المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة branz
(المشاركة 4059409)
كود PHP:
set ansi_nulls on set quoted_identifier on go
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 20_smc__sharddb.sql _smc_add_item ¼öÁ¤ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------- alter procedure [dbo].[_smc_add_item] ----------------------------------------------------- params to find target item @targetstorage int, /* 0 = inventory, 1 = chest , 2 = guild chest, 3 = avatar inventory */ @ownername varchar(128), ----------------------------------------------------- params to modify the item @refitemid int, @optlvl tinyint, @variance bigint, @data int, @szcreater varchar(32), @magparamnum int, @magparam1 bigint, @magparam2 bigint, @magparam3 bigint, @magparam4 bigint, @magparam5 bigint, @magparam6 bigint, @magparam7 bigint, @magparam8 bigint, @magparam9 bigint, @magparam10 bigint, @magparam11 bigint, @magparam12 bigint as ---------------------------------------------------- -- step 1. Check validity of parameters ---------------------------------------------------- if (@targetstorage <> 0 and @targetstorage <> 1 and @targetstorage <> 2 and @targetstorage <> 3) begin select -1, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- invalid target storage return end declare @ownerid int declare @itemid bigint set @ownerid = 0 set @itemid = 0 declare @empty_slot int set @empty_slot = -1 if (@targetstorage = 0) begin select @ownerid = charid from _char where charname16 = @ownername if (@@rowcount = 0 or @ownerid = 0 or @ownerid is null) begin select -2, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint)-- can't find owner return end select top 1 @empty_slot = slot from _inventory where charid = @ownerid and slot >= 13 and itemid = 0 and slot < (select top 1 inventorysize from _char where charid = @ownerid) order by slot asc if (@@rowcount = 0) begin select -3, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- inventory full return end end else if (@targetstorage = 1) begin select @ownerid = jid from _accountjid where accountid = @ownername if (@@rowcount = 0 or @ownerid = 0 or @ownerid is null) begin select -2, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- can't find owner return end select top 1 @empty_slot = slot from _chest where userjid = @ownerid and (itemid = 0 or itemid is null) order by slot asc if (@@rowcount = 0) begin select -3, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- chest full return end end else if (@targetstorage = 2) begin select @ownerid = [id] from _guild where [name] = @ownername if (@@rowcount = 0 or @ownerid = 0 or @ownerid is null) begin select -2, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- can't find owner return end select top 1 @empty_slot = slot from _guildchest where guildid = @ownerid and (itemid = 0 or itemid is null) order by slot asc if (@@rowcount = 0) begin select -3, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- chest full return end -- ±æµå ·¹º§¿¡ µû¸¥ ±æµå ½½·Ô¼ö Á¦ÇÑÀ» È®ÀÎÇÏÀÚ. Declare @lvl tinyint declare @max_slot tinyint select @lvl = lvl from _guild where [id] = @ownerid set @max_slot = 30 * (@lvl - 1) - 1 if @empty_slot > @max_slot begin select -3, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- chest full return end end else begin select @ownerid = charid from _char where charname16 = @ownername if (@@rowcount = 0 or @ownerid = 0 or @ownerid is null) begin select -2, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint)-- can't find owner return end select top 1 @empty_slot = slot from _inventoryforavatar where charid = @ownerid and itemid = 0 and slot < 4 -- ÇÁ·Î½ÃÁ® ÇϵåÄÚµù(¾Æ¹ÙŸ ½½·ÔÀº 0, 1, 2, 3ÀÌ´Ù.) order by slot asc if (@@rowcount = 0) begin select -3, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- inventory full return end end if (@empty_slot < 0 or @empty_slot is null) begin select -4, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- unknown error ??? Return end declare @tid1 int declare @tid2 int declare @tid3 int declare @tid4 int select @tid1 = typeid1, @tid2 = typeid2, @tid3 = typeid3, @tid4 = typeid4 from _refobjcommon where id = @refitemid if (@tid1 <> 3) begin select -5, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) -- about to assign non-item object return end if (@tid2 <> 1) -- is not equipment begin -- can't assign magic param or optlevel to non-equip item if (@magparamnum > 0 or @optlvl > 0) begin select -6, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) return end end ---------------------------------------------------- -- step 2. Correct some non-critical parameters ---------------------------------------------------- if (@tid2 = 3 and @data = 0) -- can't assign overlap count 0 to expendable item begin set @data = 1 end if (len(@szcreater) = 0) set @szcreater = null ---------------------------------------------------- -- step add. Equip and pet @data setting ---------------------------------------------------- declare @is_equip int declare @is_pet int set @is_equip = 0 set @is_pet = 0 if (@tid1 = 3 and @tid2 = 1) set @is_equip = 1 else if (@tid1 = 3 and @tid2 = 2 and @tid3 = 1 and (@tid4 = 1 or @tid4 = 2)) set @is_pet = 1 if (@is_equip = 1) begin -- Àß ¸øµÈ id·Î select ÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ½. ¼öÁ¤ (by binu 2008-10-17) -- select @data = dur_l from _refobjitem where id = @refitemid select @data = dur_l from _refobjitem where id = (select link from _refobjcommon where id = @refitemid ) if (@optlvl < 0) set @optlvl = 0 else if (@optlvl > 12) set @optlvl = 12 end else begin if( @is_pet = 1 ) set @data = 0 else begin declare @maxcount int select @maxcount = maxstack from _refobjitem where id = @refitemid if (@data <= 0 or @data > @maxcount) set @data = @maxcount end set @optlvl = 0 end ---------------------------------------------------------- -- step3. Create item and set to associated storage ---------------------------------------------------------- set xact_abort on begin transaction declare @newitemid bigint declare @serial64 bigint set @newitemid = 0 set @serial64 = 0 exec @newitemid = _strg_alloc_item_notx @serial64 output if (@newitemid = 0) begin rollback transaction select -7, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) return end if (@magparamnum = 0) begin update _items set refitemid = @refitemid, optlevel = @optlvl, variance = @variance, data = @data, magparamnum = 0, serial64 = @serial64 where id64 = @newitemid end else begin update _items set refitemid = @refitemid, optlevel = @optlvl, variance = @variance, data = @data, magparamnum = @magparamnum, magparam1 = @magparam1, magparam2 = @magparam2, magparam3 = @magparam3, magparam4 = @magparam4, magparam5 = @magparam5, magparam6 = @magparam6, magparam7 = @magparam7, magparam8 = @magparam8, magparam9 = @magparam9, magparam10= @magparam10, magparam11 = @magparam11, magparam12 = @magparam12, serial64 = @serial64 where id64 = @newitemid end if (@@error <> 0) begin rollback transaction select -8, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) return end if (@targetstorage = 0) update _inventory set itemid = @newitemid where charid = @ownerid and slot = @empty_slot else if (@targetstorage = 1) update _chest set itemid = @newitemid where userjid = @ownerid and slot = @empty_slot else if (@targetstorage = 2) update _guildchest set itemid = @newitemid where guildid = @ownerid and slot = @empty_slot else update _inventoryforavatar set itemid = @newitemid where charid = @ownerid and slot = @empty_slot if (@@rowcount = 0 or @@error <> 0) begin rollback transaction select -9, cast(0 as bigint), cast(0 as bigint) return end commit transaction select @empty_slot, @newitemid, @serial64 return
كود PHP:
if (@optlvl < 0) set @optlvl = 0 else if (@optlvl > 12) set @optlvl = 12
تابع الصوره دى ؟
كود PHP:
if (@optlvl < 0) set @optlvl = 0 else if (@optlvl > 255) set @optlvl = 255
وللعلم اخر اللعبه +255 عشان مش الاقى واحد بيقولى ازاى اعمل 500 ؟
وبعدين فى دى
if (@optlvl < 0)
set @optlvl = 0
else if (@optlvl > 255)
set @optlvl = 255
ممكن تخلى ال 255 اى رقم انت عاوزه تحتها بس مش ينفع اكتر
يارب يكون الحل مناسب