HiGhVoLTaGe |
Kayle - The Judicator

Melee - Fighter - Support
In a world far away where an ancient war still rages, Kayle was a great hero - the strongest of an immortal race committed to destroying evil wherever it could be found. For ten thousand years, Kayle fought tirelessly for her people, wielding her flaming sword forged before time itself. She shielded her delicate features beneath her enchanted armor, the sole remaining masterpiece of an extinct race of craftsmen. Though a beautiful, striking creature, Kayle, now as then, avoids showing her face; war has taken a terrible toll upon her spirit. In her quest for victory, she sometimes would try to lift the wicked up from their morass of evil, but more than often she instead purged those she herself deemed beyond redemption. To Kayle, justice can so often be an ugly thing.
Ten years ago, Kayle's war against evil was nearly won... until her rebellious sister Morgana, a pariah amongst their people, suddenly gained powerful new allies: magicians of a hitherto unknown world called Runeterra. Morgana traded servitude to a number of the summoners in Runeterra's League of Legends for powerful new abilities that, if mastered, threatened to bring Kayle and her people to their knees. To save her world, Kayle had no choice but to make a pact with the League herself. She approached the leader of the League, High Counselor Reginald Ashram, with a deal of her own. In exchange for a thousand years of Kayle's service, Ashram halted all League interference on Kayle's world. With Ashram's disappearance five years ago, Kayle has new causes on Valoran: find out who or what caused Ashram to disappear, defeat her sister Morgana upon the Fields of Justice, and bring her own brand of justice to the League of Legends.

Kayle Skins
Viridian Kayle

Battleborn Kayle

Aether Wing Kayle Legendary Skin

Champion Stats
Damage 53.3 +2.8 / per level
Health 418 +93 / per level
Mana 255 +40 / per level
Move Speed 335
Armor 17 +3.5 / per level
Spell Block 30 +0 / per level
Health Regen 7 +0.75 / per level
Mana Regen 6.9 +0.525 / per level

Champion Abilities
Holy Fervor
( Passive )

لـمـا Kayle بـتـعـمـل Attack عـلـى حـد الـ Armor و Magic Resistance بـيـقـل بـانـسـبـة 3% عـنـده


بـتـعـمـل Damage و Slow
Blasts a target, dealing 60/110/160/210/260 (+1.0) (+1) magic damage, slowing their Movement Speed by 35/40/45/50/55% for 3 seconds, and applying a stack of Holy Fervor.
Cost :- 70/75/80/85/90 Mana
Range :- 650

Divine Blessing

بـتـعـمـل Heal + Speed
Blesses an allied champion, increasing their Movement Speed by 18/21/24/27/30% for 3 seconds and healing them for 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.35) health.
Cost :- 60/70/80/90/100 Mana
Range :- 900

Righteous Fury

بـتـخـلـى الـ Sword بـتـاعـكـ يـبـقـى نـار و ضـربـتـكـ بـتـتـحـول تـبـقـى Range
Kayle increases her Attack Range by 400 for 10 seconds and her basic attack deals an additional 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.4) magic damage on hit.
In addition, enemies near her target take 20/25/30/35/40% of her Attack Damage plus 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.4) magic damage on attack.
Cost :- 45 Mana
Range :- 0

Intervention - Ultimate

بـتـعـمـل عـلـيـكـ Shield مـش بـخـلـيـكـ تـاخـد اى Damage مـن اى حـد لـمـدة 2.5 Sec
Bathes Kayle's target in a holy light, rendering them immune to all damage for 2/2.5/3 seconds.
Cost :- 100/75/50 Mana
Range :- 900

Champion Items
Doran's Blade

Total Price: 475
Recipe Price: 475
10 Attack Damage, 80 Health. Passive: Your basic attacks restore 5 health each time they hit an enemy.

Berserker's Greaves

Total Price: 900
Recipe Price: 150
20 Attack Speed. UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed.

Hextech Gunblade

Total Price: 3400
Recipe Price: 275
65 Ability Power, 45 Attack Damage, 10 Life Steal. UNIQUE Passive: 20% Spell Vamp. UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks and single target spells against champions reduce the cooldown of this item by 3 seconds. UNIQUE Active: Deals 150 + 40% of your Ability Power as magic damage and slows target champion's Movement Speed by 40% for 2 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Total Price: 2600
Recipe Price: 865
40 Ability Power, 30 Attack Damage. Passive: Your basic attacks or spellcasts grant you 4% Attack Speed and 4 Ability Power for 8 seconds. This bonus stacks up to 8 times. UNIQUE Passive: Falling below 50% health grants you 20% Attack Speed, 10% Life Steal and 10% Spell Vamp until you exit combat (30 second cooldown)

Trinity Force

Total Price: 3843
Recipe Price: 3
30 Ability Power, 30 Attack Damage, 30 Attack Speed, 10 Critical Strike Chance, 250 Health, 200 Mana, 8 Movement Speed Multiplier. UNIQUE Passive: Icy: Your basic attacks have a 25% chance to slow your target's Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds (20% for ranged attacks). UNIQUE Passive: Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 150% of your base Attack Damage. 2 second cooldown. Does not stack with Sheen or Lich Bane.

Guardian Angel

Total Price: 2600
Recipe Price: 1480
50 Armor, 30 Magic Resistance. UNIQUE Passive: Revives your Champion upon death, restoring 30% of your maximum Health and Mana. This effect can only occur once every 5 minutes.

Champion Runes
3x Greater Quintessence of Ability Power

Purchase Cost: 1025
+4.95 ability power

9x Greater Glyph of Ability Power

Purchase Cost: 410
+1.2 ability power

9x Greater Seal of Armor

Purchase Cost: 205
+1.41 armor

9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration

Purchase Cost: 410
+0.87 magic penetration

Flash Ignite

Champion Masteries

تـرتـيـب فـتـح الـ Skills

Kayle is Bad ِagainst
( Counters )
( - - - - - - - - - )

Kayle is Good against
( بـيـبـقـى كـويـس جـدا قـدامـ )
( - - - - - - - - )

Kayle is Good with
( احـسـن نـاس تـلـعـب مـعـاكـ فـ نـفـس الـ Lane )
( - - - - - - - - - )
