Wts Acc 79 Nuker Set +4 Full Blue S/s+5 In Servr Mercury Or Wtt With 77+ In Alexander
hi ya gama3a i want to sell or wtt acc lvl 79 pure int nuker s/s +5 full blue w armor +4 full blue w elacc skillsato ::
fire : 70
light : 70
cold : 60
bacheon : 68
esmo My_Dream
w elacc fe giuld imperial ely wakhda elfortress war fe alserver w elserver mercury \
law habe3o moqabel flos 7a2e2ya ok w law 7ad m3ah account fe server alexander 77+ ayy build ana mwafe2 eny abadel m3ah ........
call me on 0112569861
عفوا ,,, لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط لانك غير مسجل لدينا
[ للتسجيل اضغط هنا ]
aw gowa elgame My_Dream
aw seb redod w ana haklmk .. ty all bb