عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 18-12-2007, 01:43 PM   #1


• الانـتـسـاب » Dec 2007
• رقـم العـضـويـة » 7280
• المشـــاركـات » 4
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• نقـاط التقييم » 10
PrisonBreak صـاعـد

PrisonBreak غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

In order to maintain a pleasant gaming and smooth patching experience, weekly server inspection of all servers has been completed.

Time of Completion : 12/18/2007 18:15 Silkroad Standard Time

- New Server Neptune Added
- Fortress War Opened
- Christmas Event Opened
- Devil Wing Dress Added
- Chat Block Applied

Christmas Event, Devil Wing Dress, Chat Block Preview! 12/17/2007

Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

We are happy to announce to our users that there will be three additional new contents tomorrow after the weekly server inspection, other than the scheduled Legend II Fortress War update.

The three additional contents are: Christmas Event, Devil Wing Dress, and Chat Block.

Detailed information on the new contents can be viewed below.

Christmas Event

Title: If it Snows on Christmas
Period: 20:00~24:00, 1:00~5:00 every day from 12/18/2007 to 1/8/2008 Silkroad Standard Time
Details: During the event period, snow will fall, and event monsters will appear on all fields. When event monsters are killed, they will randomly drop Red Santa Socks. Bring the Red Santa Socks to Christmas So-Ok, and she will give you skill points and items.
* Please note that unused Red Santa Socks will be deleted during the weekly server inpsection period on 1/8/2008, so be sure to use all the items before the inspection.

Devil Wing Dress

Period: Limited sales from 12/18/2007, until stocks are sold out.

Chat Block

Purpose: To block spammers in town, or any other users that spam through whispering and chatting window.
Details: A 'Block' tab will appear in the community window, which can be brought up by pressing 'U' in-game. Under the 'Block' tab, users will see additional two tabs, which are 'Block whisper' and 'Block all chat'. By registering character names under the 'Block whisper' tab, users will not be receiving whispers from the registered character names. By registering character names under the 'Block all chat' tab, users will not be able to see any messages typed in the chat window by the registered character name, excluding Global Chat.
حد يفهمنا اييه الجديد بالضبط .........

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