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قديم 14-07-2017, 05:33 PM   #1


• الانـتـسـاب » May 2017
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buneo صـاعـد

buneo غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي GibbsCAM 2016 v11.3.33.0

GibbsCAM 2016 v11.3.33.0

GibbsCAM 2016 v11.3.33.0 | 16.3 Gb
Languages: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Gibbs and Associates, developer of GibbsCAM software for programming CNC machine tools and a Cimatron company, has released the version of GibbsCAM 2016 software, its a provides powerful range of CNC programming functionality including Solid Modeling, 2-5 Axis Milling, High Speed Machining, Mill/Turn, Swiss, Wire-EDM, Multi-Task Machining, and more.

GibbsCAM 2016 introduces its new engine, the Universal Kinematic Machine (UKM). GibbsCAM with UKM technology was developed to further simplify programming, provide the flexibility to easily support the most advanced machines, and accurately simulate all of the machine components and capabilities of any machine. GibbsCAM 2015 contains significant improvements throughout the product line from geometry creation to toolpath strategies, as well as significant improvements to tooling, including integration with the Adveon Tooling Library.

GibbsCAM 2016 version Update List:

Fix: Resolved an issue where 5-Axis was producing and error "The selected tool is invalid" upon redoing the operation.
Fix: Resolved an issue that caused toolblock association to not be retained when copy and pasting tools.
Fix: Resolved an issue wherein installing via quiet install was not installing VoluMill.
About Gibbs and Associates, A Cimatron Company

Gibbs and Associates - For thirty years, Gibbs and Associates has been a leader in providing cutting edge CAD/CAM technology, while maintaining its signature ease-of-use and productivity. Powerfully Simple, Simply Powerful is the guiding philosophy at Gibbs. Gibbs believes in empowering the NC programmer, machinist, and manufacturing engineer, not eliminating them. Gibbs' goal is to introduce manufacturers to new technologies and new ways of working that makes their machining easier and their businesses more profitable. To achieve this goal, Gibbs creates tools that are naturally intuitive, graphically interactive, extremely visual, associative, and just plain enjoyable to use. Gibbs provides a total quality solution with the service and support that successful customers require.
About 3D Systems

3D Systems is pioneering 3D design and fabrication for everyone. 3DS provides the most advanced and comprehensive solutions including 3D printers, print materials and cloud sourced custom parts. Its powerful ecosystem empowers professionals and consumers everywhere to bring their ideas to life in material choices including plastics, metals, ceramics and edibles. 3DS' leading 3D healthcare solutions include end-to-end simulation, training and planning and printing of surgical instruments and devices for personalized surgery and patient specific medical and dental devices. Its democratized 3D digital design, fabrication and inspection products provide seamless interoperability between subtractive and additive manufacturing and incorporate the latest immersive computing technologies. Its products and services replace and complement traditional methods with improved results and reduced time to outcomes. These solutions are used to rapidly design, create, communicate, plan, guide, prototype or produce functional parts, devices and assemblies, empowering customers to manufacture the future.

Product: GibbsCAM
Version: 2016 Build
Supported Architectures: 64bit
Website Home Page : عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even / 8.x
Size: 16.3 Gb

Download Link Rapidgator.net


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GibbsCAM 2016 Build Multilingual (x64) buneo قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 13-05-2017 10:26 PM
تحميل لعبة صب واي 2016 للكمبيوتر كاملة آخر إصدار 2016 Subway Surfers PC منال زعفراني قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 28-07-2016 04:34 AM
تحميل قاموس الوافي الذهبي 2016 الإصدار الكامل Golden Alwafi 2016 cougarr قسم المواضيع المكررة و المخالفة 0 02-07-2016 02:14 PM

الساعة الآن 02:45 PM.