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 الـجـروب الـرسـمى لـلـمـنـتـدى FaceBook | Official Group 

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أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 09-04-2019, 05:57 PM   #1

عضو جديد

• الانـتـسـاب » Jan 2019
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 140650
• المشـــاركـات » 4
• الـدولـة » https://t.me/pump_upp
• الـهـوايـة »
• اسـم الـسـيـرفـر » No Server
• الـجـنـس » Male
• نقـاط التقييم » 10
Drona صـاعـد

Drona غير متواجد حالياً

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(1) Blitz Online | Cap 80 | CH Only | Old School | Play2Win | Grand opening 19/4


Hello fighters , Since our first project Edson was stabled, smooth. Our loyal players asked for season two but we decided to create a brand new project which is called Blitz with more features and more activities to do. We promised on the first season that we will provide something you deserve and we did it. Here we are again to provide something bigger and better than before. FIRST of all if you searching for an over-edit server then you are in the wrong place. It's an old school boys ! This project has been created to get inside your head and bring back the best memories you had when you were a child. Also to create a new memories that you will never forget. We've been working on Blitz for more than 3 months to make sure that everything is working fine even before the beta phase , that's why we decided to launch our beta for 1 week only.. we don't need more time to fix our bugs if we have. Don't be surprised if you didn't find any bug at beta phase .. Blitz has joined Sro community to destroy everyone around and to save the players from being exploited from money seekers. If you have seen this thread then you are lucky and don't miss your chance


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Facebook Page

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Discord Channel

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Blitz Team

We are consists of a professional team that is fully integrated to meet all your needs in the best possible way and we promise to work to satisfy all your needs

Alpha is the main developer, he is expert and knows how to handle any problem-

Doctor is the Owner, he will be always here to watch out what's going on and he won't stop until your problem solved-

Rover is our community manager , he is active most of the time and knows how to deal with the players-


We seek to create a massive fan-base who likes to stay on a server for a long time. Let's be clear , Players who are controls the projects. They decide to make the project success or fail by joining and staying ( am talking about smooth projects without issues ). We as a team doesn't like to close and re-open projects but believe me it's not our decision it's your decision. That's why we need a fan-base to stay with us for a long time and we will always be there for you guys whenever you need


As we mentioned before , if you are searching for an over-edit server , Don't continue reading. Our Server has been created for the classic players, Who loves the real old school. We are here for you guys to bring back your childhood memories. Blitz Features won't be over edit it will be very simple. We believe that the less features you have the more stable server you get. So , We've decide that our Features will be simple but at the same time will give you all your needs
All of the important Features you will find it here , you won't suffer. Also we added some Features belongs to Blitz Online


Gather your team and get ready for the most incredible project you will ever see. We made something worth to spend your time on it. be prepared for the best competition

Beta Phase 11th April
As we mentioned before that we've been working on this project for a long time to make sure that everything is going to be smooth as possible as we can. To be more smooth and to take your suggestions we should launch a beta phase to listen to you guys if you need to change anything or add anything. We are here for you, for your enjoyment

Grand Opening 19th April
On this day , all you need to do is to Prepare your weapons and get ready to start your journey

Teaser | Blitz Online

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Cap & Race

You guys 've been waiting for it , Yeah ! it's CAP 80 / Chinese Race. We decided to launch a cap 80 server for many reasons , First of all there's no cap 80 servers around these days. Second last few months all projects were focused on cap 90+. Third it's an amazing balanced cap where all builds can defeat each others. Why did we choose Chinese race and excluded Euros , Because you're searching for a fairness Game-play and we are here to satisfy your needs


Usually mastery at Cap 80 is 300 and it's the most balanced mastery which makes everyone able to create his own build and gives everyone a chance to defeat the other build

HWID Limit 2

For fairness play , we cannot dispensing the HWID Limit. So, we settled it to 2 per PC. Also we have made some rules for HWID to avoid cheating, check below
Jobbing 1 / PC-
Battle Arena 1 / PC-
Capture the Flag 1 / PC-
Fortress War 1 / PC-

4 IP Limit

We have settled the IP Limit into 4

(Main Town (Hotan

Hotan ! Helyah Hotan is the main town it's the best choice for cap 80 because for leveling up , since it's the favorite town for all. Also we've added there our Special NPCs that will help you out with all your needs

Available Towns

Guild & Union Limits

After discussing about the guild and union limit , we can finally say that 24 for Guilds and 2 for Unions is the best choice

(Union Chat (Unlimited

No more limit , it's boring and annoying that you can't write in union. Now everyone can write at union chat

(Server Rates (Medium

We settled custom rates which will satisfy all players. Because rates is one of the most important things in the SRO

EXP / SP 15x-
Trading 10x-
Gold 5x-
Item 1x-
Alchemy 1x-

Starter Pack

There are two types pack , Both packages will help you during your journey. The first one is FREE everyone will receive it once you create your character. The Second package VIP you will find it at item mall including some useful items

FREE Package

1000x HP / MP Recovery Potion
20x Beginner Speed
11x Instant Return
11x Reverse Return
Grab Pet (3 Days)
3 Pages of Inventory
1 Million Gold
1 Million Skill Point

VIP Package

Premium Gold
Devil's / Angel's Spirit
Attack Pet
Grab Pet
11x Instant Return
11x Reverse Return
11x Global Chatting

Auto Equipment

Something can not be neglected , it helps the players to grow faster without needing to collect items to fight the monsters. It's very helpful feature. You will get your equipment once you teleport after leveling up
It will be (SOS +5) Until Degree 7

Silks Per Hour

Is the best thing for everyone, Why? because a lot of players have their real life they can't spend their free time of making quests etc . When you play Blitz , we are talking about fun ! Simply all you need to do is to keep your character online and reach level 80. You will receive 1 silk per hour

SOX System

Our system is not complicated but it's not easy. We are looking for a long term server, where's the competition if everyone can obtain last tiers from the first week or even after two weeks. People are leaving the servers because they get bored. Most of P-Servers makes it so easy that's why the servers die so fast. Read our system carefully you will like it , it's simple and
! enjoyable

? What is the Difference between SOX Tiers and How to Obtain it

Seal of Star = Last Tier +1
You can obtain it from monsters and uniques Lv. 64 ~ 80

Seal of Moon = Last Tier +3
You can obtain it from fusion system, read more about it in section below

Seal of Blitz = Last Tier +5
You can obtain it from upgrade system, read more about it in section below

Our Currencies
Blitz Points
Bronze Coin

(Forgotten World (Flame Mountain

Everyone loves FGW but isn't it boring after a long journey you get nothing ? FGW doesn't depend on luck anymore, Work hard and you will reach the top. FGW doesn't drop talismans it drops Bronze coin instead of Talismans. FGW available every 6 hours

Grade 1
Treasure Box drop 5x coins
Flame Cow King (Boss) drop 15x coins

Grade 2
Treasure Box drop 10x coins
Flame Cow King (Boss) drop 30x coins

(Canyon Mountain (New Dungeon

A historical battle you can gather your team or fight alone if you are brave and strong enough. Once you join the battle you will be surrounded by Strong Monsters and their Boss. You have to kill them, When you defeat the first Boss you will fight with a stronger one which is hard to defeat. If you killed them both you will find a Treasure Box you should destroy it to get your needs. The monsters appears once. When you defeat them, they won't appear again. This Dungeon available every 6 hours

Treasure Box Drops

50x Bronze Coin
Random Silk Items
Random Gold between 50 and 100 Million


To fit your needs we've designed a few new NPCS. They'll provide everything you could possibly need

Avatar Seller
! First of all a avatar NPC, who does not love to give his character a unique look

Title Seller
Speaking of unique look. There is a title NPC where you can buy a fancy title to give your name a more fitting look

Smuggler Chungh
He's selling some useful items for Blitz Points, Bronze Coin & Gold

Supply Assistant Titi
Here you will find all new quests, Take the quest and fight


Events is like an oxygen, it keeps the server alive we cannot miss it ! There will be a lot of Events manually and we are sure that manually events are more fun than the Automatic events, but it doesn't mean that we won't use the Auto Events

Automatic Events

Party Matching
Pvp & Job War

Manual Events

Hide & Seek
Weekly Events (PvP / Uniques) for Special Titles

Social Media Events

Facebook Share Event [1/ 2

(Signature Event (Deadline 19th April
You want to earn a few silk to start of ? You want to help us grow ? Participate on our Signature Event. Just use our Signature and send us a message to Alpha with your Character name to win 50 Silks

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى الردود آخر مشاركة
Equalizer Online | Cap 110 | CHN/EU | Play2win | Pve | Grand opening 12/2/2016 hanofastar قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 25 اليوم 12:11 PM
PERGAMON ONLINE | 80 CAP ONLY CHINESE | Beta Opening 29.05.2023 | Grand Opening 02.06.2023 PergamonOnline قـسـم الـسـيـرفـرات الـخـاصـة 0 18-05-2023 08:04 PM
Diagon Online| 90 Cap | Ch | Pc Limit 2 |Survival I Play2Win-Grand Opening 01.02.2019 Drona قسم الشروحات و البرامج المستخدمة في عمل السيرفرات الخاصة 0 15-01-2019 01:48 AM

الساعة الآن 02:35 PM.