تغير سعر الايتمز التراد فا بالتالى هتتباع اغلى دور على اسم ال trade items فى textdata_object.txt و بعدين خود الاسم و دور علية فى Itemdata.txt و بعدين عدل على السعر فى RefObjCommon فى ال Database بتعتك
USE SRO_VT_SHARD DECLARE @NewQuot FLOAT -- @ SRO_VT_SHARD DECLARE @NewPrice INT DECLARE @NewStack INT DECLARE @NewSellPrice INT SET @NewQuot = 2.9 -- Doubles the profit % trough "2.0" (e.g. 2.6 is also possible) SET @NewPrice = 9999 -- Goods Price @ the Shop SET @NewStack = 40 -- Increases/Decreases the maximum Stack, Default = 40 SET @NewSellPrice = 999 -- Goods Price if you sell them directly again - without trading.
-- Profit %
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET BaseQuot = BaseQuot*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 2147 AND 2158
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET Quot_LB = Quot_LB*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 2147 AND 2158
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET Quot_UB = Quot_UB*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 2147 AND 2158
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET BaseQuot = BaseQuot*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET Quot_LB = Quot_LB*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET Quot_UB = Quot_UB*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET BaseQuot = BaseQuot*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET Quot_LB = Quot_LB*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672
UPDATE [dbo].[_ItemQuotation] SET Quot_UB = Quot_UB*@NewQuot WHERE RefItemID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672
-- Price / SellPrice
UPDATE [dbo].[_RefObjCommon] SET Price = @NewPrice WHERE ID BETWEEN 2147 AND 2158
UPDATE [dbo].[_RefObjCommon] SET SellPrice = @NewSellPrice WHERE ID BETWEEN 2147 AND 2158
UPDATE [dbo].[_RefObjCommon] SET Price = @NewPrice WHERE ID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401
UPDATE [dbo].[_RefObjCommon] SET SellPrice = @NewSellPrice WHERE ID BETWEEN 10394 AND 10401
UPDATE [dbo].[_RefObjCommon] SET Price = @NewPrice WHERE ID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672
UPDATE [dbo].[_RefObjCommon] SET SellPrice = @NewSellPrice WHERE ID BETWEEN 24671 AND 24672
-- Price
UPDATE [dbo].[_RefPricePolicyOfItem] SET Cost = @NewPrice Where RefPackageItemCodeName like '%ITEM_ETC_TRADE%'
كده هيشتروها بى 60 مليون وتتباع بى 500 مليون
الكورى واضح مش عيز اى شرح ولو احتجت تعرف حاجه انا موجود