أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
22-05-2014, 12:40 AM | #1 | ||||||||||
اقدم لكم السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته يسعدنا ان نقدم لكم سيرفر pioneer نحن فريق عمل متكامل نعمل 24ساعة لخدمتكم و مزودين بحماية ضد جميع انواع الاتاك و الاختراق نحن نوفر لكم سيرفر ليس به اى نوع من انواع ال لاج او التعطيلات و مزود بالكثير من الانظمة الممتعة. كل اعضاء فريق عملنا موثوق بهم و سعيدون لخدمتكم. WEBSITE عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ] Facebook Page عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ] : Basics : Cap: 100 Degree: 10 Drop Rate: 15x Alchemy Rates: 1.5x Solo EXP/SP Rates: 45x Party EXP/SP Rates: 70x Job Rates: 70x Battle Arena: Working DDOS Protected: Yes Skills Cap: 100 SOX: New System Race: Chinese & European Fortress war: Hotan Monster Respawn: 5x Silk: Vote فيـديو تـوضيحـى للسيـرفر: عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ] :SYSTEMS •Sox System• here is a new Type of Weapons, called Seal of Heavy Storm Those Weapons are as strong as lv 90 Sun+3 and got 1 Crit / Block Ratio more Also there is a new Glow including lightning-, black- and white SoX Glows Here you can see a little Tutorial how to get them [YOUTUBE]عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ][/YOUTUBE] •Special Titles• For nearly every Unique there is a Quest to gain a Title at the NPC "Quest Manager So-Ok" located in Jangan •New Job Based System• There is a Job Temple where NPC Thieves and Hunters are spawning. It's only in job mode possible to join it and you can take there Quests to recieve Silks and Gold. To accept the Quests you need to speak to the NPC which is just at the place where you join the temple (The 1st Quest is to kill Thieves/Hunters (in the Temple and on trades The 2nd is to kill player Thieves/Hunters/Traders into the Temple The Uniques in the Job Temple drop Silver and Gold Coins, with them you can buy Seal of Sun items from an NPC in Alexandria, but it's hard to get those Coins and you can only get Equip items there, no weapons and no Accessories •Item Stacks• Stock of Pots = 1000 Stock of Arrows = 2500 Stock of Elixirs = 50 Stock of Stones and Tabs = 100 Stock of Free Silk = 10000 •Academy System• We removed the Academy System because it has no sense to plvl 100 of the own chars •Magic Pop• Disable because play2win not pay2win •Events• Unique Events Hide and Seek Events PvP Events Christmas and Easter Events •Fortress war• Register: friday Play: every Saturday at 16:00 GMT+1 •Root Server Info• Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20 GHz 3.80 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 64 GB System Type: 64-bit Operating System DDOS - Protected •Start Items• 50Reveres Scroll 1000HP 1000MP 20Speed Scroll Wolf Scroll 10,000,000Gold 30000Skill Point 7Equip Items 10HP / MP +1300 Increase Scrolls •Free Silks & Special Items• To avoid overpowered donators, there are Free Silks which you can get from :Those Items are Grab Pets, Pet Clocks, Globals, Premium Avatar Dresses Special Elixirs or Magic Lucky Powders which have a higher success chance than normal ones •Unique Spawns and Drops• (All standard Uniques (TG, Cerb, Uru, Ivy, Isy, Lord and Demon Jupiter and STR Jupiter spawn at the Holy Water temple, they drop Silver and Gold Coins but not many Roc (every Sunday 15:00 GMT+1) with decreased damage and very nice drops, for example Avatars, Silks, Immortals, Astrals, Dmg Scrolls and Roc Set parts Haroeris and Seth spawn in the Jobtemple and drop Gold Coins, Immos, Astrals, Globals Anubis and Isis spawn in the Jobtemple and drop Silver Coins, Immos, Astrals, Globals Medusa (every day 14:00 GMT+1) drops SOM Items, Globals, Immos, Astrals every Unique drops Silks the STR Uniques are created to give STR builds also a chance to kill Uniques |
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Twix* ; 23-06-2014 الساعة 03:59 PM
22-05-2014, 12:45 AM | #2 | ||||||||||
موفق , ان شاء الله يكون سيرفر حلو |
22-05-2014, 04:24 AM | #3 | ||||||||||
حلو انشاء الله هنزل اجرب فيه ysex.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Smileysex" class="inlineimg" /> |
22-05-2014, 01:29 PM | #4 | ||||||||||||
22-05-2014, 11:16 PM | #5 | ||||||||||
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله . :) |
22-05-2014, 11:23 PM | #6 | ||||||||||
Good Luck |
22-05-2014, 11:50 PM | #7 | ||||||||||
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله |
23-05-2014, 06:50 AM | #8 | ||||||||||
Server Look Awsome i will Try it |
23-05-2014, 03:07 PM | #9 | ||||||||||
Congratulation About New Server :) |
26-05-2014, 02:50 AM | #10 | ||||||||||
im in isa |
26-05-2014, 02:55 PM | #11 | ||||||||||
good game |
28-06-2014, 03:18 AM | #12 | ||||||||||
بالتوفيق |
29-06-2014, 06:49 PM | #13 | ||||||||||
شكرا |
08-07-2014, 09:54 AM | #14 | ||||||||||
بالتوفيــق |
11-08-2014, 06:12 PM | #15 | ||||||||||
بالتوفيق |
يتصفح الموضوع حالياً : 1 (0 عضو و 1 زائر) | |