الموقع العربي الاول للعبة Silkroad Online

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-   -   SmilerWizard has been hacked :S (https://silkroad4arab.com/vb/showthread.php?t=387868)

SmilrGhost 21-09-2011 09:44 PM

SmilerWizard has been hacked :S
hi all , i just came to say my acc SmilerWizard hacked and the hacker is Papaver i told him my id and pw to login my char to leave it bot then he hacked me and he have other char btw Doina he took from me Bear silk Sun staff+7 Avatar hat+avatar accessory +550M
i used my premium 6 days ago and now it will finish with out doing anything i don't have at least gold for taxi anyway fk all thanks to Mahmoud Th_Killer_Eg and Eslam CallMeWizz and mahmoud mona4 for helping anyway i'll leave the game or leave the server again but this time i won't back to this server again

SmilrGhost 22-09-2011 11:09 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ronaldo33 (المشاركة 3845837)
anta aslan sr2tny fa shof rbna mosh byseb 7a2 7d

WTF ?! bro im not scammer and the whole server know that and ur friend and u re fking hacker u too my bow on sparta 109 u fking scammers

eslamxx77 22-09-2011 07:54 PM

ربنا يعوض عليك
ياض :closedeyes:

SmilrGhost 22-09-2011 11:43 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة eslamxx77 (المشاركة 3846888)
ربنا يعوض عليك
ياض :closedeyes:

Thanks Eslam btw i got my bow back from FOX xD

§¢Kemo¢§ 23-09-2011 12:50 PM

الواد مش فارق معاه حاجه :] طب ما تاخد ExeuE

SmilrGhost 24-09-2011 02:55 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة _kamal_ (المشاركة 3848232)
الواد مش فارق معاه حاجه :] طب ما تاخد ExeuE

he doesn't have ExcusE anymore and im talking about my bow my char not his ^^ anyway i sold my bow char 2day :D

§¢Kemo¢§ 28-09-2011 06:44 PM

مبروك :specool:

الساعة الآن 02:57 AM.

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