to 1Billion
Lvl101 SOS: 10 to 30 billions (30b as a max price if it's +5 - Not defined well yet

SOS Armor/Garment/Protector

Note: This is starting from lvl 42 to 101

6Degree each item: 5m+
7Degree each item: 10m+
8Degree each item: 20m+
9Degree each item: 30m+
10Degree each item: 50m+
11Degree each item: 1.5b + (Price not defined


SOS Accesorys

Note: This is starting from lvl 42 to 101

6Degree each item: 2m+
7Degree each item: 4m+
8Degree each item: 6m+
9Degree each item: 10m+
10Degree each item: 20m+
11Degree each item: 1.5b+ (Price not defined)


~ ElementS ~

1k Degree1: 1m
1k Degree2: 10m
1k Degree3: 10m+
1k Degree4: 15m+
1k Degree5: 10m+
1k Degree6: 8m+
1k Degree7: 8m+
1k Degree8: 8m+
1k Degree9: 10m+
1k Degree10: 10m+
1k Degree11: 20m+



Starting from 8Degree & only More importants tabs



STR tabs: 3m+
INT tabs: 3m+
Challenge tabs: 3m+
Dodging tabs: 2m+
Stamina tabs: 2.5m+
Magic tabs: 2.5m+
Others: 1.5m to 3m MAX



STR tabs: 4.5m
INT tabs: 4.5m
Challenge tabs: 4m
Dodging tabs: 3m
Stamina tabs: 4m
Magic tabs: 4m
Others: 2m to 3m MAX



STR tabs: 7m
INT tabs: 7m
Challenge: 5m
Dodging tabs: 4m
Stamina tabs: 6m
Magic tabs: 6m
Others: 3m to 5m



STR tabs: 25m
INT tabs: 25m
Challenge tabs: 15m
Dodging tabs: 8m
Stamina tabs: 15m
Magic tabs: 10m
Others: 7m to 10m

~ Mall Items ~

Avatars: 1 to 3.5b MAX (Price not defined well yet)
Grab pet [DEAD]: 50 to 150m
Grab pet [FullTime]: 450 to 500m
Clock: 400 to 450m
Premiums: 1.5 MAX
10k Arrow: 15 to 30m
Globals: 10 to 15m
Reverse Scroll: 10 to 15m
Attack Pets: This price depends on the level of the PET so this price is not defined yet.
Globals are not safe to trade because you wont be the one sending it you have to trust on the seller first and give him the money and then he will say what he need to say, Allways try to find a trustable person

I guess that, those are one of the important things of the Market prices, if anyone wants to change the price of something for a reasonable price well then just say your price and everyone confirm if the price is good.

This list was made by 5 people changing prices and confirming prices each other, asking to many peoples and important peoples in-games =)

Please say if you find something that its really expensive.
SOM / SOH / SOSUN we didnt added it because prices are changing constantly so we decided to not add this.

التليبورت العادية مازالت ب 5 الف
الفورترس ب 10 مليون
الروك ب 50 مليون

بالنسبة للمستويات
من جانجن الى دونهانج اقل لفل 15
من دونهانج لهوتان اقل لفل 35
من هوتان الى سمركند اقل لفل 85
اقل لفل للذهاب الى الروك هو لفل 90


توقيع Miss0T0 :

عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Miss0T0 ; 25-09-2010 الساعة 12:37 AM

رد مع اقتباس
إعلانات google


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الاسئلة الشائعة .. وبعض المشاكل وحلولها عن الـ mBot mizo82 قسم الاستفسارات ومشاكل وحلول ال Mbot 1 14-05-2011 01:09 AM
الاسئلة الشائعة لسروكينج boraq0000 قـسـم الـ SroKing Bot 2 12-07-2009 05:06 PM

الساعة الآن 05:22 AM.