18-06-2014 12:49 PM
GM] COMNDs] 3shan 3mlt Update we ft7t be loader 3la tool aft7 silkroad.exe we y3ml update we aft7 be loader al game htsht8l
18-06-2014 06:45 AM
GusToma i Solved it thx <3
18-06-2014 06:02 AM
Error Code 4 Patch Not Finished

client requested higher version than the latest version known to server! about to exploit?: [contents: 22, module: SR_Client, requested ver: 345, latest ver: 217

اللعبة كانت شغالة تمام عملت update

Error Code 4 Patch Not Finished

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الساعة الآن 05:35 AM.