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قديم 14-07-2017, 06:26 AM   #1


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buneo صـاعـد

buneo غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD 21 Build 3005 (Win/Mac)

GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD 21 Build 3005 (Win/Mac)

GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD 21 Build 3005 (Win/Mac)

Innovation has been a key differentiator for ARCHICAD since the beginning. ARCHICAD 21 introduces the highly-anticipated Stair Tool, featuring GRAPHISOFT's patent-pending Predictive Design� technology. ARCHICAD 21 delivers a number of other, important functional improvements in the fields of visualization, OPEN BIM, performance and productivity making this version one of the strongest in GRAPHISOFT's history.

Stair Tool
Designing stairs is one of the most complex tasks in architecture. ARCHICAD 21's new Stair Tool offers the most optimal stair designs to choose from in the context of the specific building.

Railing Tool
Complex yet configurable railing systems can be created that are associated with Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Roofs or Meshes.

ARCHICAD 21's integrated CineRender - based on MAXON's Cinema 4D v18 rendering engine - offers architects high quality, photo-realistic rendering in the BIM context.

Element Classification
An ARCHICAD design model can be described as a central BIM database that stores all project data and makes it accessible to any project stakeholder.

IFC Hotlinks
External IFC model content created by consultants - such as Structural or MEP engineers - can be placed as hotlinks into ARCHICAD 21 design projects as protected reference content.

Collision Detection
With the evolution of BIM as the de facto workflow, architects increasingly receive consultant information in a BIM format.

Touch Bar support for the Apple MacBook Pro
The Touch Bar is a Multi-Touch enabled strip of glass built into the keyboard for instant access to essential tools, right when you need them. By using the new MacBook Pro Touch Bar, architects can easily access the most relevant ARCHICAD controls and commands with ease.

Recommended Operating Systems:
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- macOS 10.12 Sierra
- Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan

Compatible, but not tested Operating Systems:
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Download Link Rapidgator.net



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مفيش حاجة اسمها أحسن Build انما فيه ال-Build المفضلة للناس ^^ خش عشان تفهم xDarKy مـنـاقـشـات عـامـة حـول سيلك رود أون لايـن 60 15-06-2011 08:42 PM
New Build mohamed22 مـنـاقـشـات عـامـة حـول سيلك رود أون لايـن 14 31-07-2010 03:18 AM

الساعة الآن 12:24 AM.