روحت Joymax لئيت كل الناس الي جتلها بلوك شوف كدة نفسك
inquiry : 57
Hello. This is Silkroad Online.
As we have posted before, we will be investigating alleged bot users and if it is found that they are using bots, we will be blocking bot users, like those below.
We will be continually investigating bot users and when found, we will be punishing these users.
blocked forever - lilazianboyz / StarZero / GHATAK / _LOOK_YOU / meieir / Achilless / Resurrector / Feladys / HotToxic / X_black_X / aoyelei / tinoyl / LittlAng /pliong/ lkjhj /dfsdss
blocked forever - asdwee / BenDio / blackrain08 / CSDMN / Deepcool_18 / Delux_8 / dameinv / dgfdgfh / excuse / gsdghdh / Gigitrtr / hudongxu / NOKIA_2 / NMET / o0ddr0o / o0marry0o / sehoolbag / Smote / SOMAI / Do963 / kill001 / Nokeo / o0rose0o / Ofkixieefe / shunzia / view001
blocked forever - Ernia / Fire_star / F_armer / hihihi123 / Kruki / WO_WOW / YaoMin / Zhengou / zlyctwo / chiruanfan / dnmjhf / rtueiom / ftl / mayner / refus
blocked forever - laisli / hohoh / Erene / weiya / minny / o0bluerose0o / weinu / dfgdss/ PLAKER / moomie / egtrec / Minkler / jookr / Strande / Lastern
blocked forever - chan_ho_nam / dadsad / bplease / zhenzhen / wyne / lklk / FreakyGreek / Th0119 / teleFear / himpanzee / hjgfsf / wicd / vvEvv / Le4p / kkok / newce
blocked forever - KoenZone / UFO1 / intceleron / Kerneler / oF001 / oF002 / oF003 / Oasis_002 / Oasis_003 / Oasis_004 / Oasis_005 / Oasis_006 / O001 / O002 / O003 / O004 / O005 / O007 / OF008 / OF12 / of13 / of14 / o0youmi0o / o0gigi0o / rose001 / Abenly / dfrty / Elif / JiYu
blocked forever - darkpearl / Doivnd / shu_du / Oyelili / Oyehaha / carolseaver / baiei / lordjustin / Demitsuru / MANLII / jjijk / sfro13 / kookab /greteer / dsdsfgg
blocked forever - Blue_sky / ccffgfg / Crossingtime / death_moon / fantce / NickYou / Phylion / Tonis /
Wine_blade / Filter / 1eyed / sddrsfg / grgrds / mooooooooan / moope / heraldo
بالنسبة ليا جالي Block للاكونت الصغير شوفوا شوفوا
blocked forever - love_you / wpgel / OBaByFaCeO / Nancy_520 / Mitsuki / Memory__ / Elaness / Yszei / xiaoqings / IleizdeI / hong / faceice / Branters / __Virgo__ / screamstar / ddopkf / ooioos