بأختصار كده بدون ما اطول عليكم مفيش بلوكات هتتشال والشركه كانت بتشتغلنا انا بعتلهم ريبورت قلتلهم انكم كدابين وكلام من ده راحوا ردوا عليا بالرد ده
We received your message. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. We would like to inform you that your account will not be restored if it had a history of using illegal programs or history of charge back issues. We would also like to inform you that we only restored blocked accounts due to Inactivity and not for accounts
that are blocked due to chargeback or Illegal program use.
Please understand that our system automatically detects illegal programs thus making it 100% accurate. We hope this answers your inquiry. Have a nice day!
طبعا الى هيشوف الرد ده هيفهم انى الى اخد بلوك الاكاونت بتاعه مش هيرجع لو عمل ايه كانوا بيعشمونا بس وشكرا واسف على الاطاله,,,,,