الموقع العربي الاول للعبة Silkroad Online

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-   -   Media Pk2: Adding Seal Of...........in Weapons (https://silkroad4arab.com/vb/showthread.php?t=10942)

WarLord 25-01-2008 03:52 PM

Media Pk2: Adding Seal Of...........in Weapons
You Must Dowanload Xvi32 First to Edit this File Just click Here :http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delph...vi32/xvi32.htm

:p Step .1
Back your media.pk2 up, the easiest way to do this go into your silkroad file and right click on media.pk2 simply click send to > My Documents. This makes a back up of the file.


Step .2
Open your newly made media.pk2 in the My Documents folder with a program such as xvi32 [ This will be the easiest seeing as I will base all my screenshots on this program ].

Step .3
At this step you should have media.pk2 opened in xvi32. If not restart this guide -lol. Anyways this is the important bit please read this carefully as you won't be doing much but it is important.
At the top of your xvi32 there should be a tab called search. Click this then click on ' find '.


Step .4
Now once you found that type exactly what it has in the red boxes. Doing this is essential or you will end up in the wrong place hens finding the wrong values.


Step .5
Right after doing this you will be looking for the item you want to change your weapon into [ SoS / SoM / SoSun ]. Say you are looking for a 3rd degree [ Level 16 ] bow sosun, you would need to be looking for:

See how it's bow 03 C Rare ... bow = Weapon type, 03 is the degree, C is SoSun [ B would be SoM, A would be SoS ]. Ok I'll do it with a 7th degree bow which would be ITEM_CH_BOW_07_C_RARE because I want a sosun looking bow. Now type your weapon in and press OK.

After doing this you should see something that looks like this:


Not the information given in the highlighted red box, it says exactly what you just typed in my case it's ITEM_CH_BOW_07_C_RARE yours is whatever you just searched for.

Step .6
Now this is where you will differ, say you have a lvl 52 bow I will change the ITEM_CH_BOW_07_C_RARE into ITEM_CH_BOW_07_A , if I had a 56 bow it would be ITEM_CH_BOW_07_B etc etc.
Just simply change the letter, after that you have to delete the _RARE as show in the screenshot here under.


Notice how in the screenshot I changed the letter because I have a 52 bow ? If you have a 72 weapon or lvl 60 or 48 don't bother changing it.
Not that I also highlighted 0D and 0A, well seeing as you have just taken away 5 values you have to re-add them with your cursor on the 0A do the following go to edit then click on insert string, it should give you a pop up like this. Fill it out EXACTLY like it is.


After that click ok and it should look similar to this:


Step .7
Now this is where most tutorials get confusing and you will get the wrong string. Read carefully and you wont be making that mistake
Scroll to the top of the file so that on the left it says joy max file manager! nothing hard just put your cursor at the start. Then type exactly what it says in the following screenshot. You may ask why on earth are we looking for item\etc\drop_ch_money_small.bsr ... that's because we need to be at a certain point of the file. Anyways this:


Step .8
Right after doing that you have to search again this time you will be searching backwards. Just do exactly what it says in the screenshot and you will be fine.


Step .9Now we go back to searching for you item. Mine was ITEM_CH_BOW_07_A seeing as we already took off the _RARE and changed the tier of the weapon. Yours could be ITEM_CH_TBLADE_08_C, all depends on what you typed in at step 6. Anyways do as follows:


Please note we are now searching forwards ie. change direction back to down.

Step .10
Right after you did this, you will be doing another search this time for 180000 not 18000 like in cruor's unedited thread. Once again 18000 for help check the screenshot.


Right this is where a lot of people get the wrong answer hens you have not followed other guides properly, if you followed this one it's easy ... regardless of the weapon you are editing you should see this:


Notice in red it's 180000 ? In blue there's 2 zero's [ 0's ] you will be changing the 2nd zero [ 0 ] in the blue box to a 2... so it looks like this :


Step .11
Right Now you have saved the file. The file if you have done exactly what I said so far should be in your My Documents file or whatever it's called depending in your Windows Language. Now drag this to your desktop, and open your sro file. Drag the media.pk2 from your sro file into My documents if it prompts to overwrite re-read what I just said. Right now drag the media.pk2 that is on your desktop into your sro file.

A 52+5 changed into SoSun +5:p


WarLord 25-01-2008 04:10 PM

Sosun Codes
this is the sosun codes






C : Seal Of Sun

B : Seal Of Moon

A : Seal Of Star

Degree of weapon : 0X:o

ahmed202055 25-01-2008 04:39 PM

هاهاهااها واية الفايدة منظر طبيعى هاهاهاهاهاهاهاها

WarLord 25-01-2008 07:09 PM

pls ya gam3a da awel mawdoo3 a3meloh law mosh 7elwo 5alas hamsa7oh ya3ny we law tel3 7elw pls ana 3ayez Redod

hamadamost12 25-01-2008 07:32 PM

ana hagarb .lw eshta3'al m3lsh enta 3abkryyyy :D
goood jop

korabikaa 25-01-2008 07:47 PM


AngelHaker 25-01-2008 07:49 PM

بص من الاخر ده بيحصل فعلا ولا مجرد انا بس اللي شايف كدا

al2rhaby 25-01-2008 09:28 PM

طيب بنسبه للاوربي يعمل ايه (يخبط دماغو بالحييط ولا ايه يعني)

WarLord 25-01-2008 11:45 PM












A : Seal Of Star

B : Seal Of Moon

C : Seal Of Sun

this is the euro sosun CoDeS :D

WarLord 25-01-2008 11:47 PM

pls ya gama3a ana 3ayez rodod :D 7elwa law el mawdo3 3agbak.......................law el redod zadet hagbeloko 7agat tanya kteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer away ana 3arfha :D

Amr Mando 25-01-2008 11:47 PM

حلوه بس محدش غيرك بيشوفها بس مشكور طبعا

YAYA 25-01-2008 11:53 PM

شكرا على البرنامج بس لو ممكن حضرتك تكتوب عربى هيبقى احسن علشان نفهم وبعدين اى حد من المشرفين يعمل سكان علشان نتاكد بس

WarLord 25-01-2008 11:55 PM

ok ya basha ana el mara el gya ha3melo 3araby :D

el mara el gaya ha2ol ezay ne3mel + fel weapon ya3ny momkn te3mel selak +9 aw +7 aw +11 :D

we dah tab3an bel pk2 edit :D

a7mad 26-01-2008 12:07 AM

peace hanzl oa hagrb oa law keda leek 3andy hdya fi redsea

a7mad 26-01-2008 12:53 AM

ya man
ana 3andy moshkla

thepunsher20 26-01-2008 01:25 AM

shokran ya man

samrobin 26-01-2008 03:17 AM


WarLord 26-01-2008 06:31 AM

ya gam3a law fe 7ad abletoh moshkela ye2oly :D

samrobin 26-01-2008 01:03 PM

bos ya man ana 3ayz a3raf ana bas ely bashof keda ola beb2a fe3lan sos,m,n
owe shokraaaaaaaaaaan

momken neb2a 2sdeka2 ana sameh

adhamsorya 26-01-2008 01:13 PM

ea man mktbtsh bl3arbe leh

mamdouh 26-01-2008 01:29 PM

meya meya ya ma3alem

barghout005 26-01-2008 03:43 PM

شكرأً يا مان

و Mando أنتا غلطان عشان لو صورت نفسك و أنتا كده

كلوا هيشوفها ...............................................(وأ نتا فاهم الباقى بقى )

يعنى منظره على الفاضى ..:)

SILK_DRAGON 26-01-2008 07:43 PM

mesh fahem 7aga law sama7t pm me on the e-mail

and fahemny 2eh dah

WarLord 26-01-2008 07:47 PM

ya gama3a da Silkroad Mod ya3ny enta bas ely betshofha we momkn teswar nafsak bas :)

menamezo 26-01-2008 10:20 PM

kol shwaya ygeple dont sendddddddddddddd

menamezo 26-01-2008 10:31 PM

mosh fahm wala kalma momken ttrgem we natlop men al moshrfen al taspet ?pas trgem al awellllllll

ahmedsasi 26-01-2008 10:37 PM

هوا الرجل اللى اسموا F_O_X قتل الTigerGirl وهوا lvl22????

WarLord 27-01-2008 12:53 AM

3ala fekra lama el le3ba tegeb Dont Send ma3nha enak 3amlt 7aga 5alat :S

adhamsorya 27-01-2008 01:13 AM

ea man aktb bl3arbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Ultra 27-01-2008 02:21 AM

شكرا على الموضوع

Messsssi_Venice 27-01-2008 04:20 AM

س انا هقولك حاجه انتا مان 100% 100%
بس لو سمحت بلاش انجليزى علشان فى بعض الكلمات انا مش فاهمها
مشكور يامان على موضوع ده باى يامان

spider5838772 27-01-2008 04:07 PM

sokran ya man

WarLord 27-01-2008 05:55 PM

Thx For All Comments :d

hamadamax 27-01-2008 07:33 PM

انا مش فاهم هو بيعمل ايه ممكن تشرح بالعربى لو سمحت وشكرا على المجهود العظيم ده

احمد جلال

zikoooooooooo 18-01-2009 03:52 PM

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo
fak you man}[/I

midoelsary77 18-01-2009 05:55 PM


bgbg007 18-01-2009 06:25 PM

شكـــــــــــــــــــــــرا :)

aymanok 18-01-2009 08:39 PM

tab ya man hoa anta katib el mwdo3 lih be el englize mosh kol el nas 3arfa enalize

bibo_hill 18-01-2009 08:43 PM


medo20063 18-01-2009 09:00 PM

الموضوع منقول بالنص والصور

بس مشكور

الساعة الآن 12:21 PM.

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