المحادثة بين ironhulk38 و thedevil88
عرض رسائل الزوار 41 إلى 50 من 183
class d12 FTW :) very funny but i dont want to start from 0 :S and the server isnot new
GMsof srokings are just talkers they r not going to do any thing and the server will goes off and im sick of playing d10 i wanna play d11 tryiong to find fine server :)
i know that it will back but the GMs said that it will take much time
and my download speed is 10 - 15 kb xD
so i wont be able to download it
anyway im sick of playing in D11, D12 & D13 servers
i wanna try a new thing like srokings
xD gonna be fine to speak with english :)
i tihnk so ex going to go online againi asked cerror and he told me it will work again and about sro king im boored of going off so lets dl ex srodr better or..?
ex is closed :D
because of ddos attack
english ftw xD
ma tigi nnzl ex srodr? shklha fagra
omal leh atms7 mn aksam al server :S?
لا ياض ده خبر قديم
حيفتح بكرة او بعدو بالكتير