المحادثة بين ironhulk38 و thedevil88
عرض رسائل الزوار 31 إلى 40 من 183
w mlhash kesm 3al montada la la fakes kida ghba2 nazl ex yabny :D
mana msh 3arf asl 3ebha al nas feeha r5ma ana lvl 79 w msh la2y 7d ylvlni w m3ish gold agib al set kl al 3maya al ewaqpon d9 w set d5 w accs d5 :S
طيب لما ادخل انام حسيب التحميل شغال
la5s !!? anta bt5tar server wla btshtry la7ma;D
okey okey fst but class specials thts on the web site r wrong bec. cap 120 d12 not 110 d11
i will check the specials of the 2 servers
then i will tell you what did i choose
i will quit sro if u quit it just pick nw
both good
i will try srokings for the last time
if the server will go offline for a long time again i wont play in it anymore
maybe i will quit sro for some time xD