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قديم 18-10-2012, 07:44 PM   #1

عضو ذهبى

الصورة الرمزية ™_MrMido0o0o_™

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افتراضي Elise, the Spider Queen Revealed

Champion جديد لانج
و المختلف فيه انه بيتحول من Human لـ Spider و العكس زى Niddale كده
و طبعا ده موضوع جديد من مده طويله
اسيبكم مع المعلومات و كده

Abilities (Human form):s
  • Spider Swarm (Passive): Elise’s Human Form spells will ready a spiderling when cast on an enemy.
  • Neurotoxin: Elise damages a target based on its current Health.
  • Volatile Spiderling: Elise releases a venom-gorged spiderling that explodes when it nears a target.
  • Cocoon: Elise fires a skillshot that stuns the first enemy struck.
  • Spider Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider with new abilities. While in Spider Form, Elise deals magic bonus damage on attack and has increased Movement Speed, Armor, and Magic Resistance. Each level of her ultimate allows Elise to summon an additional spiderling.

Abilitiesس(Spider Form):
  • Spider Swarm (Passive): Elise summons her spiderlings to fight by her side. Spiderlings deal physical damage and take reduced damage from multi-target abilities.
  • Venomous Bite: Elise lunges forward and bites her target, slowing them and dealing bonus damage based on how low its Health is.
  • Skittering Frenzy: Elise and her spiderlings gain Attack Speed and heal her on each attack.
  • Rappel:
    • On enemy cast: Elise and her spiderlings ascend high into the air and descend upon an enemy target.
    • On ground cast: Elise and her spiderlings ascend high into the air, becoming untargetable for two seconds. Casting Rappel on a nearby enemy during this time will descend upon your target.
  • Human Form: Elise transforms into a human form with new abilities. Each level of her ultimate allows Elise to summon an additional spiderling.

عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]

قصتها :

Vicious and elegant, Elise's charismatic grace lures the innocent and greedy alike into her web of deceit. While her victims may discover her true intentions, no one has ever lived to reveal what dark secrets lie behind her enigmatic guise

In dark halls, hidden from society, Elise preached the word of a mythical spider god. Her desperate followers hungered for the god's favor, believing its blessings to be the source of Elise's vibrance and power. When Elise proclaimed that she would lead a pilgrimage to the spider god's shrine,
she selected only her most devout disciples to join her. Ecstatic, the chosen few followed her blindly as she led them on a perilous journey across the sea. When they came ashore at their final destination, the mysterious Shadow Isles, Elise led them to a cavern shrouded in webs. Expecting a shrine, the group looked to their priestess in confusion. She turned to the crowd and raised her arms in triumph, revealing strange, spiderlike legs that grew out of her back. Seeing her terrifying true form for the first time, Elise's followers turned to flee, but she conjured magical webs to trap them. With her victims ensnared, she turned to face the cave and uttered a screeching cry. An enormous undead spider-beast emerged from the darkness, dragging its hideous bulk on thick, pointed legs. Elise's followers could only scream as the monstrous spider ate them alive. She approached the sated creature, extracted its venom, and drank the strange substance. An immediate sense of rejuvenation flowed through her veins. With mortality delayed once again, Elise left to rejoin her congregation. They were overjoyed to hear that their fellows had chosen to remain at the spider god's sacred home. Elise reassured her disciples that she would lead another pilgrimage in due time. The spider god would be waiting.

"The truly faithful need not fear the spider's embrace." – Elise

توقيع ™_MrMido0o0o_™ :

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قديم 18-10-2012, 08:05 PM   #2

عضو لامع

الصورة الرمزية ™Funky™

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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 19-10-2012, 02:12 AM   #3

عضو فعال

الصورة الرمزية kranshy110

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kranshy110 غير متواجد حالياً


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الساعة الآن 08:43 AM.