1-id:Auto-Generated when you create account its read only
2-account:means this char refers to which registered id ?
3-name:name of the character
4-chartype:your char face i will post all types later
5-volume:how height is your character
6-level:level of your charchter
7-strength:means str points (how much is it)
8-intelligence:means int points (how much is it)
9-attribute:don't know what this xD (server will auto generate this so ignore it !)
10-hp:hp of the account
11-mp:mp of the account
12-gold:how much gold that you have in your inventory
13-experience:how much experience do you have (preferable don't change it)
14-spbar:spbar progress (preferable don't change it)
15-sp:how much sp that your char have
16-gm: putting this value to 0 will make your char normal player setting it to 1 will make it gm ! so 0=normal player 1=gm
17-xsect:your xsection (preferable don't change it unless you're bugged)
18-ysect:your ysection (preferable don't change it unless you're bugged)
19-unkown3: (unused row don't change it)
20-xpos:your xpos (preferable don't change it unless you're bugged)
21-ypos:your ypos (preferable don't change it unless you're bugged)
22-zpos:your zpos (preferable don't change it unless you're bugged)
23-s_hp:give it same value of your normal hp
24-s_mp:give it same value of your normal mp
25-min_phyatck:your min phy attack
26-max_phyattack:your max phy attack
27-min_magatck:your min mag attack
28-max_magattack:your max mag attack
29-phydef:your physical defense
30-magdef:your magical defense
31-hit:your hit ratio
32-parry:your parry ratio
34-walkspeed:your walk speed
35-runspeed:your run speed
36-berserk speed:your berserk orbs collecting speed
37-berserk bar:your berserk bar orbs (max 5)
38-unkown2:just another ignore
39-mag_absorb:your magic absorb
40-phy_absorb: your physical absorb
41-savrearea don't change it otherwise your account will be bugged)
42-title senior baronet etc (from 1 to 5 are titles))
43,44-don't touch them
45-slots:slots of your account(up 2 3 pages)
46-pvpstate: dun know
47-action: also dun know ^^
48-Online: 0 = not online 1= online
40,50,51- dun know what this so ignore