قـسـم الـبـرامـج الـمـسـاعـدة[ هنا يتم وضع البرامج المساعدة للعبة سيلك رود ] [ يرجى توخى الحذر من محتوى المواضيع المشكوك فيها حتى يتم فحصها من المشرفين ]
البرنامج مش شغال
برنامج تعبان دة مبرمجة دوت نت ومش مشفرة كمان !
وادى اكواد البرمجة بتعت البرنامج دة للى عايز يعدل علية
private shared function lf(byval fn as string, <out> byref a as byte()) as boolean
dim input as new filestream(fn, filemode.open, fileaccess.read, fileshare.read)
dim length as integer = cint(input.length)
input.seek(60, seekorigin.begin)
dim reader as new binaryreader(input)
dim num2 as integer = reader.readint32
if ((num2 >= 2) andalso (num2 <= (length - &h200))) then
input.seek(clng(num2), seekorigin.begin)
if (reader.readuint32 = &h4550) then
num2 = (num2 + &h15c)
input.seek(clng(num2), seekorigin.begin)
dim num4 as integer = reader.readint32
if ((num4 < length) andalso (num4 >= &h300)) then
num4 = (num4 + &h10)
length = (length - num4)
dim buffer as byte() = new byte(length - 1) {}
input.seek(clng(num4), seekorigin.begin)
input.read(buffer, 0, length)
if _.lz(buffer, a, length) then
return true
end if
end if
end if
end if
a = nothing
return false
end function
private shared function lz(byval c as byte(), <out> byref a as byte(), byval l as integer) as boolean
a = nothing
if ((c(4) = &h4d) andalso (c(6) = 90)) then
dim num as integer = ((((8 + c(0)) + (c(1) << 8)) + (c(2) << &h10)) + (c(3) << &h18))
dim pos as byte() = new byte(num - 1) {}
if (_.lzmat(pos, c, l) <> 0) then
a = pos
return true
end if
end if
return false
end function
private shared function lzmat(byval pos as byte(), byval pis as byte(), byval ci as integer) as integer
dim num2 as integer
dim buffer as byte()
if ((buffer = pos is nothing) orelse (buffer.length = 0)) then
numref = nothing
goto label_001b
end if
dim numref as byte*
fixed numref = buffer
If ((buffer = pis is nothing) orelse (buffer.length = 0)) then
numref2 = nothing
goto label_0037
end if
dim numref2 as byte*
fixed numref2 = buffer
Numref(0) = numref2(4)
dim index as integer = 5
num2 = 1
dim num3 as byte = 0
do while (index < (ci - num3))
dim num5 as byte = numref2(index++)
if (num3 <> 0) then
num5 = cbyte((num5 >> 4))
num5 = cbyte((num5 + cbyte((numref2(index) << 4))))
end if
dim num4 as integer = 0
do while ((num4 < 8) andalso (index < (ci - num3)))
dim num7 as integer
dim num8 as integer
if ((num5 and &h80) <> &h80) then
goto label_02fd
end if
dim num9 as integer = numref2(index)
if (num3 <> 0) then
num9 = (num9 >> 4)
end if
index += 1
num9 = (num9 and &hfffff)
if (num2 < &h881) then
num8 = (num9 >> 1)
if ((num9 and 1) = 1) then
index = (index + num3)
num8 = ((num8 and &h7ff) + &h81)
num3 = cbyte((num3 xor 1))
num8 = ((num8 and &h7f) + 1)
end if
num8 = (num9 >> 2)
select case (num9 and 3)
case 0
num8 = ((num8 and &h3f) + 1)
goto label_0195
case 1
index = (index + num3)
num8 = ((num8 and &h3ff) + &h41)
num3 = cbyte((num3 xor 1))
goto label_0195
case 2
num8 = ((num8 and &h3fff) + &h441)
index += 1
goto label_0195
case 3
index = (index + (1 + num3))
num8 = ((num8 and &h3ffff) + &h4441)
num3 = cbyte((num3 xor 1))
goto label_0195
end select
end if
Num7 = numref2(index)
if (num3 <> 0) then
num7 = (num7 >> 4)
num3 = 0
index += 1
num7 = (num7 and &hfff)
num3 = 1
end if
if ((num7 and 15) <> 15) then
num7 = ((num7 and 15) + 3)
index += 1
if (num7 <> &hfff) then
num7 = ((num7 >> 4) + &h12)
num7 = numref2(index)
if (num3 <> 0) then
num7 = (num7 >> 4)
end if
num7 = (num7 and &hffff)
index = (index + 2)
if (num7 = &hffff) then
if (num3 <> 0) then
num7 = ((((numref2 + index) - directcast(4, intptr)) and &hfc) << 5)
index += 1
num3 = 0
num7 = ((((numref2 + index) - directcast(5, intptr)) and &hfc0) << 1)
end if
num7 = (num7 + ((num5 and &h7f) + 4))
num7 = (num7 << 1)
do while (num7-- <> 0)
numref(num2) = numref2(index)
index = (index + 4)
num2 = (num2 + 4)
exit do
end if
num7 = (num7 + &h111)
end if
end if
dim num6 as integer = (num2 - num8)
do while (num7-- <> 0)
numref(num2++) = numref(num6++)
goto label_033f
Numref(num2) = numref2(index)
if (num3 <> 0) then
numref(num2) = cbyte((numref(num2) >> 4))
dim ptr1 as intptr = directcast((numref + num2), intptr)
ptr1(0) = directcast(cbyte((ptr1(0) + cbyte((numref2((index + 1)) << 4)))), intptr)
end if
num2 += 1
index += 1
Num4 += 1
num5 = cbyte((num5 << 1))
end fixed
end fixed
return num2
end function
<stathread> _
private shared function main(byval args as string()) as integer
dim buffer as byte()
dim num as integer
if not _.lf(application.executablepath, buffer) then
messagebox.show("file is invalid.", "mpress")
return -1
end if
_.mp = assembly.load(buffer)
dim entrypoint as methodinfo = _.mp.entrypoint
dim parameters as object() = nothing
if (entrypoint.getparameters.length > 0) then
parameters = new object() { args }
end if
dim obj2 as object = entrypoint.invoke(nothing, parameters)
if (not obj2 is nothing) then
num = cint(obj2)
num = 0
end if
catch obj1 as object
num = -1
end try
return num
end function
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Be Cool ; 08-09-2011 الساعة 05:07 PM