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قديم 31-12-2015, 08:32 AM   #1


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zeroo_az صـاعـد

zeroo_az غير متواجد حالياً

(21) InfinityRoad AutoSelect+High Range 2016

Hey everyone. Noticed there is no bot working on the server and some people are trying to find a working patch for Auto Select as well as how to change its range to higher. In this guide I will explain how to do it step by step.
حمل من هنا : عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا [ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
Step 1.
Download the Auto Select patch. It's attached at the bottom of the topic.

Step 2.
Extract and copy the files to your InfinityRoad category. Now click on Autoselect.exe and click on "Patch". Wait till it says patch is done.

Step 3.
Now let's increase the range of our Autoselect. For this, you will need HxD software which you can download from: HxD - Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor | mh-nexus

Step 4.
After you installed the software, open it. Now click on File>Open and open your sro_client.exe from InfinityRoad category. Once you did so, click on Search>Find and set Datatype to "Hex-values". Now insert this in your finding box "00 00 8C 42 55 00 49 00 49" and click OK.

Step 5.
Once the software found the pattern for you, replace it with "00 40 9C 45 55 00 49 00 49".

That's all. Now you have Autoselect patched as well as its range set to 50 (5000). Enjoy!

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