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Sniper-co The Next Evolution ----> !Join!Fast!
Server Name : SniperEvolution
Client : 5105 Server By Moro -Client 5105 -Lots of New Events - Frozzen grotto 1-6 with NeWMonsters -Challenge Arena [1vs1] -DeathTeam every day 7:00 -Over 50 New Garments With awsome effects -Honor Arena Like RealCo -CpsPotion Get double Cps -Hourly PK Tournament -Top Champion pk -Top class pk auto Invite -1Soc&2soc +12 +15 +20 - dmg Garment/Cups For Non Donators -100 Cps Drop Rate -5kk Gold Drop Rate - Max level 150 200 by Tokens -Max reborn 2 -New Items gear available With nice effects -+12 Max Compose -Top Couples -Rappits War -luckyBoxs -Death RAce tourment -Ahly & zamalek tourment -DeathRace tourment -LastManStand War -We Have GREAT Helping Staff! -Stuff being added Daliy -Online 24/7 Inless working on it. -SoulSystem like real co -Top Weekly War -Top Monthly War -AidsCave -deathteam War New style -Death race war -Super Guild War 23: Anti Aimpot 100% working 24: auto patch system 26- New Players Face And Avatars 27- New NPCS New Styles 28- SoulSystem 29-Capture The Flag 30- Begener Get Gears +5 As start And Alot Online 24/7 Inless working on it Download client : http://www.snipery.com/download/SniperEvolution.sfx.exe Website : SniperEvolution Register : Honor Arena http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/1786/6872661.jpg http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/2833/6916130.jpg http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/9074/dragonwar.jpg http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4513/flag1f.jpg http://img858.imageshack.us/img858/485/flag2.jpg http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9351/frozeninsect.jpg http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/2971/frozzen1.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/1769/frozzen2.jpg http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/8382/frozzen3.jpg http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/122/garments.gif http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/5076/honor6.jpg http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2971/honor1.jpg http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2592/honor2q.jpg http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/6066/honor3.jpg http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/3663/honor5.jpg http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/7082/levelup.gif http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/4...eenshotstc.gif http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/1746/shopzr.jpg http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/283/tigers.gif http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/9414/twincity.jpg Server Name : SniperEvolution Client : 5105 Server By Moro -Client 5105 -Lots of New Events - Frozzen grotto 1-6 with NeWMonsters -Challenge Arena [1vs1] -DeathTeam every day 7:00 -Over 50 New Garments With awsome effects -Honor Arena Like RealCo -CpsPotion Get double Cps -Hourly PK Tournament -Top Champion pk -Top class pk auto Invite -1Soc&2soc +12 +15 +20 - dmg Garment/Cups For Non Donators -100 Cps Drop Rate -5kk Gold Drop Rate - Max level 150 200 by Tokens -Max reborn 2 -New Items gear available With nice effects -+12 Max Compose -Top Couples -Rappits War -luckyBoxs -Death RAce tourment -Ahly & zamalek tourment -DeathRace tourment -LastManStand War -We Have GREAT Helping Staff! -Stuff being added Daliy -Online 24/7 Inless working on it. -SoulSystem like real co -Top Weekly War -Top Monthly War -AidsCave -deathteam War New style -Death race war -Super Guild War 23: Anti Aimpot 100% working 24: auto patch system 26- New Players Face And Avatars 27- New NPCS New Styles 28- SoulSystem 29-Capture The Flag 30- Begener Get Gears +5 As start And Alot Online 24/7 Inless working on it Download client : http://www.snipery.com/download/SniperEvolution.sfx.exe Website : SniperEvolution Register : Honor Arena http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/1786/6872661.jpg http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/2833/6916130.jpg http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/9074/dragonwar.jpg http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4513/flag1f.jpg http://img858.imageshack.us/img858/485/flag2.jpg http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9351/frozeninsect.jpg http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/2971/frozzen1.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/1769/frozzen2.jpg http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/8382/frozzen3.jpg http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/122/garments.gif http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/5076/honor6.jpg http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2971/honor1.jpg http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2592/honor2q.jpg http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/6066/honor3.jpg http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/3663/honor5.jpg http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/7082/levelup.gif http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/4...eenshotstc.gif http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/1746/shopzr.jpg http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/283/tigers.gif http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/9414/twincity.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/2j3f72s.jpg |
تشبه كونكر
مشكور |
:icecream::icecream: |
شكرا موضوع رائع
شكرا على اللعبة
بس دى شبه كونر تهييس |
جميله اوي شكرا
مش دي كونكر؟؟
شكرا موضوع رائع زى كونكر
شكرا على اللعبه
شكرا ليكم و هذا شرح للعبة بالعربى http://www.silkroad4arab.com/vb/show...=1#post3340464
شكرا يا جميل
شكرا يا جميل :angel_not::angel_not: |
شكلها كونكر اصلا :confused:
مش فاهم هما الناس الى بيعملوا الالعاب الونلين دول فاضيين ولا ايه :) شكرا على الموضوع |
الساعة الآن 05:06 AM. |
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